Reality: cold splash of water. Truth comes for the dying.
Reality is just a pattern, one that never ends. It never ends because it doesn't exist. What we see is only bias between things that are really the same in the end, they are made up of a larger group or bias.
My artwork-
Everything has a larger sameness, people are just opposite pieces of a society, one side of an argument fights the other, one side wins and slowly they lose their meaning: War is a commitment, what do you do once you win it?
You put all those resources into war and now you cannot use them. Well maybe you decide that you need to make a routine of it, then you get to re-use your weapons the next time.
The same scenario is true for music, art, business, news, acquiring the earths resources etc.
What we have to realize what we do, is life.
We are life.
We are nature.
We are animals.
We are natural organisms! We should be in the business of making life happen! Unfortunately we have been cleaning, destroying, pacifying and sterilizing it for some time now.
To be a piece of life is to be messy, the trees and birds do not have regulations on where to plant themselves or make a nest.
My photography-
The natural world has no self imposed rules, our society has developed an entire infrastructure and way of life around rules. Rules are a simplification of disorder of nature, rules are not a different kind of life, but a lessening of it. Genres in music and art are so restrictive, so simple.
Lots of actually good artists do not even think about genres!
There are not enough genres, because they have to get accepted and popularized, and because so many artists follow the popular genres for fear of losing their audience.
The minds of humanity is where we are to find our ability to steer this great rickety ship.
The mind is a fundamental issue today, the minds of people are in a state of death, thinking that their predefined rules are absolute. They think that the only way to live in this world is to find some large organisation to work for.
The organisations are just empty machines built to function on a small level, keeping it's staff alive while it harvests what little there is of the life in the world. Supporting only the elite who are distant enough not to care who is effected by what they do.
They are also skilled enough to hide their bad side from the public view.
There are no winners now in life, just selfish cold people, unknowing/confused public surviving, and the lonely, depressed, sometimes homeless, often jobless who tried to be better than all the others but were cheated by the rest.
Sure there are those enjoying their ride, but most of us are not enjoying this! It is time to pull everyone up. Change the way you think so that we can heal the world.
True winning does not happen alone and separate from your environment, are you out doing things, being happy while some children are starving, a company is polluting, cars are making the air you breathe unbreathable. There are people working everyday in monotonous jobs.
My photography-
Maybe you are working a monotonous job, is that really life?
The thing is that, this whole situation is created by public consciousness. We need to all become flexible and realize that our current situation is created by our own actions, and our own minds. Humans now have the ability to all have a wonderful, great life.
The only barrier is us, so please share your mind with others, and have conversations about what you know society does.
We are the matrix. The matrix can be better.
We are not being let down, we are all losing this game.
We are missing a way of life.
Listen to this:
Or this:
But you can't have both! sorry, NO.
Do you want to know truth, for life to be simple, or do you want life to engulf you. Do you want to be a healthy piece of life?
There are is only one scale: how complicated, how alive do you want to be? To be alive is to be in a complicated delusion. To be alive is to have no specific script.
However, there is a mechanism, an influence disrupting the delusion, modern life is wrong, our technology and science is wrong, it is just death, just simplification. To know the truth is a symptom of death, a dying man does not care about rules and obligations, he cheats and becomes distant, not caring about the effects of his actions.
We must try to recreate life in our society.
First we must kill away our rules and preconceptions to produce a road-map back to life.
Then the dead minds of humanity can ride the wave back to life.
We who know the truth must provide directions, and the others must drive.