Fight or Flight

in #life6 years ago

Well, from the beginning of writing until now, we have discussed that the disease is not only caused by material cases, such as viruses and bacteria, but also caused by the mind. How the mind attacks the health of the body can be explained through the mechanism of the onset of stress, which involves the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the body's organs and systems. Then what kind of explanation? The explanation begins with early humans.

Early humans have a defense mechanism against external pressure itself, namely by the mechanism of fight or flight, attack or run. (The concept of fight or fligh was invented by Hardvard psychologist Walter Bradford Cannon.Fight or flight is a reaction possessed by animals as a defense mechanism against external threats.In its development, this reaction is adopted by humans.This form of defense is done through this reaction that is conduct a counterattack against the source of the threat, and escape from a source of threat In ancient humans, flight can also be a silent state, not moving at all and pretending to be dead). When faced with threats from enemies, be they wild animals or natural calamities, early humans responded to the threat by counter-attack or running. In the brain, this mechanism occurs in the automatic nervous system. This nervous system consists of two parts that work together namely the sympathetic nervous system (symphatetic nervous system) and parasympathetic nervous system (parasymphatetic nervous system). The sympathetic nervous system is what causes a fight or flight reaction in humans. Meanwhile, the parasympathetic nervous system plays a role to restore the individual under normal circumstances.

In fact, pressure enters the conscious mind as raw, innocent information, unrelated to negative or positive information. Only after the conscious mind has analyzed the information, the resulting conclusion contains values, which can be either positive or negative. Well, when the conscious mind concludes that the information contains pressure, it can be understood that the resulting conclusion is negative information. In order to overcome that pressure, arises a reaction on the sympathetic nerves that cause increased heart rate and blood pressure. This is what triggers a fight or flight reaction. Early humans strike back the source of pressure (wild animals, for example). When he wins the battle with a source of pressure, then the threat coming from the source of the pressure vanishes. As the pressure dissipates, the parasympathetic nervous system takes over the role. As a result of his activities make the body become relaxed and calm. Heart rate back to normal, stable blood pressure.

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