
in #life7 years ago (edited)

I decided to create a podcast called "Baboseiras" (it's portuguese for "Baloney"). And what the hell is this thing about Baloney Podcast? Yes, I'm really asking you, because I still don't quite know what this is. I mean, I know, but I still do not know what will happen from here. For now, I can say that it's a show where I talk about everyday things, outbursts, conspiracy theories, jokes, sketches, alcohol and whatever I feel like talking. As a matter of fact, I'm in the mood for some glass of red wine. Well, I always feel like it.

Why I chose the name "Baloney"? For one thing, because "Baloney" means, in slang: "to say something crazy, foolishness, stupidity". And that's just the kind of thing that happens in the podcast.
The other reason is that in the distant year of 2006, in a time where blogs were in, I also decided to create one to talk about things and gave precisely that name. My first post on this blog was on October 21, 2006 and I will present you with this post that was the beginning of many things. Actually, it was not the beginning of anything, but I found it nice to say. Here it goes: the first post on my blog on October 21, 2006:
"In Portugal, statistics say that each family has about 2 to 3 cars. In telecommunications, there are more mobile phones than people. The field of computers and internet is not far behind, since every internet user has more blogs than underwear.
Not to be left behind, and as i'm already writing 2 blogs (and have 2 pieces of underwear), here I create my "solo project". A place where I can say everything that goes through my head and others that pass by me but I could catch.
In short: another blog to take up space on the internet and waste time to those who read it.
Before I finish the post, I will introduce myself. I am Gustavo Vieira, I come from the Amora (Portugal). For those who do not know where it is, it's where the stolen cars are stored."

And that was the post. And I could use the same text now, but replacing the word "blog" by "podcast". Because 10 years later, people practically stopped writing blogs to be recording podcasts.
And in fact I still do not know exactly how this "Baloney" will be. It could be a podcast, a kind of blog or an audio Twitter, a radio show, or even an audio file stored on my computer where I talk and no one is listening.
I don't even know if there's going to be any background music, maybe some sound effects... I don't know. But if all goes well, some of you will be able to listen to the podcast through iTunes, others through online radio and others after downloading through any Russian podcast aggregator site. I would be happy. You know that you achieved success when you have your podcast on a Russian podcast aggregator site without your knowledge.

Before I finish this description of the podcast, I will introduce myself better. My name is Gustavo Vieira and I'm from Portugal. I'm a comedian and a musician. In aother words, I'm unemployed. I also do other things like voice-overs, podcasts, radio shows, but practically all for free. You can say that I am literally a freelancer, that is: someone who does things for free.
Many of these works of mine can be found on my website at, Facebook, Youtube, Soundcloud and even MySpace. I think there's still something in Hi5 but I don't know, because I have not been there for years.

Baboseiras01 - BaboseirasPic.jpg

Podcast version in portuguese language available on:
iTunes -
Soundcloud -
Internet Archive -
Rádio Utopia -

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