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RE: There is a special hell just for programmers

in #life8 years ago

LOL! Have you heard of source code repository with frequent check-ins. Been there, done that on more than one occasion.


I've tried using them, but they seem to cause more issues than they solve for me.
This was especially weird in that I've just rebuilt my pc with new hard drives. So you really would't expect it to fail so soon.

As I said in a previous comment, I do my dev work in Virtual Machines. I have one VM for each site I work on. That lets me set up specific environments, setting, FTP connections etc for each site and then forget about it.

So the process of changing hard disk is really no drama for my dev work. I just copy the machine image to the new disk and I can start from exactly where I left off.

It's a system that works really well for me. This was just really bad timing and a little odd that the data cable seems to be failing.

If you do TDD you might find yourself checking in more frequently into code repository. Write test-Red. Write code - Green. Check-In.

Have you tried using Azure or AWS (side question)? What languages do you use?

Hello @gutzofer I mainly work in PHP, HTML, CSS and Javascript.
I've been moving more and more into the front end over the years, using web services to pull in content.

I've tried using all sorts of code management systems in various places I've worked. They are a good idea for big teams that are distributed. But I'm now a contractor working with a small team that works really well together, and we all have our own bits we work on.

So the whole code checkin / checkout stuff is more overhead than we need.
for the most part the way I have things set up works really well for me, day to day.
I just need to remember to do daily backups. :-)

Practical low friction trumps all. Perfect is the enemy of the good. Happy coding.

Thanks ;-)
Good luck with your Steemit experience. I'll be keepiong an eye on how it progresses. ;-)

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