Experience is worth something, it makes you the Hero

in #life7 years ago

There are words every man loves to hear.

Honey we have a problem! Awoken from a dead sleep, thoughts soft and shadowed with slumber, it only took me seconds to shake off the fog of the sandman. Problem? I can do this, sped through my mind. What's the problem babe? The most wondrous person in the world replied, The toilet is overflowing.

When I was much younger, I had the pleasure of enlisting in the US Navy. Not only did I serve my country, but my country trained me up in skills that has lasted me for a lifetime. One of the skills at which the Navy decided I would be best working on, is cleaning heads - bathrooms/water closets are called heads. The Navy made sure not only that I become proficient in, but also have lots of practical experience in plunging toilets.

After about 10 seconds. The toilet was cleared, without any spillage.

Next week I will be 51 years of age. When I compare myself to the man I was at 18 and the man I am today, there is a world of difference. This difference is all the experiences I have had. Good and Bad. Today, if you happen to be not so full of experiences, know that eventually you will. I hope that you will get to point in your life where within ten seconds you can be the hero and get the love and adoration of your loved ones.

Get out there and have some experiences! Or not. It is up to you.

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Good you can deal so easy with things :)

Have plunger will travel.

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