in #life7 years ago


(THIS TEXT IS A RESULTS OF RESEARCH ABOUT Descriptive Life History Study on Six Gay People in Medan City INDONESIA)


The existence of gay, lesbian and bisexual in this world actually has existed since long including in the middle of Indonesian society. But the last few years the existence of gay into the spotlight of various media in the world due to various cases involving gays including sexual violence committed by gays themselves. In Indonesia cases of sexual violence committed by a gay to gay couples also often occur although not exposed vulgar or openly to the public sphere. But in some mass media like the internet and magazines (gay magazine called Gaya Nusantara), cases of sexual violence committed by a gay to gay couples often become hot news let alone accompanied by the recognition of some gays who became victims of sexual violence from their gay couples. It is still clear in Indonesian people's memory when there is a murder case committed by Veri Idham Henyansyah alias Ryan. Ryan is proven to kill and even mutilate Heri Santoso out of jealousy and displeasure with the heart-stopping victims of his Novel girlfriend. Ryan hit Heri with iron and stabbed him with a knife and then cut Heri's body into seven pieces. It is even more surprising that previously Ryan had also committed murder and the corpse of his victim was buried behind his house.

Of the eleven victims, nine were gay. In addition to Ryan's case, a case that also shocked the Indonesian community was the sexual violence perpetrated by seven Banda Raya Banda Aceh police officers in gay couples, "HA" (GAY NOW activists) and Bobby. The gay couple were forced to undress until naked, then they were beaten. With bodies full of wounds and without clothes, they are forced to perform oral, anal sex and masturbation. They were also sprayed with water and their heads were urinated. There was even one member of the police who pointed a long rifle in their genitals (Utomo in DEPORT Bulletin, 2008). This is certainly a fact that states that sexual violence committed by a gay to gay couples also occur in the midst of our society. It is astonishing to learn that the fact that sexual violence is not only committed by heterosexual couples or normal partners (male and female) but also by homosexual couples (who are gay in this case).

The amount of sexual violence that occurs in gay couples also increases annually. Furthermore, even mentioned by Garbo in his 1999 study, about 45% of victims of sexual violence came from the Caucasian race, 17% of the Latin race, 11% of African-American races and 4% of Asia. While 44% of victims of sexual violence were between 33 and 44 years old, 21% were between 23 to 29 years old, 12% were between 45 to 64 years old, 4% were between 18 to 22 years old and 1% were under 18 or above 65 years. This suggests that men who experience sexual violence come from various ethnicities mainly from the Caucasian race and most commonly in middle adult couples (Garbo, 2000). One of the biggest triggering factors of sexual violence in gay couples is when one partner is diagnosed with HIV. The acknowledged confession creates anger to gay people diagnosed with HIV so that sexual violence takes place. The rest of the cases are due to the usual conflicts of any pair, including jealous and possessive problems where gays are known to be more possessive than heterosexual individuals (Davidson, 1997 and Spindle, 2003).


Cases of sexual violence in gay couples are very difficult to detect. This is because of their closeness in maintaining their identity and sexual orientation in society. The public who knows this is mostly shocked because it does not occur to them that sexual violence can occur in gay couples (Spindle, 2003). Sexual violence that occurs in gay couples often leads to more fatal things compared to heterosexual couples. Several cases have been reported involving the use of weapons such as rifles that result in serious injury and even death (Barnes, 2003). Other sexual violence can result from consuming alcohol causing drunk aggressors. Sexual violence is usually sexual coercion. Sexual violence that occurs varies from the forced kissing to the imposition of penetration. In addition to consuming alcohol, sexual violence can also occur because the aggressor uses several tactics, such as: 1. threat of disconnection 2. lie 3. giving false promises 4. the threat of violence 5. the threat of rifle use 6. the threat of using physical violence DECISION MAKING PROCESS BEING GAY The decision making process becomes gay influenced by internal factors that come from inside of informant and environmental factor around informant. Self-understanding of the informant as a gay will not be formed into an active sexual orientation if from within the informant there is no desire to become a gay. At first the informants did not have the correct knowledge about sexual orientation. Informants just follow the feelings and enjoy the sensation of attraction to same-sex without thinking the consequences further. The sense of attraction that was originally just buried then manifested in a commitment to establish a relationship. Physical and sexual attraction then turns into a desire for intimate relationships. This relationship which then determines the informant will continue his sexual orientation as a gay or change his sexual orientation to be heterosexual. It turns out that the relationship that the informant lived with his partner made the informant feel to find something missing from within his family such as comfort and inner satisfaction. Informants who feel the satisfaction and fulfillment of sexual needs and emotional needs in similar relationships tend to further strengthen their sexual identity as gay.



Some of us would still think that gays and transvestites are the same. And if we want to be a little observant to notice there are some fairly basic differences when viewed from the packaging point of view of these two social phenomena. More precisely they are essentially similar but not the same. Gay and transvestites are referred to as social phenomena because they are situations and lifestyles and sexual orientations that are inconsistent with the very nature of human creation destined for couples between men and women. Homosexuality as same-sex sexual orientation is basically not also escape from the intrinsic value of human pairing, because in homosexuals this class is divided into two roles, although the same sex. In homosexual couples there is a party that applies as a woman and some are applicable as men. It is characterized by a rather striking physical appearance and gestures between the two. That is why we see there are transsexuals along with their trinkets and gay men who are very difficult to guess their sexual orientation, because it looks almost the same as heterosexual men in general. But there are some traits that symbolize themselves as gay men as described below. Without intending to generalize, in general these physical features sometimes portray themselves as gay or a transvestite.


Characteristics of a gay, namely:

  1. Most gays are physically male figures with good looks above average men.
  2. Most gays mark themselves with piercings on the ear, usually on the right, but some even have pierced in both parts of the ear.
  3. Most of the gays use white handkerchiefs that are placed in the right pants pocket and deliberately eject a bit of the handkerchief to make it look.
  4. Some of them tend to like to wear jewelry like a necklace (usually a golden necklace either yellow gold or white gold) like a metrosexual man.
  5. Most of the gay by nature is a polite and well mannered man, impressed very neatly, yet still showing a feminine impression in his movements, but some are very subtle when interacting.
  6. Most gay men are sensitive and in everyday life quite sociable, but they are very perfectionists in the field.
  7. Most gay men usually work in entertainment, such as actors, singers, designers, hairdressers and even models. But in general they are generally engaged in areas that require detail with perasaaan and high levels of perfectionism.

Sam Brody.jpgsource

The characteristics of a transvestite and the difference with a gay man, namely:

  1. In terms of appearance almost all transvestites tend to dress like a woman from both clothes and accessories and knick-knacks he wore. This appearance is the most striking difference between a transvestite with a gay man.
  2. Most of the transvestites not only in terms of appearance that mimics a woman, even many of them are very obsessed with patenting the organs of his body resembles a woman. Just look at how many transvestites who perform breast surgery and even genital surgery to transform themselves into a true woman. While gay men tend to keep their physical condition.
  3. The gestures and the intonation of his dialect when communicating are very subtle though they sound strange and ludicrous with the volume vibrations between women and men. While gay men are able to disguise this intonation, although subtle still can still be distinguished for the observant look and listen to the intonation.
  4. Most transvestites tend to be more sensitive and possessive than women in general. So many cases of transvestites even willing to kill his partner who caught cheating.
  5. Most of the transsexual careers in the field of entertainment, such as hairdressers, makeup artists, artistic stylist and even some if nighttime there is a service in the field of sex services for gay and bisexual men who do not have a permanent partner. This is one that distinguishes gay with transvestites because gays usually prefer to establish a permanent relationship with same-sex couples.


Barnes, R. 2003. Same-Sex Battering Often Goes Unreported. San Antonio : Express-News, Saturday, May 17. ,

Davidson, R. 1997. The Gay Community’s Dirty Secret – Domestic Violence – is Finally Coming Out of The Closet. ,

Garbo, J. 2000. Reports of LGBT Domestic Violence on the Rise. ,

Nugroho, Sigit Cahyo, Siswati & Hastaning Sakti. 2005. Jurnal Pengambilan Keputusan Menjadi Homoseksual pada Laki-laki Usia Dewasa Awal.


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Ryan's case, a case that also shocked

rian a cold-blooded killer who has art in killing people. in fact the murder of rian is not too many victims when compared with ahmad suraji, ahmad suraji kill up to 42 women, who want to black magic, ahmad suraji in killing do not have art, strangled the victim's neck and taken saliva. if rian kill her victim in a way that strange and sadistic .. hopefully we and our family in keep away from human like rian.
thank you @r351574nc3 for visiting me

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