Why I like Vladimir Putin

in #life2 years ago (edited)

Reasons for liking Vladimir Putin

This happened around 2015 or 2016 at one of those town Hall meetings convened by Blake Farenthold, at the time US rep from Tx district 27 in Victoria Tx. Two or three people had made derogatory comments involving Mr. Putin and I felt I had to say something. I was recognized to speak and this is what I said, to the best of my memory:

You know, it's funny, but I've been waiting a long time to hear some politician, any politician, with the power to do anything about it, say the first word about protecting Christianity and Christians in this world and, so far at least, the only taker has been Vladimir Putin. In fact Christian leaders in Syria have flatly stated that Vladimir Putin saved Christianity in Syria i.e. that without his intervention starting in 2014, there would be no Christians in Syria today and Syria is the ancient heartland of Christianity. In fact, this being the Bible Belt, I'd have to assume that at least a few of you are familiar with the story of St. Paul and the road to Damascus, and Damascus is in Syria believe it or not...

Vladimir Putin in fact has made the protection of Christianity a major plank in Russian foreign policy and I do not see anything not to like in that pictue. Again, if the people we have supported in Syria had ever taken the place over, there would be no Christians in Syria today. That plainly does not bother our own leaders but it should bother us.

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