Purple Age claims now showing up in regular science literature

in #life7 years ago

Typical article:


"The lush green planet that we call home may have actually looked purple in its earliest days, according to the "Purple Earth hypothesis."

No, this doesn't mean there were purple trees or purple grass or purple animals. It would have been before any multicellular organisms even evolved, when single-cell microorganisms dominated the planet and possibly created a purple hue that could be seen from space.

These purple organisms may have reigned supreme and existed in varying concentrations across the planet, said Shiladitya DasSarma, a microbiologist and professor at the University of Maryland. DasSarma has studied one of these microorganisms and created the Purple Earth hypothesis."


"and possibly created a purple hue that could be seen from space." In other words, our very sky could have been purple according to these studies.

You would think somebody would notice something like that...


In fact, the oldest oral tradition that there is on earth and which find in books on aboriginal mythologies speak of a "Purple Dawn" age prior to the so-called "Golden Age" which you read about in the works of Plato and other classical authors and which probably corresponded to the time between Adam and Noah in Genesis. In fact, the idea of purple and gold as Royal colors arises from those two colors having been the basic colors of the sky in the two world ages preceding ours.

The question of a purple Dawn age on earth was a major motivation for the Ganymede Hypothesis. The old creatures of the earth (hominids, dinosaurs, lemurs, tarsiers, owls etc.) all had the same huge dark world/purple Dawn adapted eyes. Humans and Dolphins with the smallest relative eye sizes of advanced creatures, could not reasonably be assumed to have arisen in this deep purple/darkish environment which was the original environment of this planet.

In fact, Neanderthals and other hominids were adapted to a completely different set of conditions than humans are adapted to. The first thing you notice looking at Danny Vendramini's Neanderthal reconstructions is the huge, dark world eyes:

The Neanderthal has typically been viewed as a primitive human rather than as an advanced ape largely because of the size of his brain, actually a little bit larger than ours. But the Neanderthal brain was dominated by the area of the brain associated with vision and that, in combination with the huge dark world eyes, tells us that the Neanderthal brain was largely the neurological equivalent of the circuitry for a military night vision device. The Neanderthal was a very advanced bipedal ape with eyesight adapted to a very darkish, purplish environment.

The idea of humans evolving from hominids is basically ridiculous. For any hominid to evolve into a human, that hominid would have to lose everything which he needed to live, including:

  1. His fur, while ice ages were in progress.
  2. Almost all of his sense of smell.
  3. Almost all of his night vision (which would be particularly horrible when living in a purplish world)

An aquatic mammal, of course, does not require much in the way of night vision or a sense of smell.

There are two ways you could view Elaine Morgan's "Aquatic Ape" theory:

Viewed as a theory of human evolution, it is just another flavor of BS.

Viewed as a theory of human adaptation however, it is the best theory which is ever come down the road but it has never gotten any traction in academia and there are two reasons for that. There is no fossil evidence of any such aquatic ape on our planet and, there has never been a body of water on this planet which would be safe for humans to live in full time. You only need to spend 15 minutes in the ancient sea monster section of the Smithsonian Museum to comprehend why humans have never lived in water on this particular planet. In other words, the theory is perfectly good, it just needs a different sort of planet to happen on.

Human origins, the real version:

On Facebook:

On Youtube:

On Amazon:

15-minute intro to the basic idea of the Ganymede hypothesis:

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