Why Are Feminists Still Bitching About Men?

in #life7 years ago


Who Started it All?

It was men began the public campaign to give equal rights to women.

John Locke (1632-1704) was one of the first ever philosophers to campaign for the improved status of women. He advocated that they should not be treated as property and should have equal rights in parenting their children.

Jeremy Bentham continued the philosophical discussion in 1781 by calling for women to have an equal say in government and the right to vote.

We must bear in mind that at the time of their writings, women had no rights at all and were considered the property of either their husband or their oldest living male relative.

Women like Mary Wollstonecraft, Emily Pankhurst and Simone De Beauvoir are the usual suspects who are dragged into any essay regarding the development of feminism.

I accept and respect their contribution and campaigns that have given all Western woman the equal right that we have today. I’d be the first to kick up merry hell if I wasn’t allowed to vote just because I am a woman.

Modern Day Feminists

It makes me wonder what the modern-day feminists are bitching about, to be honest. Women and men all have equal rights… In fact, women seem to have the better deal. We get a whole year off from work when we have a baby, we get flexible working hours to fit in with family and we get paid for the privilege.

Another thing that should be mentioned is that women have the right to choose parenthood but fathers don’t. If a woman gets pregnant, she is in complete control of whether to have the baby or not. She doesn’t have to consult or even inform the father if she doesn’t want to. Personally, I feel that this is very cruel and unfair on the father. Both the woman and the man entered into a consensual lovemaking arrangement, knowing that even if precautions are taken, there is still a slight risk of pregnancy. Surly the father of the child should at least have the right to be told about the pregnancy?

Then, of course, there’s the problem that a woman might say she is on the pill when she isn’t because she wants a child and uses the man as an effective sperm donor. He must pay for a child that he didn’t want in the first place.
In The Workplace

Woe betide the man who dares to use a term of endearment to a woman in the workplace such, as ‘love’ ‘darling’ or ‘sweetheart’. He’s likely to be frog marched out of the building being called a sexual predator.

Many workplaces are promoting women simply to make up the numbers of senior staff, male to female ratio. This means that men are being discriminated against on the grounds of gender because the company wants to ‘appear’ to be promoting equality of opportunity.

In School
High schools are filled with hormone crazed youngsters who all want to do what comes naturally to that age group. Once again, the boys are put at a disadvantage because they are the one’s who are assumed to be the ones putting pressure on the girls to have sex. As an ex teacher, I can assure you that this is not always the case! Girls will come to school dressed provocatively in skirts that resemble nothing more than a wide belt, their cleavage bursting out of tightly unbuttoned shirts with enough makeup to keep Hollywood going for a fortnight!

Needless to say, the boys are left breathless but if they dare to get caught looking or say anything that is remotely suggestive, they are hauled into the Principles office and face suspension. However, the girls get away with blue murder when it comes to sexual innuendo. Now how fair is that?

If Feminism Works, Why Are Women Still So Angry?

A woman who feels unfulfilled or not comfortable with herself, her status or her life will invariably look for something or someone to blame. You will not find women who are completely satisfied with their lives to be as angry or accusatory of the male species.

A woman who works part-time at the local shop, picks the kids up from school and has a loving husband and partner is unlikely to be found on the latest feminist campaign march.

Maybe the women who are so angry need to look inside themselves to find what responsibility they can take for their own insecurities or perceived failures.


I've recently started watching a couple of videos on the Gary Orsum channel on utube. He's sometimes 'close to the bone' but I've watched the "Another Feminist Rubbishing Father's Day" video & "The Condescending Guide To Manhood". My wife watched the 'Manhood' one with me and said "what a complete load of tosh!" (regarding the berating of masculinity) I said "exactly, but this propaganda is being fed to women and perpetuated."

I'm now scampering off to watch these lol x

I've watched these videos and it seems to me that these women have nothing better to do than think up issues. I hate the fact that these man hating women are even allowed to speak. If someone spoke like this about a Muslim or a disabled person, they would be marched off to prison immediately. The only group of people in western society that are aloud to be attacked, subjugated and discriminated against is the heterosexual male.

Yup, unfortunately it seems that way Maria.

Completely agree, I do not really consider feminists as modern feminists. Why do they renounce femininity, and hate men, which does not strike me as feminist at all.

Upvote and greetings.

I totally agree. I'm very proud of my femininity. I agreed with the campaigns of the 1970s and 1980s so that we got equal rights at work etc but now, the media only covers the fundamentalist 'feminists' who seem to be aggressive, foul mouthed and vindictive towards all men. I cannot and will not agree with their views. I want equality with men and not supremecy over them. x

Thank you lol. I would imagine there are covens of feminists making soap effigies of me at the moment and sticking pins it it. Ouch! x

I wonder what would life be like if all the men just disapeared overnight..

Well from my point of view, I would be devastated! I wouldn't want my man to disappear! Who would hold me tightly, fetch my lemonade from the bar and advise me on my appalling driving lol :-p

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