What they don't tell you about Success

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Welcome back to Insomniac Ramblings. Tonight, I wish to disclose a few myths surrounding the notion of success. A few of you probably know this. But those of you who don't might be able to benefit from this. I shall try to keep this post short. But don't shy away from grabbing some snacks and settling in for a short read.

What they don't tell you about Success

Success Stairs
Image from Pixabay

In this age of self-help books and an evergrowing industry of life coaching and success methodology, there is something which is being kept from you to ensure that the products which guarantee your success sell more and give the publishers more and more profit. After all, if they tell you these things, then you'll realise just how hollow knowing the way really is.

I'll begin with some basic facts about life and success in general. Pay close attention to learn the truth about how anybody achieves success.

It's your Goal to Achieve

Success vision
Image on Pixabay

The first thing you must realise if you wish to be successful is that success is different for each individual. Success is merely a word used to convey an idea of what a person wished to, and has achieved. Your idea of success is what you choose it to be.

Hence, before you begin on the path towards success, you must know yourself and your limitations first. Once you know that, you'll have a better idea of where you want to be, be it a career, life, romance, personality, or finance. That place where you imagine yourself is your idea of success. That is what you need to work towards.

This is also called Self-Actualisation. Bridging the gap between what you are and what you want to be. Reaching your highest potential. Notice that I say your highest potential. That's because you have your limitations and you can only go so far with them. That is the first bitter truth about success. There is a difference between your dreams and what you can really achieve. It is hence, imperative to know yourself before you set goals, lest you aim too high or low.

One step at a time. One punch at a time. One round at a time.

One Step
Image from Pciture Quotes

As said in the movie about Rocky Balboa, life is too much to handle at once. It is essential to pace yourself. Once you have realised your final destination, it is important to set short-term goals that eventually lead up to your final destination. These are your steps towards success.

If you want to take life by the horns, you'll need to take life one step at a time. Take all the time in the world. Time is not the enemy. Haste is. You'll need to realise your own abilities and craft your goals on the way to success. Consider these milestones. They'll not only help you keep track of the path you're walking on, but they'll also give you a clear indication of when you can breathe a breath of relief and congratulate yourself for a job well done.

But that is not the end. This is merely the beginning. The time for sitting around and idling has come to an end. It's time to change thoughts into actions now. And this here is the difficult part which really tests your will for achieving your desire.

Success is not overnight, but the tiniest of efforts accumulating into a giant force over time.

Self Discipline and Consistency are Key

Image from Pixabay

Once you know the way forward, the most difficult step is taking it. The most difficult part is not even simply taking it. The most difficult part is taking it over and over and over again. We are all human, and this is where most get tired and quit. We simply don't want to repeat the same thing over and over again to get what we want. I'm not talking about doing the same thing and expecting different results. That's insanity. I'm talking about recognising your faults and repeating your task in a new way which devoid of that mistake.

We are willing to take shortcuts and cheat ourselves and our schedules. If you wish to be successful, you'll have to give up on all of those habits which don't bring you a step closer to it. It's okay to rest. It's completely fine to stop and pause for a breather. But giving up is not okay.

We all make mistakes and we all get discouraged when we find that we have been unable to change anything. But we must keep doing the same thing over and over again, not until the time that we get it right, but until the time that we no longer get it wrong. Self-discipline is the very key to success. Let us make mistakes, and let us fall. It is not our job to succeed, but rather our job to get back up and get ready to go another round with life.

In order to be successful, you must have the basic self-discipline necessary to do the things that you don't want to do in order to get the things that you want to get.

A Friend in Need is a Friend indeed

Team work
Image from Pixabay

They say that two heads are better than one. And relying on your friends is no shameful task. Instead of carrying the entire burden of responsibilities on your own, it is better to share your burden with your friends and close ones.

Make no mistake, you alone walk the path of success. No one walks with you, and no one can walk it for you. But having a few friends to help out along the way can give you a major boost to achieve your goals. Use them to achieve your goals by making up for what you're lacking. Just make sure to repay the favour later, and not let the entire thing rest on their shoulders.

Who else to rely on in time of need, if not your friends? After all, that's what friends are for.

Success is neither your Fault, nor your Responsibility

This is perhaps the most important thing about success. Success is not in your control. You can plan it well enough, you can execute it right down to every last instruction and plan which you made, but the bitter truth is that luck plays a very major role in success and failure.

Life isn't defined by a set of simple definitive parameters. There are multiple conditions and circumstances to change or constancy. You simply cannot foresee or plan to counter them all. If the winds are in your favour, you might stumble upon success. If not, then better luck next time. You fail most of the time because of your own miscalculations and mistakes. But there are also times when you could have done everything right, but things still don't play out the way they should have. You fail despite having planned the correct way and taken all the correct steps at the correct time.

This is the real test of how strong your desire for success is. Motivation isn't enough. Motivation comes and goes. To be successful, you need to be driven towards it. To keep walking and not stop despite all your efforts going to vain, and keep trying despite having failed again and again and again. No matter what, as long as you're alive, there will come a time when you're successful. You just need to patiently wait for it and keep consistent with your efforts.

In the end, success still may not come. But the risk would certainly be worth the reward if you're even one step closer to your vision simply because of the steps which you took to be where you want to be. And I'd say that's much better than not going anywhere at all. What matters, is that you tried to change for the better. The rest is up to life.

"Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is reached." -Swami Vivekananda

I tried to keep this short and simple. Sorry if I may have written a little too much.
Thank you for your time anyhow, and I wish to see you again next time!


I'm definitely resteeming this post, indeed, hard work and sacrifice are a great part of success... but in the end sometimes success is out of our control, just out of reach...

That's why it's important to appreciate what you have and not dedicate your life to what you cannot have. No?

I'm glad you liked this.

I agree with you... Sometimes it is just beyond our control.

Such is life. Makes me wonder whether fate is a reality or just another excuse.

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