Hosea 4 Prophecy Fulfilling as Global Wildlife Populations Fall - Is the World Overpopulated?

in #life6 years ago

Global Wildlife Hosea 4.png

It has been reported by many major media outlets recently that global wildlife populations have seen a dramatic fall in numbers, with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF/The World Wide Fund for Nature) declaring a state of emergency for the natural world.

The WWF published a report on the decline in global wildlife populations which stats that vertebrate populations have fallen by 60 percent in the last 4 decades, and it's mainly due to human activity; we are living beyond our planet's means.

It has been called an "unprecedented crisis in nature that threatens to devastate the world economy and imperil humanity itself" in the following article:

Global Wildlife - Yahoo.png


A quote from Imperial Regent, Angelus Domini:

"The reality of the Hosea 4:2-3 prophecy sets in..."

"Hosea 4:2-3 Cursing and lying, murder and stealing, and adultery are rampant; one act of bloodshed follows another. Therefore the land mourns, and all who dwell in it will waste away with the beasts of the field and the birds of the air; even the fish of the sea disappear."

Another source:

Global Wildlife 2.png


Insects as well...

Global Wildlife Insects.png


The reality of Hosea 4:2-3 is indeed setting in and also sheds light on a topic that has very much been a talking point in recent years about world population...

Is the world overpopulated?

The answer to this question is yes. Yes the world is vastly overpopulated, and overpopulated to the point were it cannot be sustained any longer... it is a difficult truth for some to swallow, but it is indeed the truth.

We often hear the argument about how the world's population can "fit into the state of Texas" and that we all should be able to live sufficiently in current circumstances, but this simply isn't true.

Think about it... how much space does a person need to live comfortably, without tripping over each other, and without feeling claustrophobic? Would there be such wickedness and crime in the world with a more manageable population? Most people value their individual space, and it is a great deal more than they will admit to.

How much space and land is needed to cultivate crops... and is needed for livestock (albeit livestock will be greatly reduced in the New Kingdom), and how much land is actually sufficient enough for use, for habitat, and has a decent climate for such?

So, after reading the above you may be asking yourself what is a sustainable number for the world's population? Well, as the Georgia Guidestones have stated, that number will be around 500 million people (maybe slightly more or slightly less), and will also be the population of the coming New Kingdom.

Georgia Guidestones Steemit.jpg


We are presently living through the prophesied end-times. You can get related information here:

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It's truly sad how the ecosystem is constantly affected by us and the punishments we've brought upon ourselves.

Sobering truth, we need Lord RayEl's guidance NOW!

It makes me so sad to think about this!

This is why the Georgia guidestones stress and emphasize the need to make room for nature.

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