Trump the most powerful in the world!!! TRUES OR FALSE

in #life6 years ago

While Mr. Trump can tell the forces of his country to do more things than any other President, the odds are that the forces of HIS country will do more of the things that Mr. Putin tells them to do.

Unfortunately for both of them, it appears that Mr. Xi has more effective forces (“The Dollar is mightier than the Sword.”) at his disposal than Mr. Putin does and it also appears that his forces will do more of the things that Mr. Xi tells them to do than even Mr. Putin’s forces will.

That means that

NOTIONALLY Mr. Trump is the “most powerful” while
APPARENTLY Mr. Putin is the “most powerful” and
IN REALITY Mr. Xi takes the prize.

There’s two ways we need to look at this.

Ability to exercise power within a country.
Ability to use the country’s power to influence other countries.

It’s Wayne LaPierre, president of the National Rifle Association, an organization dedicated to selling firearms and, tangentially, killing children.

Anybody who can go on camera in the wake of a school shooting in which the young victims number more than ten and have the clanking orbs to suggest more, rather than fewer, guns will solve the problem — that’s a cat who’s got a message. It’s a grasping message, a selfish, self-centered message, a message of deceit and continued death, but it’s a message.

And it’s predicated on a fallacy. The First Amendment doesn’t guarantee you a right to own an AR-style assault rifle any more than it guarantees me the right to park an an M1 Abrams tank in my carport.

Power? That grizzled octogenarian has got more congress critters in his hip pocket than Beelzebub.

He’s so powerful he’s immune to the tears of powerlessness owned by the families of slain children.

John Cate
John Cate, U.S. citizen my whole life. Lived here for 41 of my 43 years (as of 2016).
Answered Feb 15 · Author has 5.7k answers and 26.9m answer views

If you restrict this to only people actually holding the title of President, the answer is obvious. The most powerful President in the world would be the one in charge of a Great Power state who holds the most personal authority, with little or no accountability to a representative assembly. And that person would be…

I guess I’d have to say Vladimir Putin, since he controls both the Russian Federation (directly) and the United States of America (through Trump and a variety of other surrogates).

The President of China.

There is a fanciful bit of PR that suggests it is always the president of the US, but he is always bound by law. The Chinese president is limited by nothing. IF he was evil, or misguided, the consequences would be disastrous.
307 Views · Answer requested by Peter Beauchemin
Devin White
Devin White, B.A. Politics, University of California, Santa Cruz (2011)
Answered Mar 2 2017 · Author has 146 answers and 54.9k answer views

Not all countries use the term president, but the world leader with the most power would be Vladimir Putin. Although the Russian economy, military, etc. is weaker than America’s or China’s, both of those countries have stronger checks on the powers of their heads of state, so there is less concentration of power in the hands of one person.

This is more debatable in the case of China, but from my understanding, Xi Jinping’s power is shared somewhat with other members of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party.

It might be tempting to pick Trump, seeing as how he’s not only the American President, but also a billionaire. But Putin is also rumored to be a billionaire, with some estimates putting him at the richest person in the world.
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Jason Smithtrump.jpg

Xi of China is definitely the most powerful.

Imagine a US president with almost no check or balance or opposition or need for elections or impeachment and have control over the media. That is china.

Xi is Trump if Trump didn’t have term limits, Democrat to oppose and he controlled the media.

Putin also has many powers within Russia because Russians love making dictatorship even in Republics and being a dictator gives you more power (reason Kim jung-un is in the news more than the 10X stronger half of Korea’s President? Who was it again?) but Russia is losing its power around the world and Putin has to look strong while trying to maintain a foreign relationship like anyother nation.

Indian PM is also very strong but again Checks and good democracy means he isn’t that’s powerful. Even with same population as China and all, he cants just decide to start Child factory to start upping the GDP (ahem China ahem)

And for Trump, it’s hard to say where he stands. In the one hand, he is probably the most checked president in the most balanced system (pesky constitution) but he still holds a powerful position.

This is why people say French President is more powerful then US president, because there is less check in the French system. This is a reason why British PM will puss a billion laws before the US counterpart can do one, the PM inherently has the majority in the parliamentary system and they aren’t connected (rather than be seperate as the US system).

One funny joke to remember: if you want to be a dictator of a nation and you want that nation to be strong enough to spearhead your needs, the USA should be in the last position of the list.

Vladimir Putin is who I believe to be the most powerful head of state in regards to the power that he wields at his fingertips simply by giving his command in not having to go through major Channels with major lag in timing for pending approval.

that is my answer and I added at the top so no one would have to read my craziness however if you would like to read on be warned, i added my honest opinions some of which, particularly one of which is at best taboo, at worst it can cost people much depending where you are on this earth lol.

in my opinion the answer to this query lies in one of just 3 candidates with one other wildcard candidate that I will only go into briefly for to delve any deeper into my reasoning concerning that particular potential pick would be to slip down the rabbit hole of the all encompassing topic of the JQ. And that is not something I have the time to speculate on nor would it truly be a “President” wielding such power if that scenario is entertained, for I don't think it would be long before the head of the purse, he who controls the purse strings and subsequently the puppet strings would find such charades pointless once it was decided the order of things begin anew. At which point red hex may shed the mask.

I'm sure this opinion will not be popular but unfortunately I do believe due to countless factors Israel has it's hooks so deep in my country beloved country that us American goyim do its bidding at a state level . not the least of said factors is a large group of alien individuals (of the terrestrial kind lol) disguised as the status quo yet self identified as miles apart, nay miles above, working in a gov't yet holding the very peculiar distinction of dual citizenship (despite claiming the very idea of dual allegiances has been a source of their oppression since time immemorial), and working in unison with one another while espousing such practices as shameful and in reality being against the rules for the other effectively blindfolded player's. Most of those other factors fall into one of two major categories I'll not go in depth with examples but it's either monetary such as the Hebraic privately owned “federal reserve “ bank and numerous other financial reasons or subversive in nature such as a deceptively crafted view of our “reality” by absolute control of all media and an equally powerful grip on our imagined escape from said reality. All forms of major entertainment industries share a semetic commonality molded to aide in desired effect. Obviously the perversion of our education system and pushing of guilt are but few of the many many more which could fall under the subversive .

So the wildcard is Bibi but I don't like that answer for many reasons, some already stated but mainly because I think a clear cut Victor will emerge making the most sense. By the time I had wished I had never went into the Zionist angle I had already typed so much that I decided I don't care to delete and just give my final easy answer.

Also I view this as not only an intellectual low but a dann shame I feel I must point this out knowing all too well it'll not quell the insults hurled at me for having an opinion about the one group your not supposed to think about not say their name lol and that is that I'm not filled with hate, not interested in killing millions of people, nor have I ever wished to rule over other's. I do not view my race as superior as that's such a subjective concept. It's also a fucking idiotic accusation. In fact all the stereotypical insults that are always present whenever such topics are disgust. I have an opinion and I'll not be shamed into shutting up where only a manufactured shame exists….. all of this should go without saying and that is what makes this so intellectually low… lastly the truth fears no investigation!!!

Okay the only 3 I can see having a chance, all the above notwithstanding or even with all of the above in consideration. And I've approached this question under the assumption that the term used of president is understood to mean the head of state so while some may be prime minister or premier or whatever they are all the top leader's…the 3 .are as follows — xi-jing ping Secretary of the Communist Party of China I believe, President Donald Trump commander in cheif of the United States of America, and lastly Vladimir vladimirovich Putin president of the Russian Federation. I can't think of any other heads of state who could in any situation be realisticly be considered the most powerful…. Okay so I admit I did not know whole lot but communist China and the way that their government is set up but I believe that China is a paper tiger anyway after the much reading that I have done on China I think that it has a very vulnerable economy I believe that it has a lot of exploitations that resulted severe weaknesses I believe that its environment is absolutely insane and so much so that it would be akin to a weapon to use against it it's water is almost exhausted and also its people do not enjoy a very nice standard of living widespread throughout the country there is not the level of morale amongst the people that you would see what the remaining two so that would be the third strongest also things I've seen about the about the military do not land on par with the other two the military itself actually is the military of the party not the actual country the Communist party that is and its soldiers besides maybe some special forces are not in very good shape as a whole and they spend very little time in the military many many are not fit for military duty if they needed to call more up I don't think they have the war experience either outside of possibly subduing their own people.

my next my next pick is probably a surprise but I would pick simply because of the way it's worded I would pick the United States President as being the second because you cannot act on your own. the founding fathers checks and balances on power to guard against so-called absolute power corrupting absolutely and therefore you need quite a few other people on your side and to view things exactly as you do to fight for yourself if it's israel it seems very easy to get both Democrats and Republicans and the media to all agree and push the idea that it makes much sense to lose a lot of money and life for really no gain for us but some security for Israel and then have normal fags say that all these desert Wars involve oil meanwhile they pay nothing less for gas , every year it goes up if anything and they continue to spell something they just heard some other hillbilly say and have not even thought about logically nor do our government oil reserves increase after desert Conquest. Well we have much money and insane Technologies our actual fighting force it's just getting less powerful and skilled as we integrate women into it more and as our country becomes more racially diverse the fact of the matter is people do not fight the same as they do with their true Kinfolk which brings me to our moral at home and instability at home the more diverse the country gets the more fragmented it gets and easier to exploit so the country that our president commands plays a factor in his power and why I put on number two as well.

I will leave as I will leave as a head of state one of the most beloved with a very strong people he rebuild their economies very well their military is disciplined strong and they have great technology better than I think most people realize I think a lot of people who Russia is having a lot of old rusted-out junk Surplus stuff and they don't realize how how much has changed since then now they also have a very United people compared to ours because it is a monolith of Slavic white people for the most part that makes up the bulk of their country and they love their leader because they see him as a father type I don't know if any of you run-of-the-mill American such as myself Saab Obama as a father figure but I sure as hell didn't I could see Donald as that father figure with the German Heritage however he seems to bend to the will of of some truly hideous looking magicians that practice Babylonian money magic I also believe that Vladimir Putin has put himself in a very smart and strong position with his allies around the world end regardless of what people think about the strength of the UN it is a entanglement that we will always be bogged down with same with is real now I think there is much more room for movement it is not as rigid and he can make allies and decisions of diplomacy on the go where as we seem to locked in and at odds with more traditional military countries say what you will about North Korea but I believe their men could fight orders together I believe China have a good cohesive group once all is said and done as well I believe in that Russia would win over many European citizens as well as citizens of other Western countries such as America Canada Australia when they realize what kind of War I foresee in the future they may want to be with someone who has their best interest in mind so I believe you would have lots of breakaway citizenry join the ranks and you would also have Wayward countries going to his side I think if he has not already he would certainly before War even started win over most of the Eastern European countries


am still wondering why people are not making comment on such a strong matter

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