The Single Handed Sailor: A truly inspirational story about a guy I know

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Dustin Reynolds is an amazing person that enjoys life to the fullest far more than most of us (certainly more so than I do.) The incredible thing about him isn't just that he does amazing things and is constantly living a life of adventure.... it is also because he does this with 2 fewer limbs than most of us have.


In the early morning hours of October 2008 Dustin was struck by a drunk driver which cost him his arm, his leg, and almost his life. He had a punctured spleen, a punctured lung, his arm was ripped from his body and his leg had to be amputated. However, Dustin is no quitter and I see the guy on a regular basis because his father lives in the same city as me. Dustin is far happier than most of the people that I know and it kind of puts things into perspective any time I start bitching about something trivial.


I went to the Tiger Cave Temple with him in Krabi, Thailand one day. This is a temple where the main viewpoint is up nearly 1300 stairs of not-so-uniform size. Dustin, despite only having one real leg was able to complete this with far less complaining than me. He runs, he swims, he rides bikes, he drives motorbikes, he does all the things that we take for granted and well, he had to learn to do these things all over again.


He is currently in the process of trying to be the first double-amputee to ever sail all the way around the world. He started the journey a few years ago with very little money and also very limited knowledge of sailing and so far it has been reasonably successful. However, it isn't without its problems: Boats break and prosthetic limbs do too and they both happen to be quite expensive. His family is not wealthy so this is the reason why the journey is taking a while. It doesn't matter, it's not a race and Dustin is enjoying visiting many places on his trip round the world. He is currently near Sri Lanka.

I recently went to a benefit concert and everyone in attendance bought a shirt. It was nice to have everyone there in solidarity behind this fella plus we all looked great in our matching shirts.

there were many more people there than this, but it was a small place and it didn't occur to me that I was going to make a blog post about it until recently

Think about it: How richly are you living your life? Do you get out there and do stuff? I know i don't - maybe i should?

Dustin could sit on his ass and collect social security and disability paychecks and just play PS4 all day, but he isn't. The motto, which is on the back of his shirts is.

Live a life worth paying an arm and a leg for

and i think most of us could learn a bit from how he chooses to live his.

If you have a minute or a bit of spare fundage have a look at his website and maybe buy a shirt or something. Every little bit helps.


We spend our lives complaining about many things, especially materials and there are many people with disabilities who are much more satisfied than us. Without a doubt, we must learn from them. They are a clear example of life and perseverance. When we want something, there are no limits. I am glad that his friend lives his life fully despite the difficulties.

well stated. It is very true.

Simply a very inspiring story. Most of us complain about doing things or we just do not do it, but when I read stories like these, I just repeat that we are incomprehensible beings. There are people who enjoy life much more than those who have certain impediments and as you say it is not for money is because you do not want. You left a very good message with this publication.

What an awesome story! I hope Dustin succeeds in his adventure! I myself was in an accident that I recently blogged about! Good for him for being a go-getter and not sitting around doing nothing, like you said! He is admirable and an inspiration for others! Thank you for sharing this!

This is a story of inspiration. Wow. I’m never going to complain about anything ever again. It is truly amazing to me how people come to terms with, move past, and come out the other side of a tragedy more purpose driven and focused. More motivation than I’ll ever have. That’s for sure.

I’m going to take a look at these T-shirts. If I’m not interested in one, does he have a Go Fund Me Page? Or something like that.

This is so touching and almost got me to tears. This is what I call not giving up . This is what I call not giving up in life . This is totally inspiring I must confess.
Thanks for sharing the inspiring story of Dustin

As I always say, not all superheroes have superpowers. Dustin is indeed one. I really admire people who do not allow their disability to disable their dreams and goals. I know several people with just one arm cut off who gave up on living and ended up on the streets soliciting for money. Dustin here is a different species altogether. He has chosen to live an adventurous and fulfilling life regardless of his lost arm and limb. He is truly an inspiration.

Its an amazing stuff you have shared for steemians yes ofcourse this man is outstanding its really a motivational aspect of his life i astonish how and nicely he have done his job its really a great great kindness of his God and also you are doing lot of entertaing events with this guy you are also awesome personality looking cool with this type of enjoyment i simply appreciating this guy his swimming riding running mindboggling efforts even we cany compare ourselves to this guy he is really a hero of this world say hello from me to his great achievements outstanding

He is an inspiration, if he can, then we have no excuse.

Enjoy your life and go ahead best of luck @gooddream

I respect you are a real fighter.

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