Why is Modern Architecture so Ugly?

in #life6 years ago

I saw this video put up by Paul Joseph Watson today that really touched a nerve with me ! As indeed he said things and eleaborated on a subject which I too myself have always felt about the disgusting looking architectures which seem to spring up all around us ! Please watch it and get back to me with your thoughts on this subject.

Why Modern Architecture SUCKS

Paul Joseph Watson
Published on 30 Jun 2017

We are being indoctrinated to accept ugliness as a form of beauty.


Architecture is merely the internal landscape of those designing it, externalized.

Considering they are product of socialist, nihilistic education perspectives, it's no surprise that's what they produce....

Dull, grey, and lacking beauty.
Zero appreciation that the beauty of form, and function - can be fully integrated.

yes these socialistic grey minded nihilists do seem to like to impress on others their dark and sad vision of the world eh ? To make people feel bad and disempowered while they walk in public spaces ! Its really a just another layer of this mindnumbing programation of ugliness over beauty and misinformation over truth ! Thanks for your input on this one @lucylin ! )

this one is pretty cool

Yeah sure @funbobby51, but its like many others in this style ! I think in an enviroment that has nothing else but this its ok, say in an American downtown enviroment ! I guess we do need buildings of this size for business and industry uses 1 But when they are just injected into an enviroment which is say more "classic", they do present a failry strange and disturbing influence and could be seen as dentrimental to the atmospehere of a place !

Masonry buildings are limited in their height. Consider what a skyscraper is, it is a giant machine designed to make money, they need to maximize the revenue and an easy way to do that is to maximize the space using steel frame construction.

Oh yeah just like those steel exoskelteton towers in new york, the one where one plane melted into ther steel lie butter ??LUCKILY the passports of those bad boy terrorists did not make it to be found intact on the street below !!

yup, you could never build a masonry structure that tall.

Yeah those freaking masons dont know how to buold shit eh @funbobby51??

no, stone and concrete just do not flex very well so if you tried to build a building as tall and skinny as a steel skyscraper it would fall down when the wind blew or in any little earthquake, a steel building will flex in the wind or when the ground shakes.

One of my teachers commented that the elite were pushing modern art, galleries and exhibits. So, you would go in and see the blah, the ugly, the sad, and then, when you left, you would see billboards, with their bright colors and good design and feel ahhhhh.

Sure @builderofcastles well that is definately part of it, but again as ever with these people that want to destroy beauty and wonder in our lives, This is just another layer of their mulitlayered, muliti faceted take down of the human race ! Just about all architects are followers of this cult of freemasonary and its really not surprising to see this negative manipulation of our living enviroment by them !

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