Been a successful person.

in #life6 years ago


A lot of us today want to be a successful person, I guess who doesn't want to be successful but sometimes we forget what success means, we forget what we are supposed to do, we forget what we aren't supposed to do. Success could be seeing as the achievement of ones goal, the attainment of a height one desires, one could say that the person was successful.

Success as an everyday thing

To be a successful person is not a one day thing, its something that happens overnight i.e when you sleep and wake wake up then you are a successful person, NO. success is an everyday thing, you sleep a success, you wake up a success, you go to the shower a success, you go out a success, carrying that mindset with you everywhere you go makes you a success. Success is a mindset you take with you where ever you go, success is a gradual process. No successful person recorded in history became successful in one day, now I don't mean money or being rich and wealthy, being wealthy aunt success, even though it might be a goal for a lot of people, there fore a see success as be determined how people see it, people define what success means to them.

you have attained the pinnacle of success when you don't have need for money, compliment or publicity.

The pinnacle of success it says, when you have no interest in money, compliment or publicity. How much we all crave for this things, how much we love to be known are recognised, there no man would come up one night and say, he doesn't want money or publicity especially when he hasn't enjoyed this things, its something we grow to be, we learn to be, never forget, success is an everyday thing not a one day, week or month thing.

Don't let criticisms whip you.

One thing in life we all have to understand is that criticism will surely come from people, sometimes even our loved ones criticise us not make us feel bad or dash our hopes, but to help us be a better person and be better at what we do. Criticism comes from people that don't want us to succeed too sometimes, they want to deter us and make us not complete our task, then we have to develop that mindset of learning, we have to have that positive attitude to always want to learn, the spirit to always want to learn. Take criticisms but don't let it whip you, let it build you, let it mould you, learn from this criticisms. Sometimes this criticisms where meant for you learn from, it all depends on how you take it. The most important task to you at the moment should be to grow and be a better person, having this mindset would make you see criticisms as an avenue for learning and not a way to deter you from achieving your aim. No criticism feels good I tell you, a lot of people would want to make it sound milder just to keep your spirit up and don't let you down, but either way, see criticisms as learning chances, that way you won't be harmed by them.

Develop a spirit for learning

No human Would live on this earth and say he or she hasn't learnt. Learning is an everyday thing, learning is what we have to do everyday, we learn from everything. We learn from even the most insignificant thing.
Learning according the English dictionary is

To acquire, or attempt to acquire knowledge or an ability to do something.

This is where the phrase no knowledge is a waste comes in. We acquire knowledge to equip our self's with the necessary weapon (your weapon could be your brain or pen) to tackle certain unpleasant circumstances. We live to learn, as a wise man always says,

we learn until we die

Nobody knows all, nobody can know all, but the willingness to learn every time from criticisms and mistake makes us better and helps us to grow.

Written by @stevenson7⁨ posted by @dhavey


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In my opinion successful is when you really happy in your life and your family happy also around you but so true and thanks

In my opinion, success is relative. One man's definition may be different from another. But one thing is paramount, no success should come at the expense of others.

Bravo, especially the part about cultivating a spirit of learning. Knowledge is power! 💙

Thanks goldenproject for such a motivational post on success.

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