Muxxy's Back. Oh Wait, You Didn't Know I Was Gone?

in #life6 years ago

I have begun to start getting messages on Discord as it seems I have disappeared from the face of the Earth - it has been an incredible eleven days since I last posted on Steem, an eternity on the blockchain, especially for someone like me who tries to post at least once a day.

Why so? Where have I been? What have I been up to? What's wrong? Is the end nigh? Did aliens abduct me? Are dogs and cats going to be living together?

Whoa there Skippy! Chill out, calm down, and let me explain.

When I visited the States a few months back it was the fulfillment of a personal dream. I always wanted to visit America. I was so pumped to be going that the reason I did so seemed to be only secondary. However, it was important to the future of @thewritersblock and our plans going forward. When we planned it months back, everyone seemed to be on board with the idea: with @instructor2121's assistance, we are making a new frontend called Wordrow which will feature the very best written word Steem posts on its front page, without taking into account promoted posts via bots. It will be our version of trending, a place where readers can find the very best content and where we can put skilled writers front and center, without all the unnecessary Steemit drama.

After returning from Tennessee I fully expected my trip to take its toll on my health - neurological conditions like MS are unpredictable and if you push yourself too hard, your body will punish you for it. The multiple airports, delays, flights, and stay in Tennessee were quite hectic. A few weeks went by and I thought I was ok, but in hindsight, I think I was still living off the adrenalin and my Multiple Sclerosis eventually reminded me I am not the healthy man I once was.

On top of this, stress makes things much much worse and is one of the things I do my damndest to avoid, as stress can drag my health down dramatically. It seemed that some people who were previously fully behind our plans at The Writers' Block now had a problem with them and decided to leave our community, and people I once counted as friends now turned their backs on me. The stress indeed took its toll. You see, when I was first diagnosed with MS, many friends I thought I had became mysteriously absent, as they didn't want to have to deal with the situation. It's times like those when you realize who your true friends are. I am used to 'friends' disappearing on me, yet it still hurts and disappoints, and added to the stress and health problems.

In addition to this, a few weeks back my other half had to stay and look after her dad. He had a stroke several years ago and is bed bound, so she takes over his care when her mum has a well earned holiday. Real life beckoned and demanded I take care of the house and one of our two kids, the other stayed with her mum. At the start of the second week, the schools closed for summer break, so I could hardly lock myself in my office and leave my son to fend for himself.

Instead, I took the opportunity to take a breather, take stock of things and sort my health and head out. My son and I baked, watched movies, and played games. All the while I knew that @rhondak and @anarcho-andrei hand their hands on the helm at The Writers' Block. In the meanwhile, I returned to traditional art and drawing, rather than my usual forays into the 3D modeling world. I needed a new focus, a change of pace.

You see, despite the hiccup we recently experienced at The Block, we are more focused than ever on our future and direction. It has given us an opportunity to evaluate our strengths as a community and to mix things up. Rather than relying on editors, we have made great strides to build new workshops, working on writing skills via voice and text channels and they have been incredibly well received. When life gives you lemons, you have to go make cocktails. Life is a funny thing and things happen beyond your control, but in my experience, there is ultimately a reason why they need to happen, and usually, it's for the best even if at first you don't realize it.

So, expect more posts, more rambles, and more Muxxy.

I'm back baby!


Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


Hey Muxxy, glad you're back. Sometimes you just gotta' take it easy for a few days.
I know you're not wanting to admit it but come on, the thought of not getting to go to Wal-Mart until you come back to the US is what you were really stressing about.

I'm using the heck out of that fan you got there, too. It's running right now. :-)

I miss my fan...

Probably not as much as you miss your vape.

Yup, you got me. I need to mingle with the real Americans...

No doubt about it, your absence was felt at the Block even though I spoke to you often. You have no idea what good energy your little "Ello" comments bring, or the eyeball emoji you drop, or the dry wit you lace our channel with. When you're not there, we feel it.

That being said, I know exactly what you mean about having a body that will punish you for pushing it too hard. Same here. I'm only just now feeling like myself after all that travel.

As for the Block, our plans to move from an editing service to a teaching platform were essentially uninterrupted by the hiccup. For that, we can be thankful. The workouts and workshops have been phenomenal, some of the best I've ever attended. Our participants are getting some very intensive, very advanced guidance about mechanics and voice that far surpass standard critique. I've been writing and editing for years, and I still learn things during these exercises. It's amazing what happens when you put a number of creative minds on the same wavelength and let them go.

In the end, I think the stress will be worth it. Would have been better to accomplish our goals without it, but at least it didn't shut us down. The absence of negativity alone has great healing benefits. These things take time, but we're certainly moving in the right direction.

I came across this post randomly from my feed. Glad that I came across this. That Wordrow is a cool idea. There are lot of good content writers here on steemit but there articles doesn't get the attention that they deserve. Actually using bid bots is ok,but only if your content is worth people's time( They take time to read). That is a good marketing tool though and legit people use it for legit purposes.

Yeah! That shit happens all the time. A strong team is the foundation of a good company. TEAM- Together Everyone Achieves More. Please make a good team however circumstances are.

Coming to friends.....yah as you said difficult situations test real character...that's good sometimes that we face such situations. We come to know who our real companions are. Those situations toughens your character and you face such situations more easily and remain strong thereafter.

I wish you and your family good health. It seems your son is cooking something. That's great that he is learning something from this age . Spend quality time with your family and spread love😀

Do you guys have a discord channel??

Hope your idea will be live soon and I really want to see how it goes.

Thank you for your words. Yes, our server is Hope to see you there.

Spot-on observations, @kpreddy.

We do have a Discord. Click the gif and you can find your way there. :-)

Well come back.

Don't die of stress, man :( Take care of yourself, cuz you have very good ideas for Steemit.


Welcome back, @gmuxx and thank you for all that you do for The Writers’ Block. Your son is a cutie pie and he will remember the precious moments that you all spent together for years to come.

well i was just wondering where were all my chocolates gone? and did i just read you and your on baked? where is my bday cake? i hope is on the mail on its way to me!

Lol. We made cupcakes and cookies.

=O so chocolate fill cupcakes and cookies are on their way to me?????

Um... Yes, of course... 🙃

Wishing all of you guys in the family good health! And welcome back from the mini absence!

Good to see a post from you, was also wondering how you were doing. Sometimes we need to take a step back to take two steps forward.

Indeed. Thanks.

Glad to hear you're back, which I hope means you've had some time to rest and are feeling better. It sucks when friends disappear like that... I've had some fall out of my life because I have kids, which isn't the same, but it still stings. I can relate to the sense of abandonment. But you're well loved, and I'm glad to see the Block adapting and growing in exciting ways. :)

Glad to see youre back. I hope you will feel better and good to hear, to take up your metaphor, you're making tasty cocktails. I hope all your dreams will become reality and glad I can follow them here on steemit as they evolve.

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