Life's Truth

in #life6 years ago

 No matter how long we live here on earth,  it would never be enough to learn all lessons but perhaps we are privileged to Learn through our experience or that of others we should be grateful because what it took you a short period  to learn might take others a whole life time.

The good, the bad and the ugly takes occurrence in each time of our lives, it is left for us to take that which best benefits us. To sit and do nothing is never the way to conquer in life.It would interest also interest you to know  that your problem is never bigger than anybody's, it seems that way to you because you chose to have it that way. We all have issues, do not think your own cross is greater than another. 

Instead of choosing to merely exist, I urge you to experience life, I urge you to live. There is no right time  to start living the way you want, it starts  now. so do not put your life on hold for any reason or obstacle. When one door closes jump through the window there is always an outlet for you.

Thinking or hoping that others will live the way we have lived; is not true.  No one can live the same life, the same way with another. From creation, the intention has always been for everyone to fulfill their own purpose- live your purpose. No life is better than the other, no one should be made to feel less than the other. We were all called to live and that is simply-  the life's truth!

Nature never asks for permission

It simply just exists, as it is.

A cloud will never refrains from crying

A mountain will always stand confident.

A tree will grow where it is planted

And  it will grow strong, because nature never denies  itself.

Nature never doubts or withholds, it never plays small

It never submits.

Be more like nature. 

Do not let your mind taint the beauty in which your heart has felt 

Rather, stay wild within your love, within your curiosities.

Let your passion run raw like indigo currents

Until you have unapologetically and ruthlessly set yourself free.

Poetry extracted from seeds planted in concrete by Bianca Sparacino 

Nothing is as hard as it looks; everything is more rewarding than you expect and if anything can go right it will and at the best possible moment.- Maxwell's Law.

It is always my pleasure to have you read through my blog. I remain yours friendly always.

Image credit: PIXABAY 



You are very right. I wish people could learn from the experience of others. How many unpleasant things we would avoid. But it is also true when you say that nobody can live the life of another, it is the law of life.

you're right it's better to really exist instead of being a passenger we should experience life no matter the difficults and pain we seem to feel like is short at least we have to live it

True words of wisdom you have here. Its never too late to learn to live, as a matter of fact we'll continue to learn till the very last second. Life is beautiful.

There is no right time to start living the way you want, it starts now. so do not put your life on hold for any reason or obstacle. When one door closes jump through the window there is always an outlet for you.

Your words touched my heart, that tiny corner where raw emotion resides. Why put my precious life on hold for 'tiny' obstacles? Why permanently shut away light for just a moment of darkness? This is food for thought Glo, thank you for sharing

Thinking or hoping that others will live the way we have lived; is not true. No one can live the same life, the same way with another.

Even twins born by thesame woman and suck thesame breast can never live thesame life. We are all going to live differently and no one is superior to another as you have rightly convinced us.
Great post. @gloglo

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