The Roof Isn't The Only Thing Hot Now

in #life6 years ago

Hot next several days.jpg

Local Warming

The image above is a screenshot taken from my iPhone's weather app at approximately 11 AM Pacific Time. Over two and a half hours later at 1:30 PM, the app says it's 92. At around 9 AM when I first checked it, the temperature was 72. If this keeps up, we'll hit the 98 scheduled high and then some.

As you can see from the forecast for the next six days, the temps are expected to get into the low or upper 90s, too.

It's only the early part of July, people. Having such a long span of heat does not happen here often. Usually, there will be a few days of it, followed by a two or three day cooling off period, and then it will gradually build back up again.

In reality, the 90s is more of what we see in August. If we're getting this kind of weather now, does that mean we'll be into the 100s for most of next month? That's not unheard of by the way. We can touch 100 a time or two in a summer, but not for most of a month.

You'll notice along with the highs where the lows get overnight. It's not uncommon for us to have 40 degree or more temperature changes throughout the year. The summer time, though, is when it tends to happen the most.

The coast.PNG

Meanwhile Out On The Coast

This is what the forecast looks like about 50 miles away as the crow flies. This is on the Oregon Coast, where the temperatures rarely get above the mid-70s, and that's not very often. Sunday looks like it might get out of the 60s. It was supposed to do that a day or two in June, too, but the forecast got revised.

Looks like we might want to make a trip out that way, especially if it's going to be sunny. Fog or cloud cover generally accounts for the lack of warmer weather there. This time, it might be wind.

It's Hot All Over

Some of you have already been experiencing heatwaves into the hundreds, so I'm not complaining. I actually enjoy warmer and sunnier weather than I do the wet, cold and dreary. I can come in and out of it as much as I can take of the sun and heat. I'd rather not be out in the wet and cold for any longer than I have to.

And yes, most homes come equipped with air conditioning here, so we can keep cool if we want the added electricity costs. So far this summer the bills have been reasonable, but this is the first time we've not been able to cool the house off from opening the sliding door in the morning. I'm afraid it's going to be that way for a while, even after it dips back down into the upper 80s.


Burning Them Vegetables

In the meantime, there's the garden to be concerned about, and to a lesser extent (at least for me), the lawn and the flowers. We've got sprinklers set up on the grass and the garden. I might have to up the morning and evening dosages a little bit to get them through the heat of the day.

I think the plants have been doing really well in the upper 70s lower 80s weather we've been having. I'm not sure what they're going to look like on the other end of this heat spell. Maybe the hot peppers will come on more?


The Grass Is Definitely Not Greener

Meanwhile, our grass has seen better days. This probably doesn't seem too bad colorwise to some of you (maybe you don't have grass at all) but we're used to seeing more green, even during the summer months. And the heat is just beginning.

The Large Blue Donut

I guess you do what you got to do to make it through the hot days. We bought a pool, primarily for the granddaughter to get acclimated to, but after an hour or so of enjoying herself the first time, she's not wanted to get into it since. We've had to move it twice for one reason or another after setting it up two weeks ago. Hopefully, it'll stay there and someone will actually get in it.

Swimming pool.JPG

Somehow, the small cactus plant next to the pool seems totally appropriate now.


About This Post

Screenshots of the weather are from the iPhone weather app. The rest of the images were taken by Glen Anthony Albrethsen on an iPhone 6s.

What's the weather like where you're at, and what's the forecast? What do you do to keep cool?


The weather here seems very similar to yours except a few degrees lower. The heat is hotter than we would normally get in late August so, like you, I've been wondering, if it's like this now what's it going to be like in a months time?

It has cooled down a bit the last couple of days but there's still not sign of rain. I've forgotten what that looks like! 😂

To keep cool I go to the beach although last week and for a couple of weeks before that it was unbearably hot there as well.

See, heat on our coast is not an issue up here. Must be the difference between Atlantic and Pacific or something, because I think we're actually farther south than you are.

And actually, one needs to get down into the southern California area before you start getting warmer weather at the beach, along with warmer water. You can get warmer weather north San Francisco and below, say Eureka, but that's still a little far for us to go. :)

Yeah. But this isn't typical @glenalbrethsen. I can't ever remember a summer like this one. 😊

June is the hottest month here I think, hot and crazy humid!! We haven't gone out much at all lately because of it. Truthfully, it's terribly uncomfortable unless you're in some water!

You're right though, from what I've heard, it's "hot all over"!!

My weather app is showing it's 84 in the Cancun area and mostly cloudy. Looks like a thunderstorm for Saturday, but other than that, sunny. The thing about there and Hawaii where we've been is that the temperature doesn't cool off that much from night to day. There's only an 8 degree difference between the high and the low! Hard to cool off that way, though the breezes are generally very nice. :)

That's exactly what my dad was saying to me this morning. It's actually closer to 90 here; Cancun is always cooler (haha cooler!), but with the humidity, it feels well over 100. It's very hard to cool off, even in the apartment with airconditioning. We have a AC unit in the bedroom, but only one ceiling fan in the living room, and oddly enough, nothing in the kitchen, so with all the windows, it can get hot in here too.

I've always been amazed at how the hotter places never have air conditioning, but they'll have heating. They'll say, "You get used to it after a while." Well, I guess that's true to a degree. Folks who were born there and lived there all their life might acclimatize, but I'm guessing it takes more than a couple of generations for that to happen, and that something biological must be happening too. I mean, we get warm and fairly humid in the valley and I've lived most of my life here—over 40 years. I don't feel like I've gotten used to any of the weather outside of the times it's in the 70s and sunny, which doesn't happen more than maybe three months total out of the year. :)

haha I've heard the same thing, and have seen people walking around in skinny jeans and long sleeves in this weather, but I am not one of them! I can barely stand to have shorts and a tank top on, and anything tight, forget it!!

I don't get it either :)

Enjoy your three months haha That's a good one :)

howdy there @glenalbrethsen! so the weather is warm there, is that the main message of this post? poor babies.. might have to deal with 90 degrees! what do you care, you have a pool! how many people in Oregon have pools?
I think this is all smoke and mirrors.
I think you're one of the 1 percenters tryin to pass yourself off as
a commoner! a whole pool there and complain about the heat....?

One percenter? You know everyone in the western world is a one percenter, right? And then you have fractions of the one percent from there.

I'm sure you could, if you so chose, run down and by a pool like we did for anywhere between $30-$70 and problem solved.

As it is, the pool's not for me. I'm perfectly content to hang out in the air conditioned office.

I don't know how many people in Oregon have pools. In our neighborhood I don't think it's many, unless they have the smaller above ground kind like we got a few weeks ago.

You down in Texas expect 100 degrees because you're in the South. That's the key. South. In our case, we're in the Northwest. That's also a key. Northwest. We live here in part because we don't want 100 degree weather, otherwise we'd move there. And bring our complaints about the weather with us. :)

well, I was referring to the 1percenters of the U.S. and totally teasing of course about that little pool and all. lol.
pools are pretty important in Texas but man are they a pain to run, maintain, the cost in chemicals and cleaning time.

Which is why we don't have an inground pool. Plus, the water table is so high in some places it would be tough to dig one. We're up a little rise so we might be able to do that, but now we've got really nowhere to put it without ripping out grass or concrete.

I think this one is going to be enough to mess around with, especially if no one's getting in it. I think they're wanting to get the granddaughter in, but it's too hot for her to be outside very long, at least in the afternoon.

Surprisingly, there is a filter on it, but I'm not sure how effective it is or what all it's supposed to do. My son has been using a sieve to scoop up whatever falls into it, so I guess he's the pool boy. :)

lol..your son the pool boy! that thing should be a blast for the grand daughter. I'd get in and lay around if it was hot enough.

I have noticed it is warmer than normal here in New England since I returned as well. Guessing from the browning of the grass there you are behind on rain at this point? If so, have they implemented the water rationing yet (the rationing that never impacts big businesses as you see them daily watering their lawns)?

The vegetables don't look to bad, at least in the picture you snapped.

Yeah, the plant are good right now. This is just the beginning of the 90-plus degree weather, so I wanted to have a record of what they looked like going into the heatwave and then I will see what they look like several days from now.

I don't think we're behind on rain. We get enough of it during the rest of the year it's hard to say that. We don't normally get a lot of rain during the summer, anyway. Maybe a summer storm here and there, which we've already had one, but it came and went.

I think part of it is I need to add more water, which I've done, and it hasn't helped, and I don't think the summer fertilizer has gone on yet. We have someone who does the lawn and he mainly likes to cut the grass and make it look trimmed it seems. I'll need to catch him next week and see if there's any fertilizer coming. I think he put down some weed killer because we have some patches that look like they've been burned so maybe he's waiting for that.

I haven't noticed a whole lot of lawn watering anywhere. It normally takes place in the earlier part of the morning or into the evening and since I'm working from home, I might get out in the afternoon.

It's been a while, though, since we've had any rationing of water simply because there's a goodly amount stored up from the raining season and the snow melt. Our populations around here tend to be lower, too, and a quite a few people just let their lawns go to save on the water bill.

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