Today I received my multi million dollar survey for marriage equality in the post.

in #life7 years ago

There has been so much talk about marriage equality in Australia.

Both sides of politics have stalled during their time in office.

The latest delay tactic is this 122 million dollar survey I received today in the post.


One former high court judge described it as.

"completely novel, voluntary, non-binding, non-compulsory vote of a few citizens..."

We have previously had talk of -

Legislative change (which politicians could do today).

It would just be a reversal of the change made in 2004 by the Howard government to define marriage as,
a union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others.

They changed it back then without consulting the plebs, why can't they do it now?

Referendum A question put to voters at the polls in order to change legislation.

Plebiscite Yes that is as it sounds, a nonbinding opinion of the plebeians.

This is what our $122M in taxes looks like.


Posted out with return priority postage paid envelopes to people who are enrolled to vote.

Although it is legal to have sex, enter into a defacto relationship or even marry from the age of 16, those under 18, or not registered to vote do not get to participate in the survey.

It is still unclear what will come of it.

If there is an overwhelming NO they can continue to do nothing.

If an overwhelming YES results, the Prime Minister has said he will put the legislation forward in parliament.

Something he could do today if he really wanted to.

I have strong opinions.

I believe in equality.
In supporting positive loving consensual adult relationships.

I believe my friends, their partners and their children should have the same status in society as my family.

This is a global community.

I would like to know what your country and your stance is on this issue.



Hell yeah. In Canada we have allowed same sex marriages legally since 2005. If love is there, why should a referendum decide. Seems more a test of the culture, enraged traditionalist bigots versus decent human beings. Love and let love❤️

My sentiments exactly.
Why let the potentially prejudiced many decide if a marginalised group be awarded equal rights?

Very nice completion of post! @girlbeforemirror Loved the pictures and description.

The state must recognize the fact that there are tax paying citizens that wants same sex marriage. These people sometimes are more binding because they love each other than most marriages that ends inn divorce IMO only.

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