A Foray Through the Land of Consumption and Our Partial Escape

in #life6 years ago

Once a month or so it becomes necessary for us to have the Wal-Mart experience. It happens to be the closest big-box store to my house, and its abundant supply of stuff all in one place seals the deal. Fabric, dog food, a metal spatula, whatever miscellaneous items I’ve broken in the last month that need replacing, etc—it is gathered and we wait an eternity for the snail’s pace cashier to usher us along our way.


The Wal-Mart experience is special, but of course not really in a good way. We’ve all seen the memes. In defense of Wal-Mart, it does seem to employ the rejects of society. Who else was going to hire that cashier with the squirrely eyes and that half smirk as she lingers over every item scanned. That’s a lot of toilet paper. So you broke another metal spatula? How does that happen? I’m pretty sure this lady has been a prostitute and a CEO at some point in her life, and Wal-Mart has provided a careful balance between the two.

But enough about Wal-Mart. This is not about Wal-Mart. This is about Target.

Target is the store of choice for the standard American stay-at-home-mom. I see posh looking women out and about town and hear them saying to each other, “Oh yes, I got it at Target.” If your average Floridian Wal-Mart shopper drives a pick-up truck with an emblem of a deer’s head on the back window, then your average Target shopper can be seen driving a Lincoln and jamming out to pop music. I certainly don’t side with the Wal-Martians, but I can’t be seen being posh at Target either. You can find me at the local thrift store. I’m getting off topic again…

So today I had to go to Target, because with their fancy persona I figured the selection of sound machines would be better than Wal-Mart. I had to buy one today, because in order to get sleep, other little people have to sleep. I didn’t want a sleep deprived version of myself to throw a broken sound machine through a window tonight, so I opted to purchase a new fully-functional one. I don’t want to repeat our sleeplessness of last night. So, the boy and the tot and I traveled to the posh land of Target. Many a mom could be seen pushing a cart with a tot of her own fully equipped with a sippy cup (and no doubt a backup), and at least one of those little no-spill cups full of goldfish crackers—the standard stay-at-home-mom stuff.


I selected our sleep necessity, and then the children spotted the nearby toy aisle. A new world unfolded before their eyes. Target clearly markets itself toward a richer clientele than Wal-Mart. There were so many beautiful toys. For a few minutes I was lost. I was having flashbacks to my childhood. Oh, the dollhouse I always wanted. The Barbie-sized horses. An entire aisle of toys in pink packaging. Then reality caught up with me. Would the dollhouse and the Barbie-sized horses have improved my childhood? Probably not. My childhood was awesome.

Blasted Target. It introduced the boy to Lego kits he had not fathomed before. Build a passenger train for $150. After a few of those kits, I would want to add on a room to the house as a designated safe place for Lego building, to protect the Legos from the children and their tendency to misplace them.

In all honesty, all three of us enjoyed our foray through the land of Target. It is such a pleasure to look at beautiful things, and beautiful things always fill the head with ideas of inspiration and hope. Then, with the tot lagging behind me as she examined everything at her eye-level, and the boy at my side, I announced that we were making a special trip to the thrift store.


Thrift Store Fun.

We quenched our thirst. I rummaged through shelves of random books, finding a few old gems to read the children at bedtime—one of my favorite things to find are out of print children’s books. The boy found a sizable monster truck for $1.99. The tot found herself a stuffed puppy that made her quite happy. We walked out of there to a parking lot full of an eclectic variety of cars. We had successfully consumed, as set out on our shopping trip, and done so away from the pick-up truck deer heads and pop music Lincolns.

It was a good day.


Target expanded into Canada, 124 stores, lost over 2 billion in 2 years and left.
We seem to prefer Walmart...mmmm

Interesting. Is Wal-Mart prevalent in Canada?

Yes, and costco is big, and growing.
Target was poorly planned, moved into old buildings, from a defunct
lower end retailer, empty shelves, looked like a liquidation outlet
when you walked in there.
We might have different habits as consumers here too, rather
we like to think we are different..lol

Canada intrigues me. Maybe I will wonder into a Canadian Wal-Mart one of these days and make a culture comparison. :)

After your post, that scares me a little...what will she think of us....lol

You sure seem to have had an interesting day. Too bad I can not say something more because we don't have a Wal-Mart of a Target here in Holland. But from what I read in this post I would say that I would more be someone who can be seen at the local thrift store ... and that one we also don't have where I live. And before you wonder, no I'm not living underneith a rock, just in a little tiny village in the netherlands.

It is lovely to not have a Wal-Mart or a Target. You haven't missed a thing, unless you were looking for some eccentric people-watching. I wonder if you don't have much of the dregs of society in your country, or if they just find a place that isn't a large corporation to accumulate. I don't remember seeing much in the way of dregs when I was in Amsterdam briefly, at least as far as big cities go.

Honestly, I wouldn't fault you if you did live under a rock. Some of my favorite children's books involve little people living in places like that :)

Everywhere there will be such dregs of society and everywhere there will be something ... except idd perhaps under that stone. Hmmm could be a good idea after all ... living under a rock in my own little fantasy world.

So long as their are magically looking fireflies for nightlights, snail's backs to ride on, that sort of thing...that would be the life.

What fun at Target! We have Target in Australia too and quite enjoy shopping there. We do not have Wal-Mart, but can say I have shopped in Wal-Mart a few times when in Canada. They have a terrible reputation but are great discount stores.

I wonder how I would feel in these stores in other countries. I remember seeing a few American landmarks in Europe but they still managed to be distinctly foreign, which was a relief.

I’m pretty sure this lady has been a prostitute and a CEO at some point in her life, and Wal-Mart has provided a careful balance between the two.

Why haven't you put all these into a book? YOu are so clever! Honestly, do it. I'd buy a copy. xxx

PS I got lyrical today, if you're interested. Spelling and grammar slips blamed on wine. xx

I probably could find enough Walmart and Target characters to write a book on.

I saw that. Very nice. I'm glad you told me, it was good early morning reading.

I have come to the conclusion there are two children in Florida who may be the luckiest kids on the planet. They surely do not know that yet, but one day that idea will dawn on them. May the fates smile fondly on those kids and their mom. They deserve it.

Aww thanks, that's very sweet.

You're welcome. Just an observation.

You nailed it again. Lisa loves target. She does not fit your description but she would love it if she did, lol. She also loves thrift shops. They fit her budget a lot more than Target. I don’t go to Target much. I think it partly is because I don’t really fit in there. I guess I am more of pick-up deer head sort, lol. Truthfully, most of my shopping is done at a small locally owned grocery store or Amazon.

I think I would like Lisa. She strikes me as the chameleon type. I am a bit of a chameleon myself.

Yes, over all I might be more of a Wal-Mart persona. I can respect a pick-up with a deer head :)

Also, as much as kids today have changed they still are the same in a way. My kids would have happily picked out a thrift store stuffed puppy and monster truck. They used to pick up those things at garage sales happy as clams.

It is so interesting how certain things do not change through the generations. A monster truck that mom actually isn't saying is too expensive? Wow!

what the? what's wrong with pick-up truck deer heads? kinda elitist aren't you? too good to be seen with the rednecks huh? must be nice to just shop all day.

@janton, you are the master at conversations. Every one of those sentences was inflammatory. Surely I was bound to respond to at least one of them. :D

You have a deer head on your truck, don't you? Thrift store elitist - definitely. I think we need to strictly define "redneck" for our future correspondence. I will make a criteria based on the redneck jokes from your posts.

You know me, just hitting the stores all day long. I wonder how all that school work gets done. ;)

ahhaha! well they had to be inflammatory or else you might not respond you thrift store elitist! lol. nice contradiction in terms.
no I don't have a truck yet dog gone it.

but this.."I wonder how all that school work gets done. ;)" yeah that's what I was wondering! how's that going anyway? no breaks, sounds exhausting. and how do they know you aren't just having class 1 hour a day?

hahaha! have you ever heard of The Engagement League?

Not exactly but I saw that joke about you needing a chair :)

howdy this fine Saturday at ginnyannette! See I'm not trying to irritate you today by calling you ginny. I'm so nice sometimes it's scary. No time to talk today huh? well it's not late at night so you aren't exactly free, I salute and honor you for doing all that you do.God bless you and have a great weekend!

We see small Canadian cities battling to keep Walmart out but once it's in, people go for low prices. The one is my city is always busy.

I feel like over all Walmart has been slowing down. When I was a kid it was a necessity. Now there are a lot more options. That said, Walmart certainly isn't going out of business here. Not having one in town is kind of a romantic concept to me.

I can think of at least 4 large department store chains we have lost, 5 if you include Target, even one that had been around over 120 years.

Yeah, quite a bit has closed here too.

Wal martians love it. That reminds me that I have often wondered about aliens. I mean what they would make of the human antics. If things like television and walmart were ever considered a realistic crosscut of humanity even some humans would be perplexed.
Very brave of you to venture out with the kids.
Seriously though I love to window shop. Bright shiny things and pretty colors really can be inspirational.
Here is a funny story. We did not go to Wal Mart for about 6 years. We were on a kick of shopping local. Recently we went in one. My poor deprived husband literally stood in the entry area in shock for about 5 mins. He was totally entranced by a machine that will recycle old cell phones. I decided he is more fun to take shopping than the kids ever were :D

Recycling old cell phone machine? I've got to look for this thing. I might just spend five minutes on it too. He does sound like a good shopping companion.

People-watching is the most perplexing thing. Add in Walmart or Target, and it is akin to watching aliens I think.

Oh I love people watching. Especially around noon on a Sunday We have churches here were the ladies wear the most amazing hats. I swear I want to find out where they get these things. Look like old time Easter Bonnets from the 30s or something. One day I am going to get brave and ask.

Yes, find out and join in!

I have a bunch of hats but none are like that They really do look fun though.

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