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RE: Weird New Invention To Save Elderly? 1/3/2018

in #life7 years ago

Sounds like things are moving in the right direction although they would be prohibitively expensive at present.

Also, as you say they would only protect the hips. My mum has had 2 falls. IN the first she injured her knew and the second she cracked a vertebrae in her spine. Fortunately she was not hospitalised but she is still in pain from both. It's a big worry as she lives on her own.

Not sure what the answer would be though, short of an inflatable skin suit!


Yes so far pushing it in the right direction but yeah I agree its pretty expensive on launch, indeed falls are extremely worrying for the elderly sorry to hear about your mum that is a horrible fall and she was very lucky no further damage was done to her spine yikes, but yes it would only protect the hips area and some inflatable suit sounds like a step in the right direction @gillianpearce if they were to use something like this idea.

Yeah. I don't think @simonjay my mum would be willing to wear an inflatable suit. It would have to be some sort of inflatable clothes that still looked and felt like clothes. Maybe someone could invent an inflatable fabric that only blows up on extreme contact.

I wonder if that is the sort of thing you can do with nano technology. If it happens, remember you read it here first! 😊

Hehe you said it first @gillianpearce and those are some great ideas and yes I believe nano technology could indeed do such things.

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