Why we age and how to deal with it.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I wrote several articles on the topic of aging. Probably because after 50 years begin to clearly understand the approach of old age. You begin to wonder why we age. I believe that a person begins to age when cease to learn, to grow, to change, to comprehend something new. "I am who I am. I can't change now" - from that moment the person enters the monotone, monotonous, aging life.

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If a person does not change their principles, beliefs, traditions, limits himself. He lives within its limits, not allowing himself anything new and progressive to best. Well, if you live and all your desires fulfilled. But if you have goals that you never implemented, then your own principles prevent you from living better. You create limitations for themselves without changing their own beliefs. You yourself make you look older and make life monotonous, not developing, not learning a new, not trying to commit those actions that were previously scared to do.

Why in childhood time passes slowly, and the older the person becomes, the it is accelerating?
The answer is simple: every child's day filled with new experiences, knowledge, and life skills. Previous day is not like today. And tomorrow the child does not know what to do and to learn. But the life of an adult pre-painted. Yesterday he did the same, making today and will do tomorrow. The days merge into one long period. Every day the same, nothing new and impressive.

How to live old people? They are doing something new? Do they travel? They read books, where do you get new knowledge? Do they do sports?
Only a few each day to dedicate to development. But most of old people knows only two paths from his home, in hospital and in the shop where you can buy groceries. Every day an old man similar to the same day, which was a year or even two years ago. If life itself will not force a person to change something in your environment, it does not change. The way people age.

The lack of change leads to aging and limited life. And only change can slow the aging process.
What is the change?
Under the change refers to new knowledge, practicing new skills, traveling, getting impressions, attempt to achieve the goals, eliminating all fears and inhibitions. When one tries to develop and live, as the game progresses, then don't have time to grow old. Of course, his body is aging. But even it slows down the pace for years pushing back the period when it becomes old and sick. This is the secret of beauty and youth.
Make your life different, not all be afraid to radically change. And your old age will not be a burden. It will be a nuisance, which will have to be reconciled while remaining in the soul young.

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