Three in one being

in #life6 years ago

Hey guys it's @giftizy and am here with a beautiful insight about this topic. Many of us have different perception about this , we might have heard of the TRINITY in Christianity but we are too religious about it and fail to understand that this three beings perform different functions and the way you view any of them to perform, that is the way they function for you. We have The Father, Son and Holy spirit in one God but they perform different functions but they work hand in hand that is why we have to understand the three beings and know how to utilize them in every aspect of our lives. Many people make use of only the Son Jesus and forget the others. The Father is the creator of the universe and all that exist in it, we forget that the Father is still in the creation business, we only see him as he created heaven and earth and fail to understand why many call him the creator because he has the ability to create different things, for example if a person is sick, he has to see God as a creator of any organ of the body and to create a new organ. If someone is still single, the person has to take the Word of God and believe that God is still in the creation business and has the ability to create someone for him or her. Take the Word of God which says let us create man in our own image and likeness, just believe that God has created someone for you and at the right time that person will come running to you. If a person needs wealth he should believe that God has the ability to create wealth and take the Word when God said silver and gold are mine. Sweetheart that is wealth, he transferred the wealth of the Egyptians to the Isrealite in one day, just believe that it can also happen for you.
The Son is another important part of the TRINITY, he is seen as the Saviour of the world he came to save the world of sin and the devil. The Son also came to save us from any plague and curse that the devil may have inflicted on us. If a person is sick the person needs to believe that the son is able to save him from that sickness and take the Word as it is written in Mathew 8:17 himself took my infirmities and bore all our sicknesses . If a person is in trouble or have been accused falsely or have have been inflicted with pain or affliction, he or she should also believe that the Son is there to save us from all and also take the Word as it is written in Colossians 2:14 which says blotting handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross, that is why many Christians say cast all your burdens on him i.e the Christ. Even in the case of death the Son is there to save us from that as well using his flesh and blood, when we take it with understanding we will understand that we are not permitted to die untimely because he promised us that whosoever eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life.He is there to save and exempt us from every pain in the world. He is here to save us from the one who hath the power of death that is the devil. Just believe in Him, that he has the power to deliver us from every trouble and affliction.trinitydome.jpg

This is my best friend in the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, we are in his dispensation because when Jesus was leaving, he said he send a comforter. The Holy spirit is the seat of wisdom and he is there to reveal and teach us all things not only the bible, including our courses in school, our business and also in marriage and all our endeavour, just ask him. For it is written that the spirit searches all things, yea the deep things of God. Many of us only think the Spirit of God is a feeling, but he is a person and also my best friend. You can ask him whatever you need and he answers you. He is in everyone who tells you how to do things; so many people say he is like our conscience and I believe that, but he talks like your friend. He can also tell you the right decision to take both as a student, a single person the kind of person you should marry, as a married person and also as a business man or woman.
The TRINITY walk hand in hand, they perform different functions but are one Person. We should learn to utilize the 3 in 1 beings and not use only one because you need the three in every aspect of you.

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