Time flies when you are a parent

in #life7 years ago

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When I was pregnant with my first son, I was very excited and couldn't wait for him to be born. On the 26th of March 1998 my life changed. My son was born prematurely at 37 weeks and was the tiniest baby I have ever seen.  I did not know what to do with him.  Although he was a very healthy baby, I hardly slept during those first nine months.  I was too scared that he would stop breathing, and sat staring at him for hours, constantly checking that he was still breathing, and just thinking about this tiny baby and all that he would achieve in life.  

Then I blinked my eyes and he was a grown man.   

He grew up fast, achieved great things in school, and never did anything to disappoint me.  We build a good solid open relationship and he knows that I am there for him.  ALWAYS.  

When he was a teenager I expected him to lash out, but I never really had any issues with him.  He has a beautiful soul and I am very proud of him.  The hardest thing that I ever had to do was to let him go.  In the beginning of this year, I had to drop him off at University 780 km away from me.   My baby was no longer a baby... but I know I raised him well, and he has two strong feet to stand on.  

It is all good if they still live under your roof, and while they grow up you still have control over what they do and don't do.  The minute that they leave you, is the minute that your life changes forever.  The hardest thing for me is not to phone him everyday.  At least if I hear his voice I can tell if he is fine or not.   

The only thing that comes up in my mind now is the song Don't fly too high my little bird....  But no matter how much you worry, lie awake at night, hoping that they are safe, you must take comfort in the thought that you have taught them well, and now it is their turn to learn from their own mistakes. 

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Even if it still feels that your heart gets ripped out, when you see them get hurt. It is THEIR time to shine and their time to fall and stand up on their own. 

At the end of the day, no matter how old your children are and how many times they tell you they are not a child any more, they will stay YOUR child and the worrying never ends.  The pleasure and love that kids bring into your home, outweighs all of the other stresses in life.  You know for sure, that your heart will never be part of your body again, because it's walking around on the outside. 

Now so many things that your mother said to you, just suddenly makes sense....


Time flies in no time!! I saw my neighbor when he used to take his two daughters and a son to school, to the mall and to play supports. Now one of them got married, other one is in the university in Eastern Canada. Just middle daughter lives with them. My 3 kids, same two daughters and a son were toddlers then.
It seems like just yesterday. Now I am doing the same duties as my neighbor did. My oldest daughter got into grade 10, for me she is still crawling!!

Hi @mathworksheets it is sad that life goes so fast. I miss my son so much every single day, but I must say that parenting is one of the most rewarding things in life.

Yes it is. I can feel your situation as I lived it with my mom when my younger brother left our home to join the Indian army!!

Oh my.... your mother must have been terrified during that time!

Yes always kept asking the other army men in our relations about how do they train, when he had to wake up, who will feed him in the morning, what time he went to the bed, how hard his commander was, so and so. That time there was not even phones in the our village.
But once he came back after the training he was stronger and healthier then she stopped worrying about him, but still kept talking about him at the meal times.

Ha ha...can imagine that. The very first thing I ask him if I phone is "Are you eating?" I have the best son in the world. Not because his mine, but he really has a good head on his shoulders and I believe that he is going to become a great teacher. Believe it or not, he is studying to become a teacher. Main subject Mathematics. LOL!

Now, even I can tell that he will become a great teacher.

Ohh yes, mother is denial in truth sometimes. Though we know their big enough but we still toleratng them like toddlers hahaha oh mother deary.

Great article! Thank you

Please take a l👀K at my 18 Summers ☀️👶🏼

Thank you for sharing that. It is a blessing and of course, you know that you are never alone.

It is indeed a blessing. Thank goodness for technology today otherwise I would not have made it through this...lol!

nice post. sub.

OH No! That must be horrible! I cannot or rather, do not want to think when it's my time to say goodbye. My daughter now says she is going to live with me forever. LOL But of course she will change her mind when she is older. They are, and will always remain our babies. :)

Ha ha, my other son is still with me, I told him he is not allowed to go anywhere. We will build an empire here on Steemit and he can stay with me...lol!

Ha ha! It will be a big empire! Then he surely wont want to go! :)

Beautiful account of parental love, thank you 🙂

My daughter who is now eight months old was a tiny little preemie. Those first 6 weeks I was so paranoid she would suffocate or I'd break her so was so small. She's growing so fast now. I dread the day she is old enough to leave the nest.

Don't blink. I really miss him so much.... slowly getting used to the idea but I literally have to keep myself busy all the time not to think about it.

Really good and insightful post . : )

Great post.. you have a new follower. I think of my oldest daughter everyday when she is not home visiting from college. Sometimes I will be doing something and think to myself, I wonder what she is doing right now and I hope she is having a great day. I send her a text message every day just to hear whats going on... this helps a lot.

Hi @peacekeeper I wish I had magical powers to turn them back into babies. Texting sure helps, and whatsapp and instagram and facebook and skype....but it still doesn't make up for the real thing. It must have been worse for our parents because they did not have this technology, but the world was safer back then. It is just scary to let them out in this world even though I know he is fine.

A truly sadly truth to accept mother, I my own is a mother too everything you been I have been too theres no more worries to feel for them but us. But thinking of all those years, knowing that we teach them to learn, to know what wrong and bad, telling them to be in a good path co whatever they do or done no one else will suffer the consequences but them. Trying to teach them what you saw is what you reap, but whatever it takes or it may, maybe they choice the right or the bad sometimes but we hope they will learn from that mistake.

And mother or parents will always be a parents, and always be there to help them if they needed it the most. We will be parents from the first time we saw them, until the last breath we take.

Be at ease mother, your child is grow now, it's time for them to learn on their own, just let them know we are always there for them.

Thank you @dianargenti what a nice message. Have a great weekend!

Parents is always be a parents. Like wise @giantbear have a good weekend.

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