Men are from Mars and women are from ....possibly a planet far far away... (my wedding anniversary)

in #life8 years ago (edited)


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How can two beings, living on one planet in one universe, be so different from each other?  Physical appearance is an obvious difference but then there is the emotional side. The absolute terrifying, horrifying, incomprehensible, bewildering, unfathomable, abstract, vague, obscure emotions of a woman. I don't think women will ever be understood by men.  They are just too complex. Lovely creatures, but as men, we don't know what they want, and possibly never will, but that doesn't really matter.    

Today is my 7 th anniversary in my second marriage.We are very happy couple, and seem to understand each other most of the time.....but we do have our little "conflicts". 


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I love my wife dearly and she has been with me through very difficult times in my life. She encourages me, and made me into the man that I am today.  We share everything and communicate on a level that most people will not understand.  I can't imagine living without her. She is my life. She is my world.


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We live a very peaceful life in a small town on the coast, and we enjoy our time together.  I will not give this up for anything.  My first marriage was a total disaster. There are always two sides of a coin, but this was not my fault.  She left me for another woman. This was the most degrading experience I have ever experienced in my life. She took my kids and she walked out.  Leaving me with nothing. I was devastated. I started drinking and  I had nothing more to live for.  I lost my job in the process and things just didn't work out for me. I was alone, no job, and no one to care for.  

Until I met my current wife. She changed my life.  We went out for about three years and then one day during my surprise birthday party (she arranged for me) I asked her to marry me.  The rest is history.  My life calmed down, and for the first time in a very long time, I was happy.  My wife took a broken man and helped to change me back into the once confident man I was.  I never thought that the saying  " Every cloud has a silver lining" had any meaning, but today I know it does.  I now believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Life is simpler than we imagine.  With love and understanding, sometimes a little conflict, support and love anything is possible.   

During the last few years, I have accumulated a few tips that might help the male species survive a bit longer on this planet.   

1.  Always agree with a woman.  (Don't try and fight this.)  

2.  If  a woman suggests that you do something together.  Do it.  (Even if you don't like it, just do it. In turn if you want to do something she will be forced to do this with you:)

3.  Pick up your clothes. Dirty laundry on the floor creates chaos even in the most peaceful homes.  

4.  Put down the toilet lid. (Also keep your aim straight.) 

5.  Replace the cap on the toothpaste.

6. Support your wife/girlfriend in every decision she makes.  Remember: Women are always right! 

I am thankful for my wife.  Today my son lives with me, and she supports that.  I have gained 2 wonderful kids from my wife's side and I love them dearly.  My life turned out differently than what I expected, but I am grateful for what I have.  Never underestimate the power of a woman. 

Woman, we can't live with them, but surely we can't live without them:)

Please follow me @giantbear


Happy Anniversary @giantbear. May your life stay peaceful and happy.

Thank you. Appreciate.

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