Banana skin to remove verrucas? Why not, it removed the Sarcoids from my horse Opal's eye area!

in #life7 years ago

Leading on from this very interesting post about the cleaning and healing properties of potato skins, I thought I would share another remedy using skins, in this case banana skins.

When one of my horses was young, she started to develop Sarcoids around the eye area - of course she would develop them in one of the most inaccesible treatment areas!  I was told by the vet that the usual treatment was to use a mixture of toxic chemicals which when applied to the Sarcoid, would destroy it - not appropriate near the eye!  The other treatment was to insert radium needles into the Sarcoid - cost, £2,000!  Could not afford to do that.

I decided on a little internet research.  I found that Sarcoids are the same family as verrucas in humans.  Looking into verrucas more fully, I found that interesting work was being carried out using banana skins.  When they go black the enzymes given off will kill verrucas.  You apply a piece of banana skin to the verruca, cover it and leave for several days.  Repeat this, changing the banana skin at each dressing removal, and in one month, the verrucaa will have been destroyed.  Would this work on Opal too?

I got a piece of banana skin, let it go black, and tried affixing it to the eye area.  How to keep it on?  I taped over it and she just rubbed it off.  I was getting very frustrated.  A friend suggested whizzing the banana skin in a processor with some sensitive moisturiser, then just dabbing it on the affected area.  I did this and ended up with a grey paste with bits of banana skin in.  I potted up the paste and started to apply it to the eye area, twice a day.  Within two days there was a change in the look of the Sarcoids.  They changed colour and began to swell with fluid.  Within two weeks they had grown from pin head size to a sack filled with fluid about the size of 1 1/2 cm (1/2 inch).  Then they just dropped off!

The Sarcoids have never returned and you would not know they had ever been there.  So, if your child has a verucca on his/her foot, then try this remedy.  I expect it would work for warts too.

A post a little different from my usual but why not?

Adios Amigos, from 'not so sunny' Almeria Privince, Spain.


Thanks for sharing alternative healing methods! (When written like that we all sound hokey...) In the past there were plenty of methods for healing this way, they didn't have pills and shots. Not that I am advocating the distrust of doctors, but I think the world could use them a little less.

Thank you and I totally agree with everything you have said. X

Totally agree. Thank you for your reply. x

This is the type of research that I would have done, and have done in the past to solve medical problems for myself and my children.
Doctors are often quite poor at figuring out how to fix things anyways, and what solutions they do offer are drugs. Although vets tend to be better at figuring out non-drug solutions than human doctors are for their patients.

Thank you for your reply. I totally agree with you here. However, my research was only instigated through financial necessity. It taught me a lesson though. I never considered alternative treatments before this. I now look differently on the whole scenario. X

Thank you for sharing ! :)

You are most welcome, are we not all here to share and hopefully educate others through our own life experiences? (This sounds so trite, but I hope you understand my meaning)? X

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