Changes since 2020

in #life5 months ago

How is everyone doing this year?

This is just a random post where I am reflecting on events of the recent past and wondering what will come around in the near future.

Since 2020, it seems things have been crazy chaotic:
I had just moved to San Diego and things really hit the fan. Cops were patrolling the beaches, there was hardly anyone driving on the streets, fellow neighbors no longer trusted each other as we have all become estranged and unrecogizable with the mask on.

I felt so lonely as I had no friends around and was unable to go to work to meet people. I was stuck in a 230 square feet in a studio that felt like a 4-wall box prison. I had my video games like animal crossing, which had just came out and that was great for a while but life seemed so bleak at the time. Mind you, I am an introvert who spend most of his life contemplating the nature of existence but being in my head too long without break really drove me insane.

Frown monkey.jpg

(Okay, I did not go to the San Diego zoo until later on when things recovered, but see that frown on the gorilla's face? That was pretty much me daily.)

Oh, and I cannot forget to mention the orange skies in the bay area caused by the constant fires happening in multiple places. I do not have a picture as I was not there but my friends showed me images and I literally thought it was dooms day over there.

More things have happened since then, such as the emergence of aritificial intelligence and the rapidly increasing collapse of the financial system. That is probably why many of us are here right? To be part of the shift to decentralization.

If anyone is aware of the spiritual aspects, people are awakening and more and more information on the darker side of life is being revealed. People are leaving mainstream news and collecting information from interviews and talks from people like Joe Rogan or Jordan Petersen.

The changes are crazy and everything is just shifting so fast. Today is the Year 2024, and from what I heard, between now and 2030, things will be even livelier. Not to scare anyone, because change can be unpleasant, especially when it appears abrupt, but change can be a good thing too. It depends on how we choose to perceive life and how we go about things based on the information we become aware of.

I have mostly been an optimistic type of person and the way I see it, more and more people are aligning with their authenticity and speaking up for themselves. Old systems are collapsing and new systems that center around unity and humanity are being built.

The fact that you are reading this means you are here and part of the web3 movement, which is being created by people for the people.

With darkness, comes forth the light and vice versa. Yin and yang. Good and evil. The universe operates by laws reflective of balance. We have been repressed for so long, so now I am happy to see the societies are shifting where people are creating more, speaking up more on online platforms, seeking financial independence, and doing things that really matter to them.

I pray for everyone to stay strong and don't be gripped into fear for long. We are all on a wild ride together and because we are in charge of our own lives, we therefore have the power to experience amazing things for ourselves.

One of my general goals in life is to consistently live playfully. Whatever it is I do, wherever I go, or whoever I meet, I maintain a playful youthful heart so I can enjoy and cherish the present moment. As it is, life is a series of experiences and anyone and everyone have the power to choose life and joy.


I look forward to the changes that will occur because I know I will get to see more people grow and create technologies or other things that not only helps each other but also bring meaning and fulfilment to themselves. Finally, for the first time ever, there is more support and motivation, that we get to decide here and now it is time to engage with life and to play it our way.

Happy to be here with everyone!


(Here is a random photo I took during my solo travel in 2023, probably in Seattle.)

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