in #life7 years ago (edited)

HACKSAW RIDGE.jpgWhen i was younger, i always felt a distinct accumulation of amazement and wonder anytime i saw a movie for the very first time. On the playground, and while in class, my friends and i would spend time recounting the moments of my lovely movie, re-enacting the part of the movies that left great impressions on us and even thinking about how we wished the movie would have turned out.

All of these really aided and shaped my childhood into a pleasant one and that is what i represent today. It really helped in my development and i think it would be safe to say that movies have had some level of influence on each of our lives.

We can't deny the role of movies in our community. People have used cinema not only to talk about stories, but also also a medium to air opinions, ideas and mindsets on a particular subject, ideas that have changed mindsets of many and has caused transformations in various sectors.
However, not all of them are used for positive change. For example the documentary about Nazi called ''Triumph of the Will'' which portrayed Adolf Hitler as a wonderful and nice public icon aiming to eventually create the cult of personality that would be around him.
There is a saying that goes like this;

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.
Alice Walker

I love movies that inspire and project positive attitude in life and work and those movies have a way of influencing real life. Whenever i see a movie, especially the motivational and inspiring ones, i allow it to use its power to lift my spirit and prompt me to take real actions with my life because it fills me with more inspiration than anything else.

I went to visit a friend and we saw this movie on TV ''Hacksaw Ridge.'' I hadn't seen the full movie before, just saw the trailer. After seeing the movie, i can say that i left his house stunned. I went home in almost complete silence thinking about the whole film, that's how great this film is.
I am not reviewing the movie intensely, but i think i will give more like an overview shortly before i go into how i was inspired that night.

I am so glad seeing another of Mel -Gibson movies, although its not that recent, i believe the importance of a movie to a person doesn't lie on how soon you see it, but how much message you can take away and apply to your life whenever you see it. I still watch some movies of the 90's up till date.
What pleased me the most about this movie is how old fashioned the film making is. This movie feels like you are watching a film made maybe in the 60's or 70's, just with better budget and better equipment.
The lead actor Andrew Garfield who was Desmond doss in the movie was phenomenal. I felt he gave the best performance of his entire career. His accent worked very well too. Here is one guy who tried to do something good on the battlefield. Another thing that was so inspiring about this movie is that around all of the gunfire, around all of the explosions, you have this one, slender, thin man running through these lines trying to save as many people as he could,
and this were people who laughed at him for joining the army saying that he would not use a weapon in battlefield, i know how absurd and strange this may sound, but this is true, it happened, this is a real guy, its just so great to see a guy do something awesome. Its so beautiful and inspiring to see how every life mattered to him no matter how much parts of the body the victim had lost.

This movie gave me the mindset of how brave soldiers and veterans are. It was like i was plugged into the movie to witness the brutality of what can happen during war. You see soldiers making quick decisions without having to think for long. There was this scene where the soldiers climbed the hacksaw ridge and up there were so many explosions, and as soldiers you just have to find a way to keep moving forward whilst dodging the bombs. I learnt a lot from that scene. Life doesn't always bring itself in the perfect situation. A times we just have to face our fears and eat our frog because if we don't, we might never get to the next level and our fears would keep tormenting us.

Now there is something that some people were concerned about and it was that the movie was going to push Christianity like 'read the bible', 'pray' etc, but its really not like that. This more so was about one man who had such strong beliefs and it depicts his struggle of maintaining them. It doesn't tell you that you should have same beliefs. It shows a man who has those beliefs and it shows how hard it was for him to maintain them.
His fate is something that is private and precious to him, and he is not pushing it on anybody in the movie or watching the movie. That's important because people who are equally strong religiously will relate to him and its also relatable to anyone who believes in anything.
The whole idea is to promote goodness, faith, conviction and dream, which are the best parts of humanity for everyone no matter what religion you believe in.

The men who Desmond doss were saving were men who treated him very poorly. It's easy to love people who love you, but its very difficult to love others who don't love you. If you are mistreated, maligned, hurt, by someone else, how do you choose to love them anyways? How do you chose to put yourself in harms way for them, what did they do for you, how have they helped you, well they haven't. In order for a person to love others when others don't love them, they must themselves be a loving person. If i love others because they love me, well that's selfish, that's not love, that's just me responding to them because they made me feel good.
Desmond doss was different, he was physically prosecuted, spiritually prosecuted, they totally disrespected who he was, what he believed in, and what he stood for. And here he is, he is on the battlefield, he is running around putting himself at risk for them.
He had the mindset of loving your enemies. Its one thing to love your friend's, its another thing to love your enemies. He was totally ready to apply what he believed in. One might sat that he was extreme, different, so unique, it wasn't because he was so unique and different, it was because he actually lived his faith and what he believed in. We all have one or two things we believe in. I use my belief as an understanding when things don't go as i wanted it. Instead of getting upset, i try to think of it as a blessing in disguise. I think its very necessary and rewarding to look at the bigger picture sometimes. Desmond doss didnt look at the criticism as a negative thing; instead he found the positive out of it, because there is always a positive even when you fail to realise it yet. Just believe in what you are passionate about and you would be surprised how much comfort and happiness you would get from it.

The main message of this movie is ''Don't just get the right ideas in your head, get the right ideas and then do the right ideas. I encourage every one reading this to implement those right ideas you have.


Be the best version of yourself.jpg




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