#CheckYourPreps Campaign

in #life7 years ago


Hello Steemians!

Every year I do a campaign called #CheckYourPreps.

It is a twice annual drive to get Preppers to Check their Preps going into and coming out of harshest time of year. It’s not just driven by seasons though, it’s to drive home the importance of checking our preps regularly based on your situation and to encourage all your following (if you have a channel on any outlet) to do the same, to get involved and to share what they checked, what was wrong (if anything) what was still ok.

#CheckYourPreps has moved!

It is now in MARCH and OCTOBER (moved from February, October still the same)
Some preppers and homesteaders rightly pointed out that february is still a very harsh month in some areas.

So lets make this #CheckYourPreps the biggest drive yet to get people better prepped and safer and checking their preps. Out preps must be ready to be deployed at a moments notice, so we must be confident they are in a condition to do so!

Be safe and be prepared
Geordie Prepper

Tyne Bridge Footer.jpg

Join Preppers on the Prepper Discord Server - https://discord.gg/255Td3q


Roger that. I cannot understand why someone would invest in emergency measures and not check or look after them...
Emergency Preparedness is not a 'Fire n Forget' methodology.
I'm in.

Err, guilty as charged [cough, cough]

You are correct. It is that time of year when it is time to go through and get rid of outdated items plus add new or upgraded versions . Thanks for reminding me. 🐓🐓

No worries :-) #CheckYourPreps runs for whole of March, hope to see what you check. I've learned a ton of information and adapted a lot of my preps based on others experiences.

I'd love to check my preps but I don't have 18 hours spare lol.

Perhaps a 'culling' of the gear is required???

Hey man, maybe a culling might be in order. Or at least put aside what is most important and keep that in regular order. Box up the rest and inventory it, so it's out of sight, out of mind, but organised so if there is something you want to add you can do so quickly.

All boxed but not inventory'd... I keep meaning to get around to it but it would take several hours. I need the in-laws to disappear for a few hours to get the stuff out.

I think the Vit C and meds from the early 'mad' days will be well past Use By Date so they can go lol.

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