Tales From The Circ Side

in #life6 years ago

An Inebriation Incident

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This post will be full of the most calming images that I could find on my phone, for reasons that will become obvious upon further reading of what I have composed this evening.

Today was spectacular! By spectacular I mean it was full of all the things. We had ADA training with our administration team, a hostile patron and active shooter scenario training with our local police chief and his lieutenant, a new youth librarian trainee, a coworker on vacation, state mandated vehicle safety training, and of course actual library work to do on top of all that extra stuff. Honestly, the whole extravaganza was kinda a blast, as I like to super busy at work!

However, as the workday was drawing to a close, one of our more notorious patrons lumbered in through our automatic, ADA approved doors. This creature always reeks of cheap vodka and spouts borderline inappropriate innuendos. He is a tall middle age man that thrives on causing woman discomfort. Usually he is pretty well behaved with me, as I took great pleasure in flummoxing his idiotic advances and drunken attempts at humor with campaigns of all out misdirection and perplexitude when I first started working at the library. Today though, he reignited the war.

I was working like a bee in a honeycomb trying to check in the last batch of library materials that our courier brought today before I had to leave at 5. My fingers were flying as I scanned materials to check for damage and to see if every disc was in every audio book. Like a mighty librarian duck I was flying through the cart of courier returns. The door opened and I looked up to see that he had come in. He was at least forty-two sheets to the wind and as the Inebriate lumbered close to the circ desk, I did a quick peak to make sure that I had my battlements in place.

You see, the man has a habit of intruding his big self behind the counter. Patrons coming behind the circ desk is a big no no. It is a privacy violation. We cannot have members of the public wandering around where people's private information is displayed, it is a huge NO. I subtly nudged the cart into the gap between the circ desk, the Inebriate, and myself and greeted him by letting him know that we had a few holds for him.

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The blast of vodka breath that hit me when he acknowledged my statement rocked me backward on my heels. He then launched into a lengthy oration about a book that we had ordered for him. I told him again, for the second week in a row, that we couldn't get that particular book from our sources. There was even a note on his account stating that fact. As I was delivering that news I noticed that the two dvd's that the inebriate had returned were soaking wet. The case artwork was soaked. When I asked him about it he mumbled that he must have set his ski boots next to them. I replied that it wasn't a problem, I would just dry them and press them. No biggie. He started getting agitated a bit around that point.

Next he pressed me about three other books that we had ordered him through our Inter Library Loan system. The ILL system is not a part of our local courier system, so when we order a book for a patron, we really have no idea when we will receive the item. The Inebriate knows this, but he took that moment to come in closer to me and press my book cart close to my form.

Now, I don't appreciate boorish behavior. I also don't appreciate big people who lord over smaller people or vice versa. And I really don't like it when some dude exhibits actions that cross all sorts of boundaries of propriety. What the Inebriate forgets is that I grew up with some of the most burly, crass, uncultured people of all time. The lesson was retaught.

"Inebriate! You are not allowed behind the counter, it is against the rules, and you know that." I barked sternly as I pushed the cart towards him and herded him out of the area behind the circ desk. I was sparking more than a flint stone in a little kid's paw.

The Inebriate was so caught off guard by my blast of policy reiterating fire that he uttered the second half of Jesus' name whilst launching into a big speech about how he goes into all sorts of people's houses and they never get upset about it.

I was so incensed by his behavior that I almost spouted, "Well, coming into my house uninvited is a great way to get shot," but I bit my cheeks and said, "That's nice, but at the library patron's respect other patron's right to privacy and stay on the other side of the circ desk where they belong."

He retreated quickly, mumbling in the way that wronged drunks do. If you think I was too harsh with the creature, then think again. He has made every female coworker that I work with feel uncomfortable at one time or another with his too close stances and just on the edge of harassment comments. I don't feel sorry for him at all.

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Today, our police chief told me that anytime one of us feels weird about someone, to just give him a call and he would drop on by. He also told me that he likes Starburst candies. Maybe the next time the Inebriate drops by all tuned in on cheap vodka I will do just that. To see the cretin squirm would bring me joy. The sad thing is, there are times that I almost like the guy. Usually it is when he is sober, which seems to be a rare instance these days indeed.

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's kinda scared its going to be thrown by its angry owner iPhone.

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Oh, my! Anyone reaching cheap vodka and spouting inappropriate innuendos would make my skin crawl. The fact that he only does this when he is inebriated makes me wonder if he is a sort of nice man anytime at all? I wonder if this man is hiding his true personality behind a false face?

I am of small stature coming so I can totally understand where you are coming from when some oversized yahoo is breathing over me. Rather than being intimidating, it's very annoying and borderline rude. Never mind, there is nothing borderline about it, it is rude. I am not sensitive at all about being small oh, it's something that has been there with me all my life. While I will admit to having dreams of being maybe six inches taller so I could eat cupcakes off of some guy's head, but, truly, I am totally comfortable with being who I am.

Granny always said that good things come in small packages. I swear they said that just so you wouldn't feel bad about being small. Have you ever noticed how they had just the right words of wisdom? I wonder how long it took them to thank those up. Let's see? Short people, ample people, people with big noses, people with no noses. I'm sure there's one for everyone.

I am going to tell you right now that I had to read this over twice because your use of words has me reading them very carefully. Laughing all the way. But reading them very carefully. I hope very good when I saw the word flummox. That's a hard one to use and make it sound right. You get big Kudos on that one. Actually the whole entire story was funny despite have sad his state of intoxication was. Have you ever had one that was so drunk that their breath just about knocked you over? I mean it smells like vomit. Oh my God! I have and that's all I could think of when I was reading this. I kept thinking, come on cat when are you going to say he smells like vomit. I can see that you are way too polite for that or he didn't smell like vomit. One or the other. I'm going to flip for it and that will be the deciding factor of what you were thinking.

I have to say that I probably will be I be buying stock in the Wrigley company sometime soon. I think that you will be buying more Starburst then you can shake a stick at. That is totally worth watching your little Cretin man squirm. Oh my gosh! Did I just sound joyful?

Thank you for bringing me so much humor today. I am always up for a little bit of Kat humor.


Oh DS, I totally snorted in mirth when I read the cupcake thing, LOL LOL! You slayed me! I too had gigantic dreams, mainly when I played sports and taller people could do things like lift an arm and reach halfway across the volleyball court, but eating a cupcake off of a dude's head, that takes some creative thinking right there!

Your comment about my story making you laugh made me feel a little bit better. I get a little sardonic when I am angered, and I was more than a little teed off when I wrote that little drunken annoyance diatribe. Too be honest the man's breath smelled like inhaling the scent out of the bottle of cheap Class 6 procured, Military Special vodka I use for making herbal tinctures. LOL!

You are right about the politeness part. Other than an out of character battering ramming of the guy with the book cart, I always try to be as polite as possible, but anyone who knows me knows that I am thinking the opposite of nice. Sometimes I long to say what is actually going on inside my noggin, but I just don't think it would be good for community relations or job security. My brother and my dad don't have that filter so they make up for me reticence on the spouting off part.

And you are so right about grandmas having the best sayings for any occasion, be it a feel good verbal prop up in an area that one feels they are lacking or sound reasoning for why you can't keep the baby gardener snake that you found by the well house in the house. You know, sound wisdom stuff, lol!

I know one thing, I wouldn't want to tangle with an angry you. Growing up with as many siblings as you did means you survived a gauntlet. Not to mention the Catholic school angle and the short stature thing. Dang, girl! You are a one woman army me thinks! :)

Thanks for such an awesome response, your replies always bring a smile to my face and joy to my entrails!

Well Kat I am glad you set him right. I have always said dynamite comes in small packages! It is sad how some folks act when on the sauce.

Between him and Almost James Bond, you sure have some creepers there!

Almost James Bond and The Inebriate, it’s almost like I’m immersed in a B movie lol lol 😂 😂😂

I’m actually fairly easy going, but I guess there was a pine needle in my boot or something cause that boor got me all kinds of incensed!

The Inebriate returned today. He was as full of his usual bluster as ever, but he knew not to intrude into our space behind the counter! It had to be reinforced verbally, but no carts were needed to herd him THIS time.

Ha ha! I’m sad I missed it😉

Ah my dear, you have a most difficult job indeed. But handle the miscreants with the best of decor laced aplomb. I love how you maintain your whole marvy being, yet push back like a glacier at the fjords of New Zealand. A might b'Kat you is. There certainly is an art to handling the less-than-enjoyable of society, and you have it down. I've always been bad at these things...and usually about a day later, think, "I shoulda done this". I suppose that comes with experiential learning, and having those such as Innebriate come in way too often to GIVE you such practice.

I really got a guffaw out of your 'guess what happens if you wander into MY house' retort. Though the entire piece pretty much cracked me up in reading. (And DSW eating muffins off the head took it to a new level, down below). Always an entertaining read, you is. And I agree, there are few things more annoying than a drunk person, when you are not. So often they find themselves funny or entertaining, if not annoying, and it is magnified if you are not 'in suite'. As in drinking at the same time. I was recently watching my favorite women's BB team play in a bar, (on the TV, not IN the bar), and never really noticed, how LOUD everyone talks yammers when drinking in an establishment. Couldn't hear a darn thing. Though I did not have a library cart to push about and bop them into submissive quietude (to coin a GK adjective (that IS an adjective, is it not?) I write, but don't really know what I'm doing most of the time..). Here's to hoping no one exciting shows up today, and your day is going along well, and the weekend is a fun one. Keep it real,
The Pan That Keeps On Keepin On

Ah, my dear skillet domestique, I am truly despaired that it has taken me a couple of days to reply to you. Life has been a bit of a meat grinder this week, more than b'rare Kat standard ops, so I am floundering a bit. However, better late than never, isn't that how the saying goes?

Ooh, sports bars are a bit loud for sure. I've only been in a few of them really, and I have to admit that I enjoy the food part of the establishments, but the cackling and six hundred tv's blaring all manner of activities of the sport kind can be a bit overwhelming. Perhaps I can have my son engineer a foldable traveling library cart that you could use to part a yammering crowd, because one must hear the squeak of shoes during a basketball game, it's essential!

Speaking of library things, I had another incident with another dude on Saturday, and apparently my new coworker was in awe of the fact that my inflection and demeanor never changed throughout the stupidity. I just told her that it was due to my upbringing. When one has a father that could irritate a Tsetse fly, little things like rude patrons don't really phase one. I also just sounded like the Queen of England with all my one speak. A thousand pardons, I had to teach Algebra this morning on a brain that wasn't fully rested and I think my cerebral matrix is glitching. At least that sounds like a good excuse...

Also, I have probably intimated before that I am inordinately fond of you dearest cookware of homeness, but it must be said again, you are the bestest:) Peace Out!

Glad you put the dude in his place. Jeepers. And I will return another day to this post to admire the pictures that are not showing up today. I have that problem frequently, and wonder if it is a Steemit problem, or my computer's problem.

Oh, I do so hope that you have the pictures issue remedied? A life full of text, while pleasant, just wouldn't be colorful enough.

And sadly enough, that unfortunate creature will require another place setting, I can guarantee it...sigh.

Yes, I can see the pictures today! The muffins are particularly inspiring.

I can attest that @generikat does not exaggerate this individual's level of inebriated obnoxiousness! Alas, my alertness was dulled by a resurgence of chronic pain that made the day's work difficult enough as it was, and delayed the suitable response to step in before he got to the desk or I would have intervened.

Awe, thanks JT. It was my turn to deal with him, plus that smell wouldn’t have helped your pain any. Then again, maybe it would have, lol!

Secondhand drunkenness isn't a thing. I think that is probably for the best.

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