Waiting With Whimsy

in #life7 years ago

Salubrious Sitting


Today was a hurry up and wait day. As I am somewhat of a maniac, it seems to be that every time I have to make a trip to town, I end up cramming as many town tasks that I need to accomplish into town day as is clockily (totally a word) possible. At the end of a particularly brutally over-scheduled town day, I tend to regret my to-do exuberance, and today was no exception.

It all started with my husband needing to visit the VA clinic for his yearly checkup. The VA gives us a TON of advance notice of an impending doctor's visit, so I, being ever so efficient, decided to cram as many other tasks into today as possible. However, today's to-dos were most interesting because each stop required a fair bit of waiting. It was as I sat in three very different waiting areas today that I began to reflect on the fact that I might be somewhat of a rarity when it comes to waiting, for I tend to enjoy the whole exercise.

To begin with, each waiting room or area is a minefield of observations. Take the car dealership that I was at this morning. As I waited for my car to be washed and my oil to be changed, two things that I usually do myself, but were included for a year when I bought my new car, I found all manner of interesting dealership detritus to observe. My husband wandered off to look at all the shiny new vehicles lining the interior of the dealership whilst I began to take in the scene. A few free popcorn kernels had escaped the machine that housed yesterday's dregs, and instead of the ever needing to be maintained coffee pot, the car people had installed a Keurig for all to use. The Today show droned from a TV that had a place of honor in front of the customer seating, but I was far more interested in the service attendant that was dressed like an extra from Grease. He totally had this whole biker gang member wannabe thing going, right down to the studded leather jacket. Was he going to a costume party? Was he an extra in a remake of West Side Story? What was the guy's story, even my husband got a chuckle or two out of that character's appearance and demeanor.


Next we moved on to the VA clinic. I spent most of my time there in the car, sitting in the parking lot. My mom was and still is a champion shopper, so I have a lot of car sitting hours under my belt. The advent of cell phones has helped spice the whole waiting thing up a bit, and I passed a fair amount of waiting time talking to my nephew. It was while I was sitting in the VA clinic's parking lot, observing a tire company fix an elderly gentleman's flat tire, that I became embroiled in a scheme most exciting. An event that I will most definitely write about, but cannot discuss for a couple of weeks. YAY IMPENDING DRAMA!


While I was plotting and conspiring family surprise things, a field mouse suddenly appeared in the grassy barrier that separated the parking space. I found the creature's bouncy exuberance very amusing, especially as it had started to snow. I guess even field mice like a good frolic in the snow flakes on occasion.

The last place of the day that I ended up waiting was my son's basketball practice. His coach has been called away for work reasons, so the sponsor's husband has stepped in to man the team helm. Let's just say the kids don't quite respect him the way that they should. So while I listened to my friend discuss her trying day that included a parent teacher conference, I observed a power struggle take place on the new gym floor of our community center. We humans are funny creatures, and usurping authority seems to be a thing no matter what our ages our. There were disrespectful displays galore, but the new coach managed to persevere through the adolescent antics for a coaching win. All I know is that some Art Deco buildings lack proper acoustical architecture, and our community center, while pretty in detail, is an echo chamber of reverberation doom.


Obligatory occasional image of myself, in all my amused and whimsical waiting glory.

And it is in that slightly impressed vein that I bid you all goodnight. This Kat has been going hard since 6AM, and after working the last two days while slightly ill, and running all manner of errands today, I must admit that my tail is dragging and I am ready to recline and slumber. Hopefully you are or have enjoyed your evening immensely, and I have to ask, are any of you amused as I am by waiting, or do you hate it?

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's slightly aghast and somewhat subdued iPhone.

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A great way to start a fantastic post

As I am somewhat of a maniac

Lol, I can't wait to see what the impending drama is. Loving the selfie, moahr selfies on steemit posts, that's what I say!

I'm glad to know that you appreciate a bit of maniacal magnetic imagery, I tend to start off most of my posts that way, lol!

I'm so excited to share my upcoming adventure with you! I promise to fill it with as much salacious imagery as possible, and thank you kindly for the selfie-love. I had to post one, as most of my selfie attempts contain moi looking like I just smelled what expelled from a cow's rectum. Photogenic and I don't get along I am afraid. LOL!

Thanks for stopping by, and I seriously loved Uncle Boom's tale this week, I am going to practice my hard ironing...

Hahahah, oh the hard ironing!!

I so love some maniacal magnetic imagery. I am definitely going to keep an eye out for it. I dont want to miss it.

Photogenic and I dont get along either so I make it get along!!! :OD

Domigenic? LOL LOL! Perfect! I am going to take a note from you and make Photogenic my, er, female dog.......

A very wise word @meesterboom, you do have a lot of experience in steemit. So you can make a good work for steemit. Unlike me who just joined in steemit, so I do not know steemit labih far and I still learn, not able to work well for steemit, to be able to get friends alone is very difficult for me. But I will keep trying to be as successful as you. Thanks and best regards from me

Anyone who wants me to spill the beans on this impending drama is welcome to send 100 SBD to my account! Mwahahahahaha!


Hey, I didn't say I would tell them, only that they could send me the SBD if they wanted to know about it! :D

and I have to ask, are any of you amused as I am by waiting, or do you hate it?

I completely relate to the waiting in the car for super shopper Mom, lol.

It was once said of Dietrich Bonhoeffer that he was always, “thinking about thinking.” My best thinking always comes when I am waiting. :)

Ooh! I like it! I too tend to stumble upon some of my best insights while waiting, although my life has been so busy as of late that waiting is far off remembrance.

Bonus friend points noted for the Bonhoeffer quote!!

Ahh good ol’ people watching. My grandpa and dad would do this while my mom and I shopped at the mall. When we were all done, they’d tell us everything they observed. Remember, someone is always watching! Lol as far as myself, it depends what kind of mood I’m in and if I’m in a hurry.

Remember, someone is always watching

LOL! Too true, Whenever I have an urge to adjust a wedgie or scratch my nose I become aware of this fact!

One of my favorite people watching scenes is any international airport. There is blog fodder for years at airports! I think I enjoy waiting more now because I am always in a hurry, so when I actually get a second to pause, my writer's self loves to glean tid bits from a scene:o)

Hope you are having a lovely day!

The story is amazing @generikat, waiting is a very annoying thing. But if something we do is for the person we love so much like wife, husband, children and parents. It's not in vain, because we have to make them happy. Thanks for sharing... :)

You are just too nice @mukhlis89! Waiting can be annoying, but you are so right that it is worth it sometimes for family:)!

That's what life says, sometimes it's not what we want it to be. But it is a test we must pass and look for ways to succeed. As qm said about waiting for your husband for an annual checkup at the clinic, but it's all a very noble job on the side of god. thank you

Wow! Thank you for your thoughtful commentary. I do think attending things with friends and family and waiting for them is a very caring thing to do to, and I truly appreciate your thoughts on my ramblings!

Disclaimer In reviewing this comment, it has been determined to be extraordinarily long. You are allowed to skip ahead 4987 words, to the last two lines of text, and will probably not miss a thing of value in between.

I'm with MB on that one too, great way to start out a discussion...just let them know right up front. I think frentic might be more apt, though maniac is a strong image.

I found this in OUR library at school...
Frentic Frĕn-tĭĭc Adjective - Definition: "When the winds of daily life strengthen to a point where standing in one place for an extended period of time greater than 3 seconds becomes tenuous at best, and the individual begins to move in horizontal space at a velocity greater than desired, or even thought possible in the human condition. Derived from Frentyc, or Frentisiisimo. Second one is believed to be Olde World Italian, and no one's sure WHERE the first one came from. See Also: Crazy Nutso World Within Which We Live Today

I, like you, enjoy looking all about rather than reading a magazine or doing something else boring while waiting. That's also when I take tons of pictures. "What's he shooting pictures of the potholes and sides of the building for?" "Now he's shooting a mudpuddle". (I almost got run over in Bi Mart parking lot the other day, taking pictures of an ultra cool Cadillac. The looks I got).

I love that you find the most amazing in life all around, as it truly is full of all kinds of wacky things. And you write about it so well. And take good selfies too. Good on ya. I am not there yet. Just being ON the internet... writing and photo-ing and talking about life stuff is such a huge step for me. The whole idea of putting my whole life out there is still a bit foreign to this fowl. I hope to, just takes time, I guess. I applaud you for it, and think it is great. (We're not even up to me and the whole photogenica thing. THAT's no doubt a horse of a differing shade of colour).
Thanks for the laughs for the day. I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up on here, but we manage, in all our Frenticities. Stay warm and Ultra Kool my friend, DDhs

One: That your comment had a disclaimer endeared it to me in ways that cannot be described.

Two: NEVER EVER CHANGE!! Well, change if you want to, but please, please keep the majestic, wordly dd comments coming, I LOVE THEM!

Okay, now that my disclaimering is over, on to the comment addressing.

You know, I have often wondered what it must be like to see the world through the dd lense, for your observations are incredibly whimsical and creative. Your life-filter is so super cool! I tend to be amused by the most random things, and much to my children's chagrin sometimes. "Why is mom taking a picture of that sock hanging in a tree?"

I have to tell you, it is so hard for me to take and post pictures of myself. Honestly, not my favorite thing, but in the case of our blogs, I suppose it is like a mini-gift in a sense to our readers. Helps them get a picture of the blogging you, builds relationships, etc. However, I totally respect people's wish to be private too, and I feel like you can totally get to know a person rather well through verbal communication too.

New word for my thought Tardis: Frenticities! YAY! Thank you Professor, I cherish each one of them:o)

I am sorry if my reply seems rather frentic in its composition. I am rather muddled and more than a little tired today. Hope you are reclining and sipping something rather restorative at the moment!

Now I am intrigued. Wonder what you have up your sleeve that holds lots of drama. Hummm
Waiting has become my new favorite pastime. Without phones, radios or a book what are we to do?
It’s good of you to show us a pretty selfie. Your friend. 🐓

LOL! I can't really say too much, but it does have to do with family and an impromptu get away!

Obser-waiting is one of my favorite pastimes! Well, I guess my post might have made that a bit obvious, but I digress, I'm glad you enjoy it too! Can sorta tell when I read your posts:o) Awe, thank you, I am notoriously camera shy, would rather wield the things than be captured by them, but I'm okay with my friends seeing an image of my mug on occasion. Hope you're having a lovely Sunday!!!

OH! A cliffhanger!!!

One word to solve those car sitting blues: Esteem. Its working great since the update yesterday!!

I say its always great to see the Katster's obligatory occasional image LOL!

YES! It is totally killing me not to gush all about it, but surprises are surprises and totally worth the suspense!

Esteem has totally been calling to me, my problem is getting enough time to sit down and investigate things. Usually I get a little bit of Net wandering time in the winter, but this winter hasn't been the case. Especially this weekend as I have to run the library today and cook a cornucopia of food for tomorrow for National Stuff Your Gullet Day!

And thank you kindly for the O.O.I. encouragement, lol! Once in a while I try, but will never be the master of the selfie that you are😊

I, too, cram too much into each trip to town. Except for yesterday, when I had extra time and stopped to visit a friend who I hadn't seen since October or November. It was a wonderful change of pace, and a great visit!

Waiting is not my favorite thing to do. But if the waiting room has a few copies of People magazine, I'm content. I would never waste my money on a subscription to it, but I am quite willing to amuse myself with Hollywood drivel in a waiting room from time to time.

Oooh! I love spontaneous random friend visits! I'm so glad you had such an enjoyable diversion!

Isn't it funny how if something like a gossip rag that you would never pay for is lying around, you'll read it with relish? I have a relative who is a die hard National Enquirer reader, and I can't tell you how many hours I dispelled my boredom looking through that treasure trove of sensationalism, ha ha ha!!

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