Tuckered Tuesday

in #life7 years ago

Whereas One Kat Struggles To Find Motivation


I've been blogging on Steemit for almost a year, and with a few exceptions here and there (like being in the wilderness without access to the interwebs), I have blogged almost everyday.

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I don't have too much of a problem with coming up with conversation, but this is a blog, it should be full of valuable, or at least quality, content. I personally feel like my blog posts should be vibrant and full of information, or at least entertaining. The contents of a post should grab a reader's attention and leave them feeling intellectually sated on some level.

Perhaps this is a mighty high standard that I always aim for, but as I am rather small in stature, I tend to reach towards the top shelf anyway. However, over the last few weeks I have to tell you, I have struggled. My little cortex is fatigued. It's not that I don't have creative ideas, rather I am just dragging in the execution of said ideas department. Life's to dos have sapped this Kat's vigor a wee bit.


One thing that I can't abide is whining. There are a lot of whiners on Steemit right now bemoaning the platform's direction, the price of Steem, maybe even the state of Ned's hair. Last winter I remember when Steem was a blistering .09. Steem and Steemit are amazing ideas, full of unending potential because of the people that stick around and put the work in. My fatigue has nothing to do with our beautiful blockchain and it's various bits and pieces. Rather I am just one worn out human being.

And therein lies the rub. What does one do when they need a re-invigoration of the creative spirit? Sometimes I dream about abandoning so many of my responsibilities so I can write all day. That's just not my nature. Travel rejuvenates my soul, perhaps I should escape for a weekend? My posts as of late are lacking the special "me-ness" that makes them interesting, and I feel like that it is totally robbing you all in the "why bother with her" department.


One thing that I know for certain is that I am no quitter. Over the last couple of weeks I have been drafting a plot for a story that I am going to publish in installments on Steemit. Someone asked me why I would bother with publishing a book on this platform, and I replied, "because I love it!" Here people gave me a chance to shine with their upvotes and support, whether large or small, and I am going to keep chugging along, writing the best I can as I am able. So with that said, look forward to apple press and hard cider how-to posts, more baking with GK adventures, and honestly whatever else pops into my mind. Tribulation, even if it appears minuscule to some, is a part of life, and I am more than looking forward to making it to the other side of this particular set of doldrums.

Hope you are all hanging in there!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's fatigued but still motivated iPhone.

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I think it's better to not think of the money and enjoy being on the platform and watch it grow overtime

I completely agree! Our community is amazing, and I am a build something awesome over the long term whilst enjoying the journey kind of person too

Your comments and blog posts are always enjoyed and appreciated😊

Likewise 😊

Thanks for doing a great job

Thank you for commenting!

That spirit of quitting should be fort l also struggle with giving up but people surrounding me and circumstances keeps me going

Keep on fighting the good fight, I'll be right there with ya!

Dear generikat,
Please don't feel like the Lone Ranger feeling wiped out of creative ideas. It has been a busy couple of weeks getting in the harvest, working with the books and making Googley eyed Bat bows!
Feeling pretty all consumed here too. Got the van ready for the VA-KA, so just leave me a post and we'll head your way for a scenic drive around the country side.

Hang in cause it's never easy to create when tired.
Can't believe you are writing a book too! Where does it come from?
Your Friend. 🐓🐓

Ah my dear friend! Your words were a balm for my worn out soul.

A rambling van tour through the countryside sounds absolutely divine! So excited for you that you are going on a VA-KA in that most excellent van of yours, yay!

Oh! I have to go teach a scintillating lesson on diagramming noun clauses, more talking later, lol!

Sounds like you already have the winter times blues! I don't know why you are so critical about your blog. I find it enjoyable and judging by the upvotes and comments other people do too. Not every post has to be an epic adventure in story telling. I found you here on steemit because of zucchini!

By the way your snow storm finally made it to Pennsylvania today. Not quite an inch and we are already complaining.

LOL! Ah Chops, you are so the best! I am notoriously hard on myself; it's stupid of me to be so morose sometimes. Hopefully you'll all pardon my lament of exhausted yowling.

Oh! The snow found you too! Hopefully you got to stay off the roads for a day, travel during the first snow of the season is always a little treacherous around here!

Also, I am feeling strangely thankful for zuchinni right now, lol, think I am going to go find something to to eat...

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