Hello From The Road!

in #life6 years ago

Lounging, Er, I Mean Languishing In The Arizona Desert 🌵 🌵🌵


All of my posts until the end of March will be authored and posted while I’m on the road with my family. I apologize in advance for the lack of fancy formatting, as most of my posts will be done from my phone. The saga’s players include my husband and I, our two children, two dogs, all rambling around the southwest USA in our 28 foot Surveyor travel trailer towed by Rufus, our gigantic Chevrolet one ton beast of a truck. Shenanigans have and will continue to ensue.

The last seven days have been a whirlwind of epic proportions. I’ve seen more sights, experienced more new things, and engaged in more emotions than I ever thought possible. Last Monday night we left north Idaho ahead of another round of snow and extreme cold temps. We had a twelve hour window to get over the Blue Mountains in Oregon before another round of snow hit them. Needless to say the first leg of our journey was snow covered and nerve wracking, I’m going to devote an entire post to that section of our trip.

However, it is now a week later and I’m sitting in the 80 degree heat a few miles out of Tombstone, Arizona watching my two kiddos frolic in a swimming pool. Most of the country is getting their flintlocks kicked weather wise, so I’m just so grateful to be here😊


I’ve missed interacting with all my Steemian pals, I can’t believe it has been eleven days since I posted last! But let me tell ya’ll, I’ve got a full writing repitoire teeming with new tales to share. I mean, it’s not everyday you have story about your boots freezing to the floor or an anecdote about spending the nigh sandwiched into between semi trucks in the garden of Eden....truckstop in Eden, Idaho.😆

Tomorrow’s destination is Tombstone, Arizona. We’ve currently got bets as to who will say, “I’m your huckleberry” or “The strain was more than he could bear.” first. That poor town doesn’t know what’s coming at it!!

And as always, all of the images in this post were snapped on the author’s dog tired iPhone.


We have missed you!!!!

Wherefore art thou?? OK. I know... somewhere between there and Tombstone! Welcome to the OK Corral! I can hardly wait to see what you have lined up for us!

Eleven Days!!! Wherefore art thou??

Have a great time and boot freezing on the floor sounds pretty darn chilly. Enjoy the desert for all its worth!!! Take some of that home with you!

Wherefore art thou???

We need to chip you.


Awe, I missed you to DS😊

We’ve been everywhere from the Hoover Dam, to Quartzsite Arizona, to Tombstone, and everywhere in between. Tomorrow we get to descend into a gigantic mine! Can’t wait to don a hard hat😎

It was 80 today! We don’t even know what to do with ourselves. Well, that’s not quite true, we really enjoyed the pool in our resort😊

I promise I won’t stay away that long again, and yes chips and dip would be lovely! You said chip right? Lol!

Oh. listen to you! I want to put a chip in your ear and you are worried about eating. ((sighs)) What are we going to do with you?

Squeeeeee! You are going to be dropped into the mine??? Oh, I'm in!! Catch me if I fall. I used to live out in Arizona... at Williams Air Force Base, so I surely got my fill of everything Arizona... But, what a fabulous state it is!!! Hey tell that Hubby of yours that Southwest has put tickets el cheapo to Hawaii! See here $49.oo one way and when those run out the regular price will be $79.00, so you better reserve so the man can go back home sweet home for a moment or three. ;)

I just got back from three weeks of 80 and hell-o - so very glad it is not too cold here, but the rest of the country is getting hammered.

Oh, and if you haven't heard the news, just because I love you, I will share this. My very favorite program in the world is jeopardy and Alex Trebek announced today he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. ((Oh, such a blow to my heart)) He is going to continue to work. Wow.

Well, don't forget we need a picture of the Kat in the hard hat. I hope you have a great time and it sounds like an amazing trip!

Tootles! ❤️

You can give me chips! He he!

Those Hawaiian air fares are awesome! I almost want to jet to my hubby’s homeland for a little side trip!

We stayed at Davis Monthan AFB for a few days in their fam camp, it was tons of fun, but I really like where we are right now, the high desert outside of Tombstone🌵😊

Where on Earth were you for three weeks of 80? That sounds most excellent, do tell? Or perhaps you need a chip or two?😁

Jeopardy and Alex Trebeck have a special place in my trivia loving heart. I read that sad bit of news and just kept thinking “Can we get Remission for $200, Alex?” He’s something!

I’ll do tonight’s post on the mine tour. Hard hat Kat post coming up!!

Quite the change in weather for you (for the better). Love Arizona. Looking forward to the next update.

Oh yes, the weather is so much better! I meant to get a post out tonight, but alas, I’m going to sleep instead!

Love Arizona too! Thanks for stopping by!

Hello my dear friend, you missed these days, but I knew you were on a family adventure from which you will bring many more stories and many photos.

The trip is always more fun with the family, spending time together makes them a lot of good, I like that pets also enjoy your trip.

See you soon, greetings!

Ah, dear pal, so good to hear from you! Hope all is well?

We are all having a ton of fun, so much fun in fact that I’m already in bed and completely worn out lol! Hope you are having a fantastic evening! Night night!

Or, "I dont know, there is just something about him that reminds me of....me! Yes, darlin, now I know I hate him!" LOLZ from memory (cup instead of a pistol scene), but I figure its close. So many great lines!!!

Well you have been missed! Seems like its been forever already! Well I hope you are taking plenty of notes and photos! I bet you will have a month or two worth of blogs when you get back! Have loads of fun, watch out for the rattlers and walk over Johnny Ringo's grave. :)


You are right about the lines, Doc was just so full of repeatable word fare, one just can’t help themselves😁

Tonight a windstorm blew in and a bunch of javelinas came out of the scrub to visit. Michevious little rat pigs are always up to something.

I have more to ramble about,but I keep glimpsing the back of my eye lids. More tomorrow!! Have a great night my friend😊

Oh!! whoa. I had to look up what a javelina was! It seems they are like wild boars or smaller feral pigs. I know some of those big ones can be mean. My folks in North Carolina say all the farmers hate them cos as they root they kill the crops. There is an open season on them there as they have so many!

So envious, Cat. I mean it is not that bad here. Highs between 6 and 8 Celsius. But it does feel that Spring isoverdue​e and I am itching to go out without a heavy coat each day. Alas the cold wind keeps blowing off the Pacific. Soak up sun for me and send some our way. Great pics to accompany the post. Love the desert:)

Hello Pryde!

I hear ya about the sun soaking, I’m still finding it surreal to wander around without thirty-two layers, lol! Hope Spring rolls into your realm super soon😊

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Tombstone is fun. Be careful out there! It's not as hot as it'll get in a couple months, but you don't want to get caught without water even for a while (e.g. if a car breaks down).

No worries my friend, I’ve got agua stashed everywhere in the truck and trailer! We had a windstorm last night and it was actually pretty chilly, love the high desert😊

I am envious of the longer amount of time you get to enjoy the Southwest, but am also grateful for the 4 1/2 days of sunshine I enjoyed there! Now I am home again, looking at the ever-growing pile of snow where my husband has plowed it all winter, and the prickliest flora in sight is the pine tree. At least the icicles are dripping today.

Hooray for meltage! I’m glad you got to escape for a bit too😊

Today our Grandma is driving up from Phoenix and we are going to explore the ghost town that is just down the road from us, super excited!!

Stay warm!!!!

Semi-arid area looks healthy, must be quite some driving dodging snow storms to seek refuge in the warm of the sun.

Found your content in Daily #qurator and thought it looked very much like our Karroo after rains here in South Africa. Being out in a desert has a beauty all of it's own, look forward to your posts as you move along.

Have fun on tour, dogs look like they took you off on a walk!

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