Dream Games For Adults

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I love seeing the correlation between the physical and metaphysical worlds we live in.
It's actually what led me to start playing around with my dreams.

Allow yourself to dive deeper into layers of your subconscious mind, while the body rests.

At my old tax-slave job as a pre-school teacher, I used to ask the children which animal they wanted to be in their dreams, or what their favorite place to visit was. Once they woke up, one by one, they would share the tales of their adventures, creating a bridge between their two realities.
It's a great game for reviving your own innerchild's imagination and fantasies.

Either our dream world creates our physical reality, for us to explore and play in. Or it's reversed, and our physical world is reflected in our dreams, where we relive the nightmares our fears created during the day.

It comes back to conscious choice.
So do you doze off, pass out, or step into your slumber mindfully?

Allow your entire body enough rest, so you can fly off & play in your dreams like children do.. To manifest a reality of magic and mystery ✨

Eat your supper early enough, so your intestines don't have to work and keep a part of your mind awake during the night. So all your organs get their time to relax & recharge.

Keep your bedroom dark at night, to avoid distractions through the light.
In the absence of light the pineal gland secretes melatonin, which in turn allows us to enter REM (rapid-eye-movement) sleep. This is the state in which the pineal glad can produce and release DMT (dimethyltryptamine) into the body.
Sleeping with any amount of light suppresses this vital process.

Breathe deeply and allow your heart to find its rhythm & beat, in harmony with each calm inhalation & exhalation.
With each cycle of breath, you release built-up toxins & stress. Your heart will also find a more serene state to melt into, before melting into sleep.

Instead of being knocked out, allow yourself enough stillness to step into your dreams and see them lucidly. Have moments of internal and external silence as you step into the realm of astral realities to reach infinite possibilities.

It almost feels like half of your life has been missing in sleep, and you've finally found it again.
Welcome back to your unified realities.
Now you can play with the magic of your abilities.

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Lucid reality! I need to learn this...

Thanks to @sanmi, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Wow I'm so flattered and honored, thanks so much 🙏

Wow, that was beautiful. I have studied lucid dreams for years but I have very little control over my dreams. An ability I would still like to learn.

Thank you. It's always such a joy to step into one!

"Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices
That, if I then had waked after long sleep,
Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming,
The clouds methought would open and show riches
Ready to drop upon me that, when I waked,
I cried to dream again."

--Shakespeare's Caliban, from the Tempest. I'm a lucid dreamer. I can relate. Great piece.

I do envy your experiences in some ways. I often go into super deep sleeps for short periods of time and have no such activity that I can remember!? Is this wrong?

nothing is ever really wrong, but try starting off with these tips and maybe it'll help. One other thing I find useful, is keeping a glass of water by your head and drinking it in the morning. Water carries all memories, and sometimes returns your dreams back to you. Hope that helps..

Thank-you for the advice, I'll give it a shot! :))

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