Write a bit about your life with your Grandparents... # Contest Time!!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hey my dear Friends... Here I am with this Beautiful Contest!!

You have to write a few lines here, about your childhood, the most memorable time you spent at your Grandparents Sweet Home!!

Image from pixabay...
Yes, Friends... All of you might have spent your childhood or at least some precious time in your childhood with your Grandparents...

May be it during your school vacation or for a holiday or for some religious functions you might be going often to stay with them...

Was it a Village? Or was it on the side of a river or a hill station or a sea side house? Was there a beautiful garden or a small waterfall nearby? Or nearing a forest area? Whether you liked the animals there? Am sure it may be a beautiful place, much away from today's city traffic!!

Image courtesy : Pixabay
So please recollect those good old memories and write a beautiful story in 100 words or 10 to 15 lines.....

Only one entry per person and no editing is allowed after writing once!! Mind it please... :)

You have to write it here itself in the comments section below, as I am not on any other discord channels.

You can also include 2 photos - one photo of your Grandparents's House and another photo of - you with your Grandparents!!

Write about some sweet experience there, which you still remember.... May be the time spent with your cousins, or pets or anything like that....

Let there be some importance for sentiments, because I am a sentimental fool!!

Take your own time, you can submit your entry upto 12 pm, IST on this Saturday. So exactly 3 more days time you are having!!

I will be choosing 3 winners and all the 3 will be getting my 100 % - 7 upvotes (One upvote daily for 7 days)!!

So.... Read this post carefully once again and then start writing... Please don't forget to upvote this post, All the best, my dear Friends :) .....

With much love and regards... Yours lovingly @geetharao...


Dear mam , thanks for the contest
This is my grandparents house( mom's parents)
I have spent almost 12 years with them in this house , it's a very old house. My grandpa was an ex army officer, I was more attached to him than any one else, I miss him a lot, he expired on the same day of my marriage, as he was not keeping well we decided to bring him to the marriage stage we're every one coming to wish us could meet him as well, just before he expired he met almost all our family members thats a very good thing.
MY Grandma was a sports teacher , she taught me many indoor games with rules and all. She is having health problems nw we always pray for her health.
There are many incident , but one thing which I cannot forget is, when I was in 7 the standard, our school conducted a summer camp to kulu Manali. For which my parents dint allow me, i cried a lot. Lastly I took mom's purse in which my grandparents house address was there, then I wrote a letter to them asking for money which my mom later came to know, I got enough scoldings for that, but my grandparents sent me the money. I was so happy.
Dey took care of me very well , wateever I could do am doing my best to keep Dem Happy.
Wen ever I enter any of the rooms there is so many special memories related, gob bless all the grandparents who look after their children so much, nw it's our turn to look after them ND keep them Happy... Thanks @geetharao for this contest, God bless u mam, u recalled my childhood days😔😔

Hi @chetanshetty... Thank you so much for participating.... :)

We should thank u mam, for letting us speak about our grandparents 😍

Thanks to my grandparents as a child my sister and i believed in magic. Their grandchildren are always and no matter what the most intelligent, beautiful and beloved grandchildren, even if there is not one or two, but several times there is always enough room for everyone in their hearts.
Our grandparents forgive us almost everything. They always support us with their fingers crossed and are full of pride when they tell others about our successes or show our pictures. They never forget our birthdates, however much grandchildren they had, and give us sense of security.But mostly when mom “goes to” an important meeting, or dad leaves for long business trip in some delegation my grandpa always come around.
My sisters and I can always talk seriously about important matters to our grandparents. They recall the names of our friends in kindergarten and do not interrupt us in the middle of the story about Ali hose to school. They are very wise and know exactly when the child wants to just cry. – they know a lot of children’s puzzles and a lot of stories,

My grandfather Manuel from small we went for a walk took me on vacation to the town of Unare that town is where my grandmother was born, in the holidays I did not walk on the river by the river and took us to fish at the mouth of the river as I miss that day that we had so much fun, when they gave us vacations in school all the cousins were happy because we knew that our holidays would be fun and you always looked after us and taught us how to fish and handle the boat until you taught us how to swim. How much we miss you grandfather, but I know where he is at this moment is taking care of us and giving us your blessing to all your grandchildren because you were always an exemplary father and grandfather inculcate us so much respect that we all want to be like your grandparent I love you will always be in my heart

My grandparents
My grandparents are farmers who dedicate their live to livestock and crop production. As agriculture Is interesting, it was so great following my grandparents to farm. Both being farmers, they are still educated and modern. My grandmother age is 65 years old, and grandfather age is 70 years old. But still, they have a young heart and do not seem to look so old like other people of the same age.
Always I notice that my grandparents are so conscious of his health and good physical being. My grandparents make all efforts for not seem to so old. Every day they do yoga and meditation for their good health. They are doing this exercises for moving at this old age. I admire with my grandparents because they are so healthy and active throughout the day.
They also teach me to yoga so that I can have a healthy skin and body. At this age also so strong desires towards leading an enjoyable house. They are full of and kindness bonding and family bonding. They are very modern yet firmly believe in family values. I have a big joint family. We are total 12 members in my house. We all love and respect each other a lot. My grandparents play a significant role in the great love and intimacy in the entire family. It was a great pleasure to live with both of them. FB_IMG_15243574422201998.jpg

My grandfather Manuel so many memories that come to mind with only his name, my grandfather whenever he went for a walk wherever he always took me, I remember that on holiday we always went with the whole family to the town where I met my grandmother .

It was a normal town, most of the people who lived in this was part of my family from both him and my grandmother.

He always looked for me when I left class, when I visited him I would see him in the patio of his house resting in the hammock or just reading the newspaper in it, most of the time I would sleep with him rocking him while he went to sleep.

When I ate I could see him laughing at the mess he was eating, at parties he always looked so happy sitting at the table to play with my uncle and sometimes with me, my brother and a cousin.

It has already been 3 years since his departure that if he were with us he would be happy about how much we have grown both physically and mentally and although he is no longer me I know he will always protect us and love this where he is because he is my grandfather and my most loved being in the whole world.

This is the picture from the last time I went to my grandparents house. All of my grandparents both from maternal and paternal side are late. I don't really love to visit them when they were alive both still I could feel the love they had for my siblings and I. My grandma was really caring, nice and a model to look up to. whenever I visit her she feed me like a baby, look at even thing and monitor my move. Just like my grandpa, I which to be a great farmer. He was a mentor to look up too. Old and active are just simple word I can use to describe him and he was a man of his word. I really miss them now. when I do something bad as a little child whenever they are around I will run down to them for help to avoid beating. Wow!! What a flash back !!!

Thank you @wireless07, am so glad to read your entry post.. :)

IMG-20171227-WA0006.jpgWhat were some of the memorable moments with my grandparents?

I spent more time of my childhood with my grandparents rather than my parents. They are the most wonderful and amazing people in the world.

My grandfather would daily send me and receive from school. After that he would help me with my homework. He would just stay with me all the time and help me finish my homework.
And at the night my grandmother used to tell me stories until I fell asleep.

And these are the two amazing people I was talking about.
Really as am writing , my mind keep flooding with memories , they are dead but still yet i miss them , this is really emotional for me , am even crying....

Hi @fundraiser... Thank you so much for sharing your memories here... :)

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I only know of my grandpa.... All other were dead already before I was born. At the point when grandpa would go to our home to visit, We kids savored each and every moment. He'd disclose to us stories from when father was close to nothing,
What's more, now and again he'd play us a tune on his fiddle. We could simply ask grandpa when we required counsel,
Also, he never needed to reveal to us anything twice. He was a man you could simply trust,
What's more, he never needed to talk boisterous to be heard. Presently the room will never again reverberate with his giggling,

However, to the individuals who know and cherish him, like despite everything we do,
His memory will warm our hearts 'til we go to paradise as well.

Thank you @deewhy07... I am so glad to see your entry here, though I dint know you for all these days...


Thank you @geetharao for making me revisit my childhood through this contest.
After exams every year we used to go to our grandparents house for one month. Basically we would wait for eleven months for that one month. Meeting all the cousins, getting pampered by grandparents, why one wouldn’t enjoy!

My maternal grandparents used to live in Kanpur, a big city in the state of Uttar Pradesh in north India.

There are lots of things associated with my grandma’s house. But I can’t forget the competition we all cousins used to have. That was of eating mangoes. Who can eat maximum number of mangoes? The winner was decided by counting seeds. Whether you have finished it or not that didn’t matter. 😂😂

Another attraction was to go to a temple in the evening ( there is a huge beautiful temple of Krishna-Radha ). We would not sleep in the afternoon because we all cousins wanted to play but our grandma would bribe that if we sleep in the afternoon, we will be taken to that temple and will get ice cream, an orange lolly.
Now I look back and I wonder there was nothing fancy about those trips but yet they hold such a special place in my life. Eating orange lolly is no fun now. Even after having tasted international brands, the taste of that ice cream still lingers in my mouth.

I am grateful that my grandparents have given me such beautiful and fun memories which have made my childhood so special. They are no more and unfortunately I don’t have their photos with me but I hope through my writing I was able to draw their picture and my childhood.

Oops! I exceeded the word limit. 🤪

Thank you so much @shilpavarma..., for sharing your memories....

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