The need to take a short break, to increase our productivity!!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hi my dear Friends...
Here I am today after 3 full days, with a totally different topic!!

Picture :Source

Yes, Every human being needs a little bit of rest. Being busy always without a bit of change makes a negative impact on our productivity. Not only our body, but also our mind needs some rest or at least a small change...

Here the word 'rest' means - we need not lie-down all the time!! Doing the things totally different than the normal, in a bit leisurely way, also helps a lot in making our minds fresh, feel us more energetic, thus by improving our productivity.

I too felt very tensed because of the hectic time I had especially during last one month. After my accidental fall last month, some days were spent visiting the Hospital, the Police Station, Lawyer, etc. Then had to go to the Hospital once a week was the most disgusting thing for me. Then for a change, I joined the Computer class. But I had to start in a hurry early morning around 7.30 am, for this. So though I became busy, and was enjoying my work on this platform, I felt much hectic with no time for my mind or body to relax!! So I decided to go for a change...

And I know you are all very eager to know what I did during the last 3 days....

Singing!!! Yes, Friends, just Singing!!

Yes there was an annual function at my computer class, 2 days before. And as in my school days, I practiced a beautiful Hindi film song and sang it there!! :)

**Again in our residential colony, yesterday we had our yearly get-together.Here me and my husband got a chance to sing a duet.. 'Jab deep jale aana'. We really enjoyed practicing the song together and singing it melodiously in a function. Actually it came so well and everyone greeted us.!! **

For both of us, it was a totally different thing, from our usual day to day routine....

Today we both feel more fresh, our minds are so relaxed and we really feel more fit to do our daily work from tomorrow onwards...

So doing the things bit different than normal, always helps a lot!! I am eager to know your thoughts on this topic...

Today I just tried some GIFs from my esteem...!!

So waiting for your replies or comments, lovingly yours @geetharao


What a good insight you shared in your post, @geetharao. Yes, rest does not necessarily mean to lie down and do nothing. Rest for the mind means to break the routine and do something different. It helps to energise and become productive. You are 100% correct. And what a sweet thing to do. Sing a duet with your husband. I love that song, "jab deep jale aana" ..How romantic. . You must share the video too. We want to see you singing, @geetharao . One more talent added to your many talents :)

Hi my dear @nehab... As I am still working from esteem app only, it is not possible to upload the vedios here.
One more thing... As our song was at the beginning, everyone was totally impressed and concentrated just on it, without taking the phone in their hands!!. There was suddenly pin drop silence... . So forget about the vedio, when we asked for a photo, we couldn't get one!! Haha...
Our voices really match great and in future we have decided to sing together. This is just a beginning... Will upload the vedios in future.... :)

This is so nice to hear that your voices match. 😊💕. And so unfortunate that there is no video. :-(
But next time. I am very happy for both of you . And good to hear that you an to upload your music videos in future, @geetharao 😊 should have uploaded the video of the singing...really a nice choice 👌 deep jale...really a cool collection.☺
Rest is needed not only physical but mentally as well...doing some othet stuff of your interest outside the routine work is the best way to make everything relax it also gives you inner satisfaction, which ultimatelly results in peace and ends in relaxation...👍

Oooppss too much philosphy😂
Good to see you back..🙏.last wik i was vry bzy due to office work, now bit normal...

Hi friend welcome back to the world of love and sharing, I think this time you are back in a very energetic vives. The song which you had sang is one of my most favorite one by Yasodas. Thanks for reminding me about the song. You are awesome and leading lady, I like your energies to make you more active by joining computer classes. I am one of your great followers, I have to learn about it in my son's laptop. Thanks for the valuable sharing, have a great day friend happy makarsakranti.

Hi Thank you and wishing you the same @maya7...

Singing and Dancing good for the mind and body.

ma'am so glad to see you posting GIF :) and you are certainly full of so many talents... wow, singing also...! glad you enjoyed the event and good to see you back refreshed after your rest...

Too bad we didn't get any recording for this masterly performance. That's not done @geetharao!

Was missing your post and it feels like weeks have been passes without your post....glad that you enjoyed your weekends.....and now i am too happy for your comeback ......

I agree with you completely, a break is must to rejuvenate ourself with positivity and energy.

I agree fully @geetharao, resting is essential to keeping ourselves healthy, both mental and physically. I know that when I am allowing myself to divide my attention and time across too many projects, I will feel anxious and will be tempted to avoid responsibilities instead. It is extremely counterproductive and takes a while to snap back out of. Now that I recognize that burnout is possible in any endeavor, I "check-in" with myself regularly to make sure that I am keeping up with my current needs while pursing future goals. I have found that when I rest, I am able to achieve a more objective view of problems, improving my solutions and accepting the need to shift goals toward a new direction.

I am not good at it, but singing along with a (loud) song in my car or in the shower often picks up my mood and helps me just let my brain focus on the music and road instead of a loop of many plans, fears, dreams that can consume.

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