RE: Lasting Monogamy As A Fading Institution?
I think a lot of the problems today with monogamy are actually due to society and forcing us all into the idea of buying our own houses.
If we all just had rooms in a munch larger building, perhaps like apartments with a communal courtyard, would we be as stressed? Sure, if we had to share a kitchen, that might be annoying, but we'd probably get used to it. On the plus side, you wouldn't have to spend as much time cleaning up. You'd probably have people that helped keep things cleaned and kept things up.
I think we'll likely spend years going forward trying to find out what exactly works and tons of people will find different lifestyles that work and don't work for them.
Maybe polyamory works for one person, just like monogamy actually does work for others. Maybe there are other social setups that will work for others that may have or have not caught on quite yet.
But, I think if people are going to go into a serious monogamous relationship, they probably need to figure out how to sort out all their problems before they become fights.
After so long I've come to realize fights are usually caused by shit that's never addressed. Usually because of people that are literally impossible to talk to. I do not suggest every marrying someone that is difficult to address issues with.
What you are saying reminds me of a very cool book I read recently.
I think that’s so true. Most people jump into relationships based on attraction and not on compatibility. Infatuation can cloud anyone’s best judgment I guess:P
Anyone who has not developed their emotional intelligence will make it hard to sustain healthy communication over the years
Well, it's not like they will magically develop their "emotional intelligence". We have to somehow figure out how to start classes worldwide for all these various people that don't know how to interact. Because the parents and grandparents used to teach them...but now we have multiple generations that don't really know. It's actually gonna get way worse.
I love your mindset! I think exactly the same way. It’s refreshing to hear someone say these things. Wish there were more people like you🖤🙏🏻
You're so good at compliments it literally scares me. Like I have no idea how to respond. Ever.
There's probably some job out there that you would excel at you are so good.
Awwww! You’re too sweet! Thanks so much 🖤 you deserve it:)!