Get your hands off those cookies!

in #life6 years ago

You ever get a new half dozen box of cookies, or bake a bunch of them, and you find yourself eating one occasionally, then before you know it, they're all gone? neither...

Let's face it, sometimes when we're hungry we eat things that we probably shouldn't.

A good practice, that I never seem to be able to follow, is to keep good snacks and leftovers around, so you don't snack on crappy things that you really shouldn't be eating a lot of.

Junk food is easy.

It's out there. You just open the bag, and it's there. Then next thing you know, it's gone. That's why you need to try to occasionally make good snacks that are easy to grab and eat, so you don't eat things that aren't as good for you.

Image by Harsha K R January 23, 2010 CC BY-SA 2.0 (source)

For example: I just made some hummus!

Hummus is a perfectly good example of a good snack that's actually pretty good for you. I know I pound through it every time I make it, just like if it was some kind of junk food, but it's not. There are tons of snack foods that you can keep around to make sure that you don't hit the junk food.

Bean burritos! The junk food that can be healthy, or not so much so for those behind you.

I love bean burritos! Technically you can make burritos with almost anything, but bean burritos are a classic, and you can even eat them cold. I really wouldn't suggest that you eat meat burritos cold. Sure, they might be safe a few hours later, especially if you refrigerate them, but I would be careful if I were you. Bacteria LOVES meat.

You can make burritos with anything though, as I said. I always keep burrito skins in the fridge. It's pretty easy to cook up some rice, or open a can of beans, or even fry up some potatoes and onions. Add some lettuce and some kind of sauce, and you can put pretty much anything in a burrito.

What kinda snack foods do you like to keep around that aren't total junk?

A really common option that I often turn to is dried fruit and nuts. I probably eat them a bit too much when I'm hungry and can't figure out what I want to eat.

A lot of us need to come up with ways to ensure we snack on better foods!

For me, I think part of that is ensuring that I have better snack foods lying around. Lets face it, we don't always wanna just make up something complex. We just wanna grab a little something to snack on, while we try to figure out what we really want to eat, until we fill up on snacks, and then our diet is ruined. That's a lot less of a problem when you filled up on raisins and peanuts or hummus or some other easy food that you can keep around but doesn't totally suck.


@geekpowered Thank you for not using bidbots on this post and also using the #nobidbot tag!

A really common option that I often turn to is dried fruit and nuts.

I was just about to say the same. I don't snack too much, but if I do it's gonna be nuts that I'm eating, because they have a lot of energy (500-600 calories/100g) and a balanced amount of carbs, protein and good fats, so they actually help with hunger. I try to eat just plain nuts without any spices, especially salt, but sometimes I like something with a bit of flavor either with dried fruit in the mixture or honey frost on the nuts.

Yeah, nuts are pretty calorie intensive...but not loaded with bad shit.

I don't really like plain peanuts that much, but the ones in the store are usually WAY too salty, so I actually get low sea salt ones and mix them with the unsalted ones.

I sometimes get like "trail mix", but often here a lot of them have chocolate and such. There's like only one I think at the local store that doesn't. Not like I don't like chocolate though. :P But if I do get it, I put in more peanuts, sometimes extra fruit, and maybe honey nut oats or Rice Chex. At least with doing that, the healthiness is slightly raised.

as someone who eats when I am bored this is very interesting lol

Mmmm... Oatmeal coconut cookie snack. YOLO!

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