Some Thoughts on the Life After Death and Religions

in #life7 years ago

I have been reading the Koran and I think that what happened at the time it was written, was that many people felt they had been left out of heaven by the holy books of the Jews and the Christians. I mean to Jews you have to be a Jew and follow the religion's precepts to get to heaven, even though this is really an evolution as in the first books of the Bible what you find is that every soul went to "Sheol" which is a bleak place indeed, where souls live in a shadowy existence cut off from life and God, I guess this is what is known as hell. Eventually this evolved into a concept were Jews could look forward to a better form of life after death in what could be called a Garden Of Eden, this happened after the temple was destroyed in the year 70 modern era and Jews started asking themselves why God had let this happen, so this idea that there was something after death which was better than this life became popular. As a side note I am just interpreting what I read in no way am I sure that a Jewish scholar would agree with what I am saying.

Then we have Christians, who believe that you will go to heaven if you lead a good life, repent of your sins, and accept Jesus Christ as the son of God and Savior. Again you go to a place that is good, heaven much better than what we have now, but unfortunately if you don't follow the rules you end up in hell, which is not such a nice place.

So I believe you have these millions of people in the Middle East who were left without a way out unless they became Jews or Christians, I think they too must have thought they deserved a way to heaven without having to resort to the beliefs of other religions, and should have there own religion. This is were Muhammad comes in with the Koran, which supposedly was inspired by God, and this according to Islam is the ultimate religion as even though the Muslims accept the other prophets Muhammad was the last one that God would send so it was paramount to follow his teachings.

Personally I don't believe God gave anybody a handbook, of course everyone believes what he or she wants to, and I accept I might be wrong, but remember, you have three religions with different ways to heaven two of them have to be completely wrong, and then each religion is also sub divided into what I would call sects, that differ in beliefs from the others of the same religion. So which one is correct? I guess no one knows, this is another part of life where you have to decide for yourself, I for my part don't believe in a God that would give me life for say a hundred years to then have me live an eternity in hell.

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