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RE: Our Life on Planet Earth – Part 6: The Basic Components of the Human Being.

in #life8 years ago

Sascha: I have read about this, and of course much more from some metaphysical books and societies, as I can see someone already commented negatively about this, I on the other hand am a skeptic, but always leave a space for the fact that what you write might just be true, who am I to say something that is believed by many people and not just trending now, but has been a part of tradition for ages is not true? I don't believe anything should be taken at face value, I don't believe everything outright but also don't claim it's not possible. I will always debate you on what you write as I particularly like these kind of topics and like to play devil's advocate with them. So if ever I disagree with you do not take it personal, as even if I'm sure that I am right there is always the chance that I might be wrong.


Hi @gduran! That's great and I appreciate it! I don't take it personal, there will always be someone who disagrees and someone who agrees. Maybe someone stays neutral and just finds it interesting. This is a forum, we're not at school or university. All the best and thank you again!:)

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