Conspiracies are rampant

in #life4 years ago


Conspiracies seem to go hand in hand with politics, remember the lizard people who actually rule the world and are actually the heads of all political parties. Now this is one theory that has no heads or tails but it is a money maker for David Icke and other very smart guys, just think it through it appears these lizards have been in an ongoing battle to control the world since forever and even though they do control all places of power they have not been able to control everything and still have to hide their real appearance. I think they would have shown themselves ages ago, they are larger, more powerful and also they control all governments. So?

Well now I am seeing all sorts of conspiracy theories pertaining to the US election, most of them coming, of course from the guys who lost, and they get better with each telling and comment, I have read of millions of Biden votes having been counted fraudulently and millions of Trump votes being trashed. Do not these people see nearly in all US elections the votes lean almost the same way in every state and the candidates got more votes because there are obviously more voters? In any case it would be naïve to think that only Democrats cheat, you know both parties have been around for centuries so both have experience enough and are crooked enough to cheat as much as they can. In the case of the US I think the cheating by each party neutralizes the others cheating so in the end the elections more or less reflect what the people wanted when all is said and done.

I will let you know how conspiracy theories start and become popular, back in 2009 we had a coup, the guy who was president did some small stuff that favored the majority of poor people which was not liked by the elites not only of Honduras but of other countries too, don't get me wrong he was not a good president but he was leaving in seven months so there was no sense in ousting him. Anyway I was working for a multinational company and one day one of the mid level managers who of course backed the coup sent an email to everyone purportedly showing one of the guys who backed the ousted president giving money to the people they were paying to hold protests showing these protests did not represent anyone.

Now here comes the funny part, all of these managers came out to talk about how evil these guys were and that everyone should see these photo in the newspaper headlines to show that Chavez and Cuba were financing the protests, I don't know were they decided these guys were the financers but so it goes, and that whoever thought the coup was bad should just suck it up because here was proof of how evil the ex president was. Now they were talking about this when someone sent another e-mail saying he had zoomed in and what was being handed out was in reality cookies. Now this is how conspiracies start, anecdotes that are backed by nothing.

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