You Need Your Health to Achieve Your Goals

in #life7 years ago

As a student in the university, I always wanted to have "A" grade in my results although, in some courses, I end up having "B" grade. Well for an average student, "B" is a good one.

In my 200 level at the University, I decided that I wanted to have straight A's in all my courses and I was doing 15 courses. This wasn't impossible but the examination time table made it a little difficult. In the timetable, there was a day I had 4 courses which were major courses.


As determined as I was, I started reading. I read day and night, I read to an extent that I forgot to eat. The only thing on my mind was to have an "A", I did not take a break at all. When I got to the hall, I felt feverish, I could not write anything, My head ached and I was exhausted. To cut the story short, i tried my best to do something. When the result came out, I had 2 B's and 2 C's. To be sincere, if my health wasn't against me, I would have had "A's" all through.

I wouldn’t want to become the wealthiest man on the hospital bed or in the graveyard.


In other to achieve your goal, you need your health and that's why there is a need to take a break once in a while. When you work continuously without finding time to give yourself space, you might end up becoming a successful sick person.

One good thing about giving yourself a break is you have time to rest and regain enough energy and vitality for the task ahead.

Health is wealth, Ask a president on a sick bed how well he governs.


I know you have great dreams, and plans, most of us do but however lofty your dreams may be, or how promising your ideas might be, if you break down your health, you’ll have nothing else to do. You will remain as helpless as one who has no dream, getting back on your feet healthy will become your greatest goal and achievement.

In spite of the great task ahead of you, eating a balanced diet and checking your health regularly can go a long way in keeping you alive and long enough to achieve your dreams, and goals and to see the fulfilment of all your dreams.




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Well said @gbenga.

In other to achieve your goal, you need your health and that's why there is a need to take a break once in a while

Like they used to say in Yoruba, Ilera loro i.e Health is wealth. We need to be reminded of this always while working towards our goals. Thanks for sharing your personal experience. I hope you didnt develop ulcer?

A good yoruba man sited.

you are welcome.

Thanks @turpsy. I would have developed ulcer but i'm glad i didn't

I broke down few days ago and i realized i haven't had proper time to take care of myself... Thank God for those that surrounds me... Indeed , Health is wealth!

Thanks for sharing.

I hope you are getting better now, Please watch your health so you can enjoy the fruit of your labour

I sure will boss... Thank you sir.

its always good to read such motivational blogs, thanks for sharing good stuff...

My pleasure @raja, i hope you enjoyed it

Major Key, nothing beats good health. Steem on brother!

Eyan mi..... I'm glad to see you again bro. Hope you are doing well??

...always pleased going through your blog. Iwo sure gan🙌🏾

Oga Mi.... Twale for the boss

We all know this popular saying that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.. Yes, u would have made d A's if u were healthy but on the other hand it taught u great lesson which u are now teaching many of us here on steemit. Health indeed is wealth.

Indeed health is wealth. You cannot do much with bad health

very good motivation my friend. thank you for sharing something very useful @gbenga

I'm glad you liked it

Well said. health is Wealth.

Thanks @ememovic, sometimes we need to rest at one point so we do not exceed our elastic limit

Thus ensuring that Robert Hooke's law of elasticity is obeyed. lol

Exactly, health is wealth. I experienced such not quit long.

Wow!! A little rest will not break you, it will only help you gain more strength

Health is wealth and very essential in actualizing your goals.

My health is my greatest asset i must tell you

Food for thought! Hope our governments and rich individuals can help put Africa in good and bearable shape so that the poor masses can at least have access to quality meals and good medical care.

And for you @gbenga, Never give up in building people with such intuitive posts, indeed you're saving lives.

Thanks a lot @maxdevalue, We can make the world a better place together

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