Mysteries Are Best Kept As Mysteries

in #life6 years ago

The Untold Stories Are Better Untold while Reasons Behind Certain Action Are Best Not Explained To Man.

Disclaimer: This writing was just from the head and has nothing to do with any group or party. It is solely for entertainment and entertainment purposes only


I have taken time to look at a lot of things around the world. I had to do some painful researches and others deadly (c’mon, I do not mean I came face to face with death. Come to think of it, death is one of those mysteries.). After doing a lot of research, I concluded that humans are only giving the opportunity to grasp 20% knowledge of the uncontrollable things around the world while 80% of the knowledge to be acquired are mysteries. We don’t even understand them ourselves, we just agreed, believed and concluded that they exist and are true. The same way these things exists in the uncontrollable, they are in the controllable. When I mean controllable, I mean the things that we own, create and allow to exist. For every invention, innovation, business, and everything under human power, only 20% of the entire group knows the dark secrets, and only 20% of the 20% of the people that know the dark secret, knows the reason behind and for the dark secret.

It amazes you I guess? if you are surprised, that means you are part of the 80% that makes the numbers. Trust me, some people are wondering, we know the secret, but we have never asked why and what lead to this darkness… Hmm, that means you are part of the first 20% who keeps the table full and face the bullets when things are hot. I am sure the 20% of the 20% are not shocked because it is their game.

Let’s leave that aside, let us face the part we cannot control ourselves. The part we are left with no other option but to accept what we believe. If you do not know, the philosophy of life is one very challenging theory that is part of the 80% not known to man. Everyman is left to his own believe, everyman is left to his intuition.

The arrival of man on planet earth is one big mystery I do not tend to understand. The theory of evolution by Darwin is a big mystery that we all had to accept because it sounded sensible or proved to kill our thirst for the truth. The idea of gradual development of various types of plant, reptiles, mammals, microbes and other living things is believed to come from something smaller and I don’t know what that thing is. Apes are supposed to be man ancestors – I mean my ancestors and your ancestors- the Ape itself supposedly evolved from an ancient animal its existence cannot be proved with certainty. That is Science – complete mystery.


The same creation story can be taking down to every culture. As creation stories differ from one culture/tribe to another and the stories are propagated amongst the people. This people at this point all point to a supreme being, virtually all of them believe in a supernatural creator (Not superman, the popular comic hero), they all believe in a God factor. I will go a little into the one I am familiar with I terms of culture. Olodumare (largest, biggest, mighty and massive as the name implies) according to the Yoruba’s is the one and only supreme creator. Olodumare is believed to create Isalu Aye and Isalu Orun (the heavens and the earth). From the Yoruba creation story, Olodumare is believed to have four hundred and one servants called Irunmole. Among this Irumole, Olodumare has his favorites Orunmila, Obatala and Ogun. The Yoruba’s believe that Olodumare has a son called Ela. It is believed by the Yoruba’s that when Olodumare wanted to create the earth, he called his special servant and told them about his intentions (the 20% of the 20%). At the meeting, Olodumare gave a snail shell filled with sand, a palm kernel and a very old cock with five fingers (Where did all this come from… Well let’s continue) to Obatala (Obatala, Obatasa, Obatakun takun.. His Yoruba praise). Obatala came to the earth and poured the sand from the shell to the waters and placed the cock on the sand so it could spread the hip of sand to the entire earth, anywhere the sand touched became dry land (magic you will say, I call it mystery). The place where the sand was poured down is known as Ile-Ife (the believed origin and ancestral home of the Yoruba race). When the ground was formed, Obatala planted the Palm kernel which is believed to be the first tree on earth. After the creation of the earth, Olodumare summoned his special servants again and this time he summoned them because of the creation of Man. At this point Obatala (also known as Alamo) molded man with clay, Ogun (Akomonila) being the mark maker, marked the molded man’s palm and feet while Olodumare (Elemi) breathed life to man. Then Olodumare summoned Ajala (Alias Alagbede) the heaven blacksmith to bake man to prevent men from turning back to man when it rains. Ajala is also be the maker of head (Ori), that is housed by the skull.

I will end this myth here and will not go into the religious aspect at all. But we all see that we barely know 20% of the things that happens on earth. We are just allowed to believe what we want to or are forced to believe. This same mystery applies to death and the believe about life after death. This same mystery affects existence and purpose of human on earth.

Like I said, I will not be going into the aspect that we can handle or we have absolute control about because it is better a mystery to the 80% that makes the numbers and the first 20% that face the heat.

Signing out for now.


Hello friend, it has been a while bro. You still gat that magic touch of putting up a great content. I miss our talks and fun time.
We will hang-out together someday.

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