My Five Minute Life #6: PreK Nursery Duty at Church Today - Life Lesson: Use Your Nice Words!!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I volunteered in my church nursery this morning! 21 little people ready full of energy! What an experience. We can learn a lot in life from children!

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Remember in the 90's when the book, All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum was a huge bestseller? I remember it distinctly because I was a brand new teacher and every year I placed the huge poster of his sayings behind my desk for motivation.

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Here are some of my favorites:

Play fair.
Don't hit people.
Clean up your own mess.

Those are givens in life, eh? They seemed like no brainers in kindergarten, they certainly did in the 90's, and they still ring true today. No matter how old I get, I catch myself reminding myself,

And it is still true, no matter how old you
are - when you go out into the world, it is best
to hold hands and stick together.

Today, I volunteered in the nursery at my church. I am in the PreK baby room once a month. I have them from birth until they are out of diapers. I adore my Sunday with the babies. I am sooo ready to be a grandmother. My oldest daughter is buying time on giving me a grandchild by heading off to live the cosmo life in New York City soon, so I pacify my need to be a nana by taking care of the babies once a month.

We can learn alot about life from babies. I found myself telling a few today, "Use your nice words." Those are such important words. If only we each took that advice each day. I know there are many times when I get frustrated or tired and I could certainly stand for someone to gently say, "Use your nice words." It is certainly a struggle for me.

We can learn much about how we should speak to others from scripture. Here is a favorite of mine:

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."Ephesians 4:29

"But only such as is good for building up." <-Oh, how important a reminder.

I built a few castles with blocks today. I pick up a whole bunch of broken cookies. And, I spoke very sweetly to many souls. I shouldn't reserve that behavior for just the nursery.

Pray it forward ...
Blessings, Gator

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Such a great lesson, all of us have our moments when we just want to scream and shout but hey as long as we recognize that fact we will learn each time just a bit more! i really enjoy glimpsing into your five-mihnute life!

Thank you! I adore my time with the little ones! Tomorrow, it’s back to teaching teens. They give back some good lessons, too! I’m sure I’ll get plenty five minute musings out of my days. Glad you enjoy! Thx Blessings!

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