Hello Steemit!, come with me to meet a Traditional Tabaco Plantation in CubasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody as some of you may know, my name is Gabriel,
im a painter from Venezuela who happen that found this platform to share with people,
experiences and special moments, so this time i will like to recreate the moment when
i went to this amazing place retired from all the noice of the city, on the island of Cuba.

So, in the following lines i will be describing as i present photo's that i took with my girldfriend's Camera

Well, it is located at Villa de Viñales "Pinar del Rio" province, in the country of Cuba : considered part of Latin America. It is a multiethnic country whose people, culture and customs derive from diverse origins and also considered one of the best Tabaco producers in the world (for those who smoke, of course!)
But, in the defence of this place to still continue what they do i must say that this is diferent from cigarrettes and it is quite traditional and no a transnational ruinning hectare's.

Nice views if you look around with plenty of vegetation and greens, with a lot of sun hiting you all the way.
Be carefull, you may get used to it.

There is a Little lake for ducks to swim

This is the first look of the place its called "Bohio" or "La Vega" by the people who live there,"Bohio" by the tribe Tahinos native from Caribean Islands while in Venezuela is called "Churuata" in any way is just a house holded by pilars joinned in the top in form of a cone with a circular base covered by leafs. but in this case they preserve the normal squared house type.

As you go foward you find that there are more things that just Tabaco in this little Farm.

[Im sorry, gottacatchthemall]

The duck is Ok, he have a nice life dont worry, i think they dont like to eat ducks, i hope. oh dear lord...rip.

[And another nice view from different angle]

near the entrance of the house they raise a family of bunnies, lovely food.

[Notes for the readers]
Before the arrival of the Spanish, Cuba was inhabited by three distinct tribes of American Indian people. The Taíno (an Arawak people), the Guanajatabey, and the Ciboney people.
The ancestors of the Ciboney migrated from the mainland of South America, with the earliest sites dated to 5,000 BP.
The Taíno arrived from Hispanola sometime in the 3rd century A.D. When Columbus arrived they were the dominant culture in Cuba, having an estimated population of 150,000
The name "Cuba" comes from the native Taíno language. It is derived from either coabana meaning "great place," or from cubao meaning "where fertile land is abundant".

This is the Plantation, you can see the tobaco plants at the right side of the picture

beautifull nature with flowers and intentions of moving foward.

And the seeds

so we went inside because you know, thats how we roll, and we met one of the farmers, his name was Jesus Lopez, and he was giving us this amazing tour for all the place.

(The inside where they hang the leafs looks like this)

We went inside and we buy him the real "#$%% haha
Hand Made Tabaco Puro Havano Glued with Honey

So Mr "Jesus" took three diferent leafs of tabaco, one to give it the body, other to give aroma, and the "Buqué" one its what it will taste in the smoke. 90% of the prodution of each veguera family is owed to the state ... paying $ 100 a ton
10% the family stays to consume and sell ... and besides making the tobacco themselves free of chemicals sell much cheaper than the state

[Craftmanship + 10]

And Voilá.

"Light it up son!."

He doesnt like that we smoke, he is a sport person very healthy <3

At the end we all did it and it wass fun, we are going to die sooner than those who dindt do it, and with yellow teeths yay, and maybe angrier.

So My dear steemit friends, we have come to the end of this post, i hope you stay in touch so you can see what happen to this little guy in this humble, distant, and warm farm of tabaco!

So remember Kids, dont smoke, but if you already screw it and you do it, dont forget that Cuban Tabaco is great, but this type, directly from the farm!.

See you soon and i hope you like the visit. Goodbye!


haha que buen post hermano, le voy a dar un gran re-steem!.. siempre es bueno ver otros venezolanos por acá!

Muchas gracias por el apoyo, me alegra que disfrutaras la lectura un saludo doquiera que estes, estamos a la orden haha

Bienvenido a esta gran comunidad

muchas gracias luisucv34 thanks alot

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