How it was growing up as a Giant!

in #life8 years ago

Fyrstikken XXL

When I was a little boy... For me that has never been the case. Growing up, I was always a head taller then everyone else in my age-group which gave me a few unpleasant challenges as a kid.

The first challenge was that everybody treated me like as if I was older then I was, which of course stimulated my brain to grow faster in intellect but at the same time made me a bit of a social outcast.

The second challenge was that I constantly was bullied by gangs of normal-sized kids a few years older than me. What they would do was that they ganged up to pick on me for whatever reason they could think about, and then the smallest kid in the group would kick me or hit me and the rest would stand around like a protection-gang for the smallest guy and would all jump in and beat me with whatever weapons they had.

One time I got beaten with a baseball-bat, another time someone held my face to the ground and tried to set my hair on fire with a lighter that didn't work.

I have always been a gentle giant, and from my perspective up in the sky - I see how the world of small people works, from up here I have a better perspective on life then the crowds will ever have down there.

So from age 7, I isolated myself in the schools library, and became a master reader as I went through all the books in the shelves one after another until I at age 9 had read every single book they had there, including the atlas and the encyclopedias.

You see, I observed one thing: Dumb kids don´t go to the library, they go to the soccer-field. So the library was my safe-haven, and all my teachers was OK with that.

The challenges only happened outside the school-building, specially on my way to and from - which made me figure out different routes to use simply to avoid any confrontations, but one day in the school-yard I retaliated hard.

There was a girl that I liked more then any girl at school, and one day she talked to me - and I couldn't believe it. We was talking there, me and her for a few minutes and then from nowhere this 12 year old kid comes up behind me and pulls down my pants in front of her.

It was the most embarrassing thing I had ever experienced, standing there in the school-yard with my pants down while everyone was laughing, including the girl that I liked.

A teacher came in and broke up the circle that had gathered around, my blood ran hot through my wains. The teacher told me and the 12 year old kid who pulled down my pants to come with her to talk about what had happened, so we walked over to the corner of the school-building.

I said exactly what had happened, the 12 year old kid pulled my pants down - and the 12 year old kid laughing while he said "It was only for fun" - then the teacher said that I should forgive him, shake hands and be friends - but my inner demon told me to screw that advice.

so as I turned to the 12 year old kid to shake his hand - in a break of a sentence I pushed his head with all my forces and all my strength to the very corner of the concrete building - he did not see that one coming - and I broke his skull open in an epic splash so hard that blood splattered on both sides of the school-building.

The kid fell to the ground as a sack of rice while the teachers separated us and started holding his head together. The ambulance came and picked him up - sent him away to get stitched - his family decided to sell the house and move to another town, and I was kicked out of school.

After that day, at the age of 9 - nobody bullied me again, in fact - all the parents decided in a meeting to not let their own kids play with me anymore as I had gained the reputation of being the most dangerous crazy freak in town, everybody knew what I had done, but nobody bothered to ask why I did what I did.

The reason I don´t want to fight is that I fear for the life of my opponent, imagine that.

I have been in a lot of fights during my life, a lot of them - I never started any, but I won them all.

In the end there is only peace.


Wow. Very interesting set of life events. Sometimes I think life sort of has some twisted way of making certain events or "things" happen or follow us. Sort of like a magnetism. Take me for instance. For some reason in my life very VERY weird shit happens. I usually end up telling people the story and they think I've made it up but it really happen.

you should write them down, I´ll read them - I love weird turn of event stories.

When I run out of my own little stories, I´ll start writing fiction - but then I will inform about that it is fiction.

Being a kid growing up bigger than most my age, i totally get it! At some point a lids gonna snap! I love your writting. I'll be back for more ;)

Do you feel bad about breaking that kid's head open? That was a bit out of proportion I would say. Not exactly Ender Wiggin in the shower room.

It was the best experience of my life - up until then I had been living in fear walking around with my head down, traumatized by all the violence and at some point wanted to kill myself - so no, I don´t regret what I did - it was the turning point in my life from being the victim to becoming the victor. Whenever I have a bad day, I can re-live that moment and be happy again.

I guess I can see that but the kid and his parents would justifiably be upset with you, unless that specific kid had a history of physical violence against you. Also, did your parents have to pay the kid's head-reattaching bills?

A sad tale of unexpected bullying. Thanks for posting. As a painfully average sized person (5'10, 175lbs) I just always assumed big people had an easy life of people respecting them. Never underestimate the cruelty of youth I guess.

I wonder how people growing up today have it in their schools. I´m sure the world has not become a better place since I were young.

Fascinating story! It's so strange that people would want to challenge you or try to bully you when you were younger. It's great you channeled your energies on other activities because your songs are hilarious.

well, remember that it was not the kids at my age that picked on me - it was older kids.

...and I broke his skull open in an epic splash so hard that blood splattered on both sides of the school-building

Wow, I didn´t see that coming when I was reading either lol.

Looking forward to reading more stories from you!

I´ll try and write a memory from time to time. Thank you for the comment.

What a story. Good to see you made it through.
Do you lift weights?

I worked for a publishing house when I was 13, carrying crates of books from the first floor to the third floor and back down after they had been packaged and ready to send out to the book-club, I have done my fair share of lifting, so no - I don´t lift weights :)

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