Is Justice Really Blind? Sometimes It Should Not Be | Why?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Blind Justice. It should always be that way. It is for both the rich and the poor. Both men and women. But there is a real bothering issue if justice is served to everyone... or injustice.

Why Is Justice Should Supposed To Be Blind?

Impartiality should always be seen whether a person is rich / influential and also even the poor / the unprivileged when faced to a court trial. With today's cases that justice is being prolonged because of the lack of proper resources of the government, the schedule of the hearing of the accused is stretched until such time the number of years MOST accused or detainees overlaps the maximum years of their sentence. A sad case of slow justice. Justice delayed, justice denied.

This kind of Justice system are in favor of the ones who can afford to pay for the bail while they are waiting for their scheduled court hearing. Too bad for those who are detained in the prison cells of each Police Station Units where they are held captives until they are transferred to the real correctional facilities set by the judge's verdict (and be called convicts).

As each detainee or the accused is being litigated, gathering of evidences should be presented to the courts to strengthen the involvement of that person, sometimes the detainee is just not willing to cooperate because of the lack of the chances they are being visited by their loved ones where they are detained. Justice then is not served well. There are also cases where the evidences are being planted during a raid operation at this point here in the Philippines the "War On Drugs" are being heightened by the President of the country. Just for the Police Officers or Respondents would be able to hit the quotas set by their department heads (This is according to many individuals I have talked to). Justice is already altered whatever is due to these people being captured. There would be many cases that we can consider how one experience injustice. It is just up to us how we will be able to stay strong and deal with it.

Justice should be given to those who will turn themselves to a better person and will not be a liability to the community and in the bigger scale, to the economy or the society.

Some people who are able to have the opportunity to bail themselves out are still doing the same deeds over and over again despite the fact that being held by the authorities should be the greatest lesson not to commit any unlawful acts anymore.

Investigations should also be really intensive so that it should really come up with hard evidences that would lead to the involvement of the accused to the right verdict beyond any reasonable doubt. A person accused should really be sincere and honest to all of his testimonies when placed into trial. Having a good counsel most of the times leads to absolution of the defendant. Lack of evidences or tampered ones will also lead to real confusion to what's the truth. "Areglo" between both parties will also just leave the case(s) forgotten. As for the judges being paid to release the sentence favorable to the one who paid is also a great factor for Justice NOT served (though these claims are not yet really proven because there is no way to contact the judge who handles the cases personally).

So why Justice should NOT be blind sometimes and what are the factors to consider to be in one's favor?

Most of the times the rich and influential accused parties are the ones getting the favor of the judge for the right price. Sometimes if the poor people can actually make their stories more heart-touching, the judge's decision are being carried by the story. If a person will have the chance to become a better person and be a great asset to the society, they should really be given the favorable verdict by the judge which also considers the weight of the cased filed. The accused should agree to be under surveillance if this person is already living on the right track.

It should always come from within ourselves to be responsible of our own acts and deeds. We should always be mindful of what are the laws of the land. Let us always be a good citizen of our nation and be a great part of its growing economy.

Thank you very much my dear friends for reading my blog as we all know the condition of the people behind bars are not really doing any good at these times. So, let us not break any laws for us to avoid being called outlaws. This is just my own perception of what Justice is, here in our country. I still believe that the truth will always prevail.

Follow me @fycee for more intriguing social issues we should be aware-of.

The worst condition to be a victim of circumstance is to be convicted with something you are innocent of doing

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“it is better a hundred guilty persons should escape than one innocent person should suffer.” - Benjamin Franklin

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