All About New Lifestyle Technology - Digital Showers

in #life6 years ago (edited)

A digital shower is one of the new bathroom technologies that has improved the shower experience for many homeowners. Many people are abandoning their traditional shower systems to install digital ones in their homes.

If you have not had the digital shower experience, you may wonder what the fuss is all about. What you need is some information to understand what this new shower technology entails. Most people that don't have this new age shower lack it because they are unaware of its benefits.

Others do not even know what it is hence they err on the side of familiarity and choose to stick to the traditional shower model. If you are such a person, let me explain what digital shower control technology is and what it can do for you.

What is a Digital Shower?

A digital bathroom shower is a shower system with an inbuilt thermostat. The thermostat connects to an external control unit you can use to control the temperature of the water you get when showering. The control unit also determines the flow of water as well. Some showers connect to the control unit through wireless technology while others use cable.

You may wonder what the big deal is about temperature control when using a shower? Well, if you have ever suffered a burst of cold water on your body during a hot shower, you would understand the importance.

In traditional shower models, the temperature of shower water can change based on external factors. For example, if someone else in the house is using a hot water appliance, your shower will shift from hot to cold.

With the digital system, you have full control of your water temperature, and external factors cannot affect it. So you start and end your shower with hot water with no interruptions or unwanted temperature changes.

You can also change the water temperature whenever you like when using a digital shower. All you need to do is key in your preferred water temperature in the shower display.

The controls are connected to the thermostat so that it can change the temperature based on the references you key into the control console.

Can you imagine the luxury of programming the water temperature you prefer for your shower, and the joy of having it stay that way throughout your bath! It is a primary reason why consumers are letting go of traditional shower units and installing digital showers in their homes these days.

Other Benefits of using a Digital Shower

Apart from the temperature control console, there are other advantages of using a digitized shower system. These are;

- Remote control access

Using a digitized shower system allows you to control the shower even when you are outside of it. You can buy a shower system that comes with a remote control you can use externally.

It allows you to set the temperature you prefer from the comfort of your bed, step into the shower, and have the water at the perfect temperature for you.

It means that with a remote control digitized shower system, you don't have to stand under cold water waiting for the bath water to get hot enough for you to take a shower.

You also don't have to leave the water running in the bath to let the cold water out as you wait for the water to get hot enough to bathe. In this way, a smart shower system helps you save time, effort and money.

- Quick and easy installation

You may think that it takes a lot of time and effort to install such a smart shower system. The truth is smart technology showers are surprisingly easy to install and manage.

The thing about modern appliances is that they are simplified yet more powerful. So you can exchange your traditional shower system with an advanced digital shower system without any hassle.

- Compatible with many systems

Digital showers work with most heating and water systems. It reduces the work that you have to do during installation. Since you don't have to change everything including the connections to water systems or the heating systems- it's quite convenient.

It doesn't matter if you have an immersion heater or a combi-boiler system, you can install a digital system in your bathroom with ease.


Many traditional showers require that you install the shower mixer with the shower fittings. It gives the bathroom a busy look and is not discreet.

However, with the digital option, you can hide the mixer in the loft, behind the shower panels or in wall cavities and leave only the shower control system in sight. It gives the bathroom shower unit a clean, modern, elegant look that is very attractive.

- Easy to use

The idea of pre-programming the water temperature is enough to make a digital shower easy to use. Anyone can key in numbers into the shower console and pick the water temperature that he/she desires.

When you use a digital system, you will forget the days when you had to fiddle with the cold and warm shower knobs trying to get your bathing water to feel just right. It's a major reason why digital bathroom systems are light years from their traditional counterparts and are finding their way into more households these days.

You can even purchase a digital shower that you control from an app in your smartphone - how convenient is that!

Factors to consider before you buy a Digital Shower

Now that you know what a digital shower is and its benefits, maybe you want to purchase a unit. Unfortunately, confusion sets in and you wonder how to go about it. Of course, all you need to do is to place an order - but its good to know what your options are so that you make the right choice.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a digital shower for your home, but for details read this buying guide here.

1. Do you want wireless or cable?

Digital shower systems are available with wireless or cable connections. An advantage of a wireless shower is that you can control it remotely.

A cable connection is also not bad, but it will cut down on your luxury shower experience. Also, wireless shower consoles are more discreet as compared to cable shower systems.

2. Your water supply system

The water supply system in your bathroom will determine the type of digital shower you can install. Gravity -fed shower systems require a shower with a pump, while combi -boiler systems don't need a pump.

So before you pick out a digitized shower system, make sure you know what your water system is to ensure you pick the right one.

3. Technology

Your digital shower system can be as fancy or as simple as you want so it's up to you to make a compatible choice with your preferences. You can choose a shower system with a remote, or you can pick one where you walk into the shower stall and input your preferences on an LCD touch screen console.

You can also select a system that gives you the option to control your shower from an app on your phone. In this way, smart bathroom systems provide you with a lot of choices so you can pick the best modern shower system for your home.

4. Water outlet

You can choose a dual or single water outlet for your digital shower system. A single outlet means you can only have the system connected to a shower head or bathtub but not both. A double outlet allows you to have the digital controls for your shower head as well as your tub.

You can make a choice depending on what you like between taking showers or having baths and pick a single outlet shower system. Alternatively, you can select a dual outlet digital shower system and enjoy the technology when using both your shower and bath.

Smart bathroom installations such as the digital shower are about comfort as well as efficiency. They improve your bathroom experience and are a great option.

It's time to step away from the traditional bathroom systems and go digital because the benefits make it worthwhile. So why don't you purchase and install your digital bath and shower system today!

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