Don't trust anybody!

in #life6 years ago


Well what prominent to be a Well deserved eventing with some mates for some or other reason turned out into a bitch fight!
Without going into details I had a fierce discussion with some of my closest mates. At a moment I just stood up, paid my part of the bill to prevent the damage to go even further!
I rarely raise my voice with my mates. And with rarely I do mean really rarely! Never is a bettor word but tonight I did feel insulted! So I raised my voice, explained why I did feel insulted, stood up, paid my part of the bill and went home!

Lesson learned you feeling and ideas aren't safe with anybody besides yourself, your wife and maybe even your kids. Maybe you could stretch this to your parents and brothers and sisters! But the line stops there! Everything you say will and could be used against you! Regardless how good you think your relationship is with your mates!
It will take some time to let this sink in! Never did see this coming! Also I am still doubtful why his reaction to me was so personal. The discussion was about a person outside of the 3 of us! I did say nothing about my friend!
So I am still baffled what happened!

So, I always try to keep muppets feelings to myself! Even my wife doesn't know all my feelings. This is just how I am!
And this evening proved why!
I will never again express my feelings or opinions without that it is necesarry!
I am still furious! Really furious and still feel insulted! The good thing is that he knows it! I did made this pretty clear to hi before I left!
So from now on the only thing that does matter it my wife and the kids!
Flick the other!

Sorry to bother you with this! I had to write it off me! We will see what life has in petto for me!
It could be that I will pause steemit for a while! Still baffled what happened!
The problem is that I will see him next Saturday at a home poker game and that we will have breakfast with his family on Sunday! Guess that I will probably skip next Saturday and bite my lip on Sunday! It will be a great atmosphere I can tell you that!

For all the ones (5 or so) that got this far! Thanks for reading this! Cu soon or not! Let's see which wisdom the night will bring!


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