
in #life7 years ago (edited)

I like when the robots clean for us.

That's our friend, the DeeBot.

It's almost therapeutic, to have it buzzing around in the background while you're doing other things.

My favorite part is to wipe off the counters and just deliberately spill everything onto the floor, knowing the DeeBot will scoop it up at some point. (And I admit, I've done the same concept with whatever random debris I might be holding, rather than walk it to the trash.)

Usually I don't support having clean floors. It seems wasteful. You don't want your home to have anything unpleasant about it. But that there might be dust and dirt and debris laying around doesn't seem to actually matter, other than vacuuming it up is a standard we all generally live by. It seems similar to keeping a lawn. A lot of work for no real purpose other than just to show people you jumped thru the hoops, and this signals that you're respectable or whatever.

But with the DeeBot, now I can be the person with clean floors and also maintain my integrity.

Cleaning in general

In my experience, a lot of people are weird about cleaning. It can show up if you live in any kind of shared space environment.

My first experience with this was in college, when we lived in a "suite" of, I think, 6 different rooms and a shared common area.

I get home one night, and this one girl informs me that they were at dinner and voted on a new policy where we'll all take turns being the designated cleaner for that week. (They already had a majority, so it didn't matter how I voted.)

Besides the questionable nature of thinking my life should bend and weave based on what they talked about at dinner and how many people raised their hands.. my first thought is basically "..why?"

Keep in mind it's a campus dorm. It's setup as a "suite", but it's a dorm. Staff comes in and cleans the common room and bathroom just as they would any dorm. So the basic standards that everyone would agree we need are already being met.

So the only purpose of the weekly cleaner would be to do over the top things like dust behind the television, or pick up the clutter other people leave around.

So obviously things like "let's all agree to pick up our mess" would work better. But she wasn't grasping this and was insisting that they already had the vote and that's just how it's gonna be.

So I'm just, "nah".

(It's so cute how they wanted to be little statists, but didn't realize that it doesn't work without guns and armies behind them.)

There are probably some versions of me that would have gone along with this. (Like, if I was asked how I felt about it, rather than made to feel I had no choice.) Still, I didn't spend that much time at the suite. I wouldn't "lounge around" as much as others. So I could see where this is going. One week out of six I clean up after them, is basically how it would work.

", I'm not doing that"

You guys can do it, but leave me out of the rotation. I'll just pick up after myself, and let me know if there's ever an issue. (Was my basic response.)

And she's just lost for how to respond to me. It was like she didn't realize this was possible, like there's a glitch in her perception of how things work now.

And of course they all thought I was selfish and this and that etc. #projection

Even the little wannabe tyrants that they were, they probably would have realized that you can't go out to dinner and pass a rule that everyone has to be in bed by 8 o'clock. Like whether or not you appreciate that voting just shouldn't work like that, it would just be obvious that something about what you're saying isn't right.

But when cleaning is the topic, people very easily become weird and statist.

At the time I didn't know anything about voluntarism and bigger philosophical concepts and how morally bankrupt most people are -- and how they can feed off and reinforce each other. And so probably a part of me wondered if I was just being strident and selfish or something.

It's just easy to wonder that when it's [everyone else] who thinks one thing and [only you] thinking another thing. But at the same time it also seemed kind of clear and obvious that they were in the wrong, so I didn't worry too much about that.

Blenders everywhere

The funniest part about that whole thing is I guess they didn't realize that I was serious that I wasn't going to be a part of the rotation. (They even bitched and moaned about it, and I thought it was settled.)

And so I came home one night and apparently there was a party. Used blenders laying around, cups everywhere. "Hmm, ok."

It's still there a day or two later. "Hmmm. Ok."

And eventually they ask me when I'm gonna clean it up.


And of course they didn't get the answer they were hoping for.

I was really happy about this aspect of it, because it pushed it to the point of basically a perfect illustration of why my objection was reasonable. That you should be able to throw a party and somebody else cleans it up for you. That the "weekly cleaner" would just be a tragedy of the commons sort of thing where now 5 people out of 6 have incentive to be lazy and messier than they normally would be, and worse for everyone overall.

It's my firm belief that cleaning brings out the inner statist in people.

Most people are normal.

My philosophy with cleaning is that it's not really rocket science: That you should basically clean in proportion to how much you make things dirty. (And personally I try to err hard on the side of making sure I clean a little bit more than I need to, just to be sure.)

So I do want to point out that most people, in my experience, are totally normal and have a normal attitude towards this stuff.

It's just that to whatever extent they do have an inner statist that wants to get out there, cleaning will often be how that manifests.

I guess it's like the microcosm version of climate or one of those issues where it's sooo hard for them to see how it might get done without them being busybodies about it.


Are ya kidding me? You got a robot to do your cleaning? Awesome!

Usually I don't support having clean floors.

haha epic. Ya know i've never really thought about it that way, but now that I think about it you're totally right.

(It's so cute how they wanted to be little statists, but didn't realize that it doesn't work without guns and armies behind them.)

haha. epic GOAT. I envy you, bro. I mean currently I don't live alone; I scot at my friend's alongside about three other dudes, and everytime it's always like do this, do that, you gotta earn your keep, blah blah blah. And it's crazy cos unlike you I cant even say no, even when I know that if I was on my own or at a place where I got a choice honestly I'm saying hell no!

And it ain't even about not wanting to do the shii like you said, but like hey its gotta be my decision too, if I was alone I'd do shii at my own time at my own discretion, not cos you or any freaking committee said so ya know?

It's my firm belief that cleaning brings out the inner statist in people.

haha epic deduction bro!

"haha epic. Ya know i've never really thought about it that way, but now that I think about it you're totally right."

Ya! And tbh if I ever owned a home, I may keep a lawn.. depending what kind of neighborhood it is.. just because it can be nice to get along and be a normal neighbor and stuff. It would kind of be funny to be a person with a lawn too.

But I'd be aware of how silly it is, and in general I'd rather we grew trees and vines and little mini food forests instead.

haha. epic GOAT. I envy you, bro. I mean currently I don't live alone; I scot at my friend's alongside about three other dudes, and everytime it's always like do this, do that, you gotta earn your keep, blah blah blah. And it's crazy cos unlike you I cant even say no, even when I know that if I was on my own or at a place where I got a choice honestly I'm saying hell no!

And it ain't even about not wanting to do the shii like you said, but like hey its gotta be my decision too, if I was alone I'd do shii at my own time at my own discretion, not cos you or any freaking committee said so ya know?

Ya that seems annoying. If it's your friend's house, like he's letting you stay there for free, or I guess even if you're paying him but there isn't a lease or anything, it seems like you're kind of stuck, like "my house my rules" sort of thing.

Even still, imo it should never be "do this, do that" in the moment. Like to whatever extent you need to "earn your keep", he could let you know ahead of time like what that entails or what's generally expected of you. I feel like (no matter whose house it is etc) it should just never come down to sending specific orders in the moment.

I'd say you should bring it up to him but you never know how people will react, and I'd expect (no idea really, just going by this little bit of info and how people are in general) he might lowkey like sending the orders, like it makes him feel strong and good. And so even if you were plenty pulling your weight, he'd still miss the aspect of being the guy who sends the orders. So he'll find ways to say nothing else works well besides him telling you what to do.

But ya, does seem like you're experiencing statism with cleaning!!

haha, ya bro, definitely, I might keep a lawn myself too, lol.

he might lowkey like sending the orders,

haha, naa I don't think so. He's good people. I guess it's just sort of an ego thing, I guess, but ya also kinda right, but not like cos he's bad or anything but like cos its an inherent human attribute to sort of want to push people around and stuff, so ya defintely I do some things that gets overlooked due to that nature.

Say no to inherent statism!

Ya, for sure, I'd need to know more about what exactly happens to have a stronger opinion, was just throwing that possibility out there!

But ya, it wouldn't be anything weird or that makes him bad or anything.. just a subtle thing, like that's just the behavior he's used to and maybe some small satisfaction out of being the boss or whatever.

And anyways it seems like a totally mild thing, not like the roommates in the situation I described. With them it's more manipulative and complicated, with your friend it's like "yo dude, take care of this" and it's kind of just straightforward and whatever.

Ahh the tyranny of the majority. Yeah that system would never work. It actually encourages people to be more messy then they normally. When it's not your week you will A) be more messy (or at least you'll have no incentive to be less messy) B) be less inclined to do little things like pick a wrapper up off the floor.

Did you even voluntarily decide to live with the people or were people just selected to live in the dorm/suite at random by the university? They mustve gotten indoctrinated by Communist professors pretty quick.

The only community rules for cleaning I would abide by are that everyone cleans after a party the next day.

By the way, I've always wanted one of those robot-slaves. Do they do kicthen floors AND vacuum?

Tyranny of the majority! Exactly. Ya, totally warps the incentives.

And ya, after a party everyone should just clean. Having the designated weekly cleaner do it just creates the dumb thing where you never want to have a party on your week. And really it would probably deteriorate to the kind of thing where someone eventually complains that they're getting stuck with more parties and stuff than other people and someone else should clean this time, and then you're not even following the rotation anymore.

Did you even voluntarily decide to live with the people or were people just selected to live in the dorm/suite at random by the university? They mustve gotten indoctrinated by Communist professors pretty quick.

My own doing! lol. It was semi-accidental in the sense that it was like a group of friends from freshman year dorm, but we all became a little clique. (Obv no agreement about the rotation thing ahead of time.)

The robot slave is good! It doesn't seem to do anything special on the kitchen floors.. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it just goes over them like a vacuum cleaner would. So you might decide you still want a mop. But it works on that terrain for sure.

There might be other robots with more features who will actually mop.

Even though I like to have clean floors I wouldn’t agree with your roommate either. When I had a roommate and this girl liked having clean everything, we cleaned after ourselves and paid her to do the bigger staf. Robot vacuum is very useful though. I like these litle fellas.

Haha ya. That's a reasonable compromise. Maybe you even went too far, depending how much you paid I guess.

Like if you have a higher standard than others, you don't get to assume yours is the most reasonable and they should necessarily have to live by that.

There's some give and take, like if you know someone has a high standard, it's nice to do a little more. But they should also realize that it's all just subjective and you should meet somewhere in between, rather than at exactly what their preference is.

I think often people who are neat freaks think there's something holy about their preference, like everyone just automatically has to have this same standard. But then like if somebody else had the standard of "I need all the floors to be polished with a toothbrush every day", they'd quickly realize that it just shouldn't actually work like that.

I think the idea of everyone picking up after themselves is the better way to go. I would have rebelled too!

My favorite part of this is to wipe off the counters and just deliberately spill everything onto the floor, knowing the DeeBot will scoop it up at some point.

I always was interested in this kind of robot. It’s funny, because recently I watched cat riding one of these, they love it.
I agree with you on this rotating rule. Everyone should clean after themsel. It never ends well if there is too many rules, you could feel as if you are in prison as well.

Right, it's like they're so worried about the possibility of somebody, maybe, not pulling their full weight, that they create a system that guarantees it to not be fair for everyone, only to a much larger degree than what they were afraid of.

(Sounds so familiar.)

Lol, love the cat riding the robot!!!

Yo! Wow, I have only seen those robots in movies. Are they really that convenient? I mean do they work flawless or are there some downsides too bout those cleaners?
I hate cleaning as well haha - although vacuuming is not the worst part about that; still handy to have such a helper, I guess.
And fuck your roommates (no offense though haha). I mean, that really does not seem necessary at this kind of dorm. Your idea is better, I think, with simply picking up everyone's own mess...
However, I generally agree with you here bro. (;

They work pretty flawless! If there's a stain or something then obv you'll need to fix it yourself, but as a vacuum cleaner it seems pretty solid. It goes over the hard floor too, but if you have high standards maybe you'd still want to mop, not sure.

Ya! Those roommates are old history, but it's one of those funny stories that stands out to me. How they can be so sure they're in the right, but really they're being weird as heck.

Kk. So to sum it up, such a robot is a quite good replacement of a vacuum cleaner. I probably just have to try it myself and buy one haha. Thx though!
Yeah, I believe you. Some people just want to be right - always haha. Should think more before they talk... and then they are speaking of fairness haha.

Ya, I'd say it should be thought of as a vacuum cleaner substitute. There are different price points tho and different models that have different features. I wouldn't be surprised if some could identify stains or work more as a mop... not sure.

I'm actually not totally sure what the DeeBot can and can't do. It hasn't really been tested yet, and I didn't read up too much on it. It seems like basically a vacuum cleaner but maybe it will surprise me.

Alright. Haha, and then I end up having two or three haha. One as a vacuum cleaner, one mop,... :D
As I have seen in the comments it can also be used as a toy for cats lol.
Seriously, keep us updated man!

I will! hahah

Rocket science....what do you mean..hahah

How can i get one of those. Its really cool.

hey @pijon, you can just do a google or Amazon search for "roomba" .. I think Roomba is like the best known brand. And then other brands will showup too.

Not sure what the product is actually called, I guess maybe like "robotic vacuum cleaner".

DeeBot was a little cheaper and got good reviews on Amazon.

There are different price points and different features and all that.

Thanks Man.


I so love those robots it's save me so much time and make my life so much easier

ya they're really a joy .. it's all fun and games until they flip the pancake and they become the boss!

Nice you post friend
I like this

glad you like it!!!

Certainly any friend who is best for you friend

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